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What Is Toxic Potassium? by Dr. Lawrence Wilson, MD

What Is Toxic Potassium? by
Article Posted: 07/22/2021
Article Views: 465
Articles Written: 14
Word Count: 3172
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What Is Toxic Potassium?

Potassium is a very important mineral for soil health and for the health of all plants, animals and human beings. Its roles include:

- soil fertility and plant growth

- regulating osmotic balance

- regulating cell membrane potential

- polarizing plant and animal cells via the sodium pump mechanism

- heart and blood pressure regulation

- nerve impulse conduction.

- regulation of blood viscosity and pH.

- regulation of carbon dioxide transport in red blood cells.

- regulation of cell permeability.

- muscle contraction and relaxation

Superphosphate fertilizers

About 100 years ago, soil scientists discovered how to combine potassium with other elements to make superphosphate fertilizers. Soon farmers were adding these compounds to the soils of the world in massive amounts because they increased crop yields. The results were so dramatic that problems that arose from the new science were and still are ignored.

The problem is that these industrially-produced potassium compounds are somewhat toxic. In this article, we will call these less desirable or less healthful forms toxic potassium.

They include potassium carbonate and nitrate (used in fertilizers), mono and dibasic phosphate (used in fertilizers), chelate and gluconate (used in nutritional supplements), chloride (used in medicine), guaiacolsulfonate, iodide (used to protect from radioactive iodine), iodate, nitrite, oxides, oxalate, permanganate, sulfates, cyanide, acetate, bitartrate, and potassium sodium tartrate.


Today the problem of toxic potassium has become a major environmental concern due to a convergence of four factors:

1. As stated above, industrially-produced potassium compounds are somewhat toxic.

2. These compounds are now applied to trillions of acres of land throughout the world each year.

3. Most of the industrially-produced potassium compounds do not biodegrade or break down quickly. Many persist in the environment for 10 years or longer.

4. Most soil specialists and doctors are not aware of these facts, so these chemicals are permitted to be used on most food crops, non-food crops and elsewhere.

As a result, toxic potassium compounds now contaminate most drinking water and food supplies throughout the earth. They also contaminate many lakes, rivers, streams and the oceans.

They damage the health of the soil, agricultural crops and livestock, wildlife and human beings around the world.


A number of scientists have written about this problem. Among them are William Albrecht, PhD, Andre Voisin, author of Soil, Grass and Cancer, Charles Walters, founder of Acres USA magazine, and Louis Kervran, author of Biological Transmutation.

They and others warned the world years ago that the superphosphate fertilizers are mainly growth stimulants that would cause massive problems for agriculture. However, their voices were not heard, and in some cases they were silenced. The benefits of N-P-K fertilization seemed so great that how could anyone doubt their effectiveness?

Hair mineral testing research. For the past 40 years, the author has used hair mineral testing as a health assessment and monitoring tool with human beings. This test is identical to the standard soil testing procedure used by farmers and ranchers the world over.

Several years ago we noticed that as human beings heal at deep levels, often the hair potassium level rises sharply on their hair mineral test. Six months later, however, the potassium level declines again toward the normal levels.

When this occurs, the person usually reports feeling better. Often a person feels more mature, as well. What seems to occur is that as the body heals, the body replaces toxic forms of potassium with more physiological or more biologically active forms of potassium. Elimination of stored toxic potassium through the hair and skin causes the sharp rise in the potassium level on the hair mineral test.

This led us to the idea that many human bodies contain toxic forms of potassium that the body must eliminate in order to achieve optimum health.

In fact, the problem of toxic potassium contributes to diverse array of environmental problems from a decline in soil fertility to human and animal cancers.

Confusing results. The mass spectrometer and ICP (induction-coupled plasma) units used by Analytical Research Labs and other hair testing laboratories cannot distinguish the potassium compounds in the hair.

Their machines only provide a total potassium reading. This can be confusing, since one does not know how much of the potassium compounds found in tissues are beneficial and how much are less desirable forms.



Superphosphate or N-P-K fertilizers are the major source of toxic potassium compounds. They are one of basic elements of the so-called “green revolution” in agriculture that began early in the 20th century. The use of superphosphates, along with chemical pesticides, increased crop yields dramatically but produces much weaker and much more nutritionally deficient crops.

Today, these fertilizers are approved for use on organic and non-organic crops around the world. Billions of tons of them have been spread on the fields, and they continue to be used on both food and non-food crops.

