Having a meal when you’re traveling can be a tough prospect just because you’re always taking a chance on something new & unfamiliar. The great thing about traveling in Red River, New Mexico is that even if you’re encountering something new, it’s undoubtedly some of the best grub you can find for miles. Now, that’s saying something. Why? Well, when you think about food in an area known mostly for tourism, you’re pretty sure it’s not going to be very good. You’re banking on fast food, very basic fare, and nothing really special. What’s worse, because it’s a touristy area, you’re usually dealing with pretty high prices. And if there’s one thing that folks can’t stand, it’s having to pay way more than they want to for something, anything, that’s subpar at best. Red River is different. Somehow, this Rocky Mountain haven has found the magic formula for being able to offer amazing food at great prices across a number of different types of cuisine. Then again, Red River has historically been a place that’s welcomed folks in since it was part of the westward Gold Rush & mining boom of the mid-19th century. Even as those industries found themselves waning over the years, miners & their families often stayed and called Red River home. The town also became a place for people to visit when they wanted to get away from the congested cities from the east as Red River offered scenic vistas, clean mountain air, and a natural beauty that was hard to beat. Fast-forward to the present-day, and we live in a day & age where folks are little on the demanding side. We’ve become a society that’s all about instant gratification and constant consumption. We want a lot & want it all now, and this goes with our food service, too. Restaurants have had a hard time trying to keep up with changing tastes & a culture that wants as much bang for buck as possible, even if that means that the restaurant itself doesn’t make any money. Somehow, even through all of this, Red River’s restaurants continue to thrive. With so much to say about what this little town has to offer in the way of food, it kinda makes one wonder, ‘Well, which places are the best to check out?’ Great question! If you happen to be in this part of New Mexico, here are five restaurants worth visiting: Yesterday’s Diner - Great American classics at reasonable prices, perfect for the entire family. T-Bucks Red River - Breakfast & donuts…kinda says it all. If the first meal of the day is the one you love best, this is the place to check out. Shotgun Willie’s - Burgers, breakfast, and no-frills barbecue. That just about covers all of a traveler’s bases when it comes to grabbing a bite to eat, huh? Anchovies Pizzeria - Family-friend Italian fare that satisfies that itch we all get for a great slice of pizza. Perfect for kiddos who can sometimes be picky, especially when traveling. Sundance Mexican Restaurant - This little eatery has earned a reputation for having some amazing south-of-the-border grub. It’s comfort food with a zesty zing when you need it. It needs to be noted that Red River, New Mexico, like everywhere else in the world, has been impacted by the difficulties of the last eighteen months. Nonetheless, these & other restaurants in the area have persevered, which says a lot about their staying power & ownership’s determination of will. It also says something about how good the food is, too. This is to say that if you happen to be in the area, stop in for a great bite to eat, but be mindful that things might still be a little different because of, well, we all know why. Be patient, be kind, and have a great time. Grabbing a bite to eat in Red River New Mexico? Why not stay the night in the premier lodging in the area! Contact Lifts West today.
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Red River New Mexico, Rocky Mountains, mountain town, travel, tourism, restaurants, places to eat, menu, cuisine, gastronomy, destination, getaway,