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Why is the Media Silent on the Obama Birth Certificate Question? by Michael Bresciani

Why is the Media Silent on the Obama Birth Certificate Question? by
Article Posted: 12/01/2008
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Why is the Media Silent on the Obama Birth Certificate Question?

Current Affairs,Advice,Christianity
Why has every major news source in the United States almost totally blacked out all reference to the Hawaiian Obama birth certificate controversy?

In layman’s terms the mainstream media may be afraid of showing up with egg on its face. Yet, the question about the allegedly fraudulent COLB (certificate of live birth) doesn’t want to go away. It is more than simple curiosity that is driving the quest; it is a strong desire for the truth and the hope of avoiding a constitutional crisis that would be unparalleled in our entire history as a nation.

The media recently reported Barack Obama’s choice of a corned beef sandwich for his lunch. The question about his Blackberry phone has gotten more media attention than the birth certificate question. The politicos and media that follow the President Elect are looking more like the paparazzi than a group of professional journalists. What’s wrong with this picture; here are a few possibilities.

Besides the obvious, like the fear of embarrassment some have suggested that it is an attitude of “possession is nine tenths of the law.” He won a landslide; America has spoken so why bother with insignificant howbeit bothersome minor details. He has got the ball so let him run with it!

The idea is that winning is more important than keeping the rules is anything but American. The next time a whistle blows on the field in a NFL game won’t the whole game stop in its tracks and wait for the announcement of the referee. Isn’t this a far more grave matter than a flag going down in a football game?

Another possibility is that ignoring the matter will to some degree contain it. Leaving it alone will make it look like it’s only a few discontented fringe groups or sore losers who are making waves and they can be ignored.

The timing might seem wrong as in who would dare proclaim out loud that they hate rock music in the middle of a Kiss concert. Conservatives it seems are loathe to become overtly vociferous while the liberals and Dem’s are at the peak of the honeymoon stage and still celebrating their spectacular win.

But the timing is actually perfect because if the question is not answered until after the inauguration every executive order or law Barack Obama has enacted will be nullified. Ambassador Alan Keyes was the first one to point out this salient fact but neither the media nor the courts seem to be taking this fact too seriously at the moment.

Conservative media seems to be largely ignoring the question. Hannity has taken to airing the Roswell UFO conspiracy; Beck and O’Reilly are relatively silent while Limbaugh may be the only talk show personality who has spent any time at all on the subject.

The idea that there are only a few internet bloggers who care about it makes it seem like a trivial matter. The offering of the COLB which now appears to be fraudulent was not made in the mainstream broadcast media but on the internet (Kos) so painting it to be the rantings of a few discontented internet bloggers doesn’t fly well at all. The insult if there is any, is not to internet bloggers but to the constitution and the laws of the United States. Isn’t that newsworthy?

World Net Daily the largest independent conservative news source on the internet has begun to take signatures from people across the country to petition the congress to demand the vaulted copy of the Obama birth certificate. At the writing of this article signatures were coming in at the rate of 1000 per hour. Someone is paying attention and it would be absurd to think they are all just a band of sore losers and malcontents.

Alan Keyes who has filed suit in California to block the 55 electoral votes from being counted until Barack Obama verifies his citizenship is keeping the readers of his site, Renew America abreast of every effort made to uncover the truth. Renew America is not only one of the internets most popular sites but it is among the most tasteful conservative spots on the web.

This question deserves more attention for the noblest of reasons. It is about the law of our land. If we are to be a nation of laws then we all need to know our chief law maker is abiding by the laws already in place. The dignity of the Office of the President requires it and the American people deserve it.

The mainstream media may choose to keep a low profile on the matter for now but it takes no great skill in prognostication to know this. The minute the honeymoon is over and Barack Obama has made a few unpopular decisions the American public may demand to know what they think is not now very important.

Newsweek Magazine recently featured an article and a full front page cover telling how Barack Obama wants to style his presidency after Abraham Lincoln. To those who have followed the stories of Obama’s past associations through the press it would seem that it is a little too late to make such a comparison. But if that is so what might Lincoln say to this subject?

Lincoln buffs and historians know all to well that it may be this famous saying from Abraham Lincoln that best speaks to the entire birth certificate controversy. “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

Sooner or later all Presidents regardless of their style as a Commander in Chief have had to come to terms with the fact that this country isn’t founded on any man’s style. Rather it was and hopefully always will be based on the Constitution. It is the Constitution that asks the question to President Elect Barack Obama; are you a natural born citizen of these United States?

It is “we the people” who are living our lives and abiding under the laws of the constitution that are asking the President Elect if he would be willing to satisfy the question the constitution puts forth. The media may ignore this question, the courts may decide it is not relevant but the constitution will yet be answered as “we the people” say in the common vernacular “sooner or later.” is the place for news, articles, movie and book reviews and other insights for life. Rev Bresciani is a columnist for online and print publications and has over two million readers and counting.

Related Articles - Lincoln, Barack, Obama, Birth, birth certificate, Alan Keyes, Renew America, World Net Daily, Newsweek, colb, Hawaii, Beck, O’Reilly, Abraham Lincoln, Limbaugh, Han,

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