Because they do not degrade quickly, they now contaminate most agricultural land and most of the earth’s water supplies, including the oceans. Residues are now found in most, if not all, industrially-grown and organically grown fruit, vegetables, grains and most meat and fish. For more about this terrible environmental problem and the nutritional depletion of our food, read


Potassium supplements

Most, if not all potassium supplements are somewhat toxic. These include potassium chelate, potassium chloride and potassium citrate. This is one reason we do not recommend potassium supplements.

The best way to obtain more healthful potassium is to eat plenty of properly cooked, not raw vegetables. Raw vegetables contain potassium, but most of it is locked in the tough vegetable fibers that human beings cannot digest.

Medical drugs

Some medical drugs contain toxic forms of potassium.

Potassium used in water softeners

Toxic potassium compounds are routinely added to some home and industrial water supplies to soften the water.


Fruit and dairy products

Fruit absorbs more toxic potassium from superphosphate fertilizers than any other type of food. Toxic potassium has an affinity for the sexual organs of plants and animals, and fruits are the expanded ovaries of plants. The potassium is incorporated into the fruit and cannot be washed off.


Cooking destroys some toxic potassium compounds, but fruit is generally eaten raw, making the problem worse.

It does not seem to matter much if the fruit is pesticide-free, organic, non-hybridized or heirloom varieties. This is one of the sad facts about almost all fruit today, and a major reason we do not recommend eating any of it today.

Vegetables that are fruits in the botanical sense. Some vegetables are really fruit’s because they are expanded ovaries of plants and contain seeds.

These include:

1. All the nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant)

2. All squashes and pumpkins.

3. A few others such as cucumbers and okra. All of the above contain seeds.

These foods tend to contain more toxic potassium. This is one reason we don’t recommend them as foods for daily use with development programs. We forbid nightshades and summer squashes completely. We allow winter squashes and pumpkins as occasional foods because they are not as toxic and are less cooling or yin than the others.

Dairy products

Milk, yogurt and kefir contain a little toxic potassium. Cheese is a little better because most of the liquid has been removed from the product.

This is a problem today with most dairy products, but especially non-organic dairy products.


All fish and shellfish today contain some toxic potassium. The most contaminated is that which is caught in streams, lakes and coastal ocean waters where there is agricultural runoff.

Ocean fish, including sardines, have less of it. This is one reason we recommend eating sardines, along with the lower mercury content of sardines. Most other fish have a much higher mercury content and why you should avoid them.


Krill, a relative of the shrimp, contains quite a lot of toxic potassium. Some health authorities recommend krill as a source of omega-3 fatty acids. However, anyone who uses this oil gets a lot of a toxic form of potassium. This is one reason we do not recommend krill oil.


These are somewhat contaminated as well. Grass fed meat is much less contaminated with toxic potassium than standard grain fed meat.

Grains and nuts

These foods are also often somewhat contaminated with toxic potassium from N-P-K (or superphosphate) fertilizers.

Drinking water

Most drinking water supplies on earth are somewhat contaminated with toxic potassium. Spring water is among the least contaminated and this is one reason we recommend drinking it rather than most well water or other types of water.


Congenital toxicity

Today, all babies are born with excessive amounts of toxic potassium. This occurs because their mothers’ bodies are contaminated and the potassium is passed to the babies through the placenta.

We notice this on hair mineral tests of babies, which usually reveal elevated levels of potassium. When these levels decline with a development program, the health of the babies improves. Symptoms such as eczema, infections, and others disappear.


Bone and teeth problems

Toxic potassium is a solvent that antagonizes or opposes calcium in the body. As a result, it interferes with bone health.


Toxic potassium compounds may interfere with cell respiration and may be a factor in the current epidemic of cancer around the world.

Heart problems

Potassium is essential for the heart. The toxic forms of potassium do not nourish the heart well, and may contribute to the epidemic of heart disease around the world, and especially in the Western nations that have the most industrialized agriculture.

Hypoglycemia and Diabetes

Toxic potassium in the adrenal glands and pancreas interferes with the ability of the body to regulate the blood sugar level.

Memory impairment and other neurological effects. Toxic potassium residue in the body is a contributor to the epidemic of dementia, brain fog and other neurological problems that are so common today.

Cooling and expansive effects

Toxic forms of potassium are more cooling or yin in macrobiotic and Chinese medical terminology and contribute to what we call Yin Disease. This is a common and serious imbalance in most human, animal and plant bodies today.

Its cause is poor nutrition combined with environmental contamination with toxic metals, toxic chemicals, ionizing radiation and radio and microwave radiation from cell phone towers, computers and other sources.

Irritating and a stimulant

Toxic potassium can be in an oxide form. This form, in particular, is very irritating to plant and animal tissues. It causes oxidant damage.

Many doctors give people anti-oxidants to combat this problem. A far better answer, in our view, is to eliminate the toxic potassium that is the real cause of the oxidant damage. This is more work, but has many other benefits for health.


A mineral and nutritional balancing program is one of the only ways we know of to eliminate toxic potassium from the body. The elimination occurs automatically if one follows this kind of program. It usually begins several months to a few years after one begins the program, regardless of one’s age.


The body eliminates toxic potassium mainly through the skin and hair. The most common effect is the oxidation rate increases. Many people temporarily move from slow oxidation into fast oxidation. Both the sodium and potassium levels rise and the calcium and magnesium levels often decline.

This can cause anxiety, irritability, mind racing, sleep difficulty and other problems of fast oxidation. If one is on a slow oxidizer development program, it may need to be changed to a fast oxidizer diet and supplement program until the toxic potassium is fully eliminated.



1. One cannot tell from a standard hair mineral analysis which form of potassium is present in the hair or other body tissues.

2. An elimination of toxic potassium through the skin and hair will elevate the potassium level on a hair mineral test. Often, the sodium level rises, as well. At times, a person may temporarily move into fast oxidation.

3. By raising the potassium level, an elimination of toxic potassium can lower the sodium/potassium ratio on a hair test, at times dramatically. This may be the only indicator that an elimination of toxic potassium is occurring.

One indicator that a lower sodium/potassium ratio is due to a elimination of toxic potassium is that the person (or animal) will have fewer or none of the usual symptoms associated with such a low sodium/potassium ratio. These include fatigue, blood sugar problems, or chronic infections.

Fruit-eating and hair potassium levels

People who eat a lot of fruit often have an elevated potassium level on their first hair mineral analysis.


Relation to boron and sodium. A large elimination of toxic potassium usually follows closely after an elimination of boron.

Often, there is also an accompanying elimination of excess sodium from the body. This can be seen on a hair mineral test as a temporary rise in the hair sodium level.


Most doctors and nutritionists are unaware of the problem. This is a major reason for writing this article.

Books and articles written before about 1930 do not mention it because it was not a problem at that time. Therefore, you will not find it discussed by authors such as Weston A. Price, DDS or the pioneering natural doctors of the 19th century.

As a result, organizations such as the Weston A. Price Foundation and followers of Bernard Jensen, ND, DC, Herbert Shelton and other older health authorities still recommend eating fruit. They make no mention of the problem of toxic potassium.


It is difficult to raise fruit without superphosphates today even if you avoid N-P-K fertilizers, they are in most water supplies. So you are still fertilizing your fruit with some, even if you don’t add it to the soil.

In addition, there are other problems with fruit:

- It is a very cooling or yin food in macrobiotic terminology.

- Most of it upsets the blood sugar level.

- Fruit in restaurants is often unclean and contaminated with bacteria, viruses and sometimes parasite eggs.

As a result, we don’t recommend eating any fruit. It is not necessary and it all makes the body more yin, which is harmful.


Toxic potassium compounds also have effects similar to some common magnesium compounds such as magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate. These are widely used in magnesium supplements and in medical care.

Once again, these compounds have a stimulating effect and the body seems unable to convert them into better forms of magnesium. Instead, on repeat hair mineral tests of human beings, the hair magnesium will suddenly rise as the body eliminates these forms of magnesium.

A particularly harmful procedure is applying topical magnesium oil to the skin. This has a stimulating effect and can become addictive for this reason. However, it lowers hair tissue calcium and lowers the tissue sodium/potassium ratio. It can cause heart attacks and strokes for this reason.


Weakened plants cause weak livestock animals and weak human beings. Antibiotics were developed about the same time as superphosphate fertilizers and rescued animal husbandry and humans from some of the problems caused by food raised with superphosphate fertilizers.

Today, about 80% of all antibiotics are used on farms. The residues contaminate most beef, chicken, pork and other meat and dairy items! They also contaminate most water supplies in the Western world.

Other similarities to the antibiotic problem

Like toxic potassium, antibiotics seemed so amazing 70 years ago that any objections to their widespread use were ignored and even silenced.

Today, however, the widespread use of antibiotics in agriculture and in human populations is causing:

- proliferation of antibiotic-resistant organisms.

- repeat and chronic infections

- antibiotic toxicity such as digestive problems, liver toxicity, kidney toxicity and more.

- serious damage to the intestinal flora, causing much weaker digestion, constipation, and other bowel diseases.

- impaired immune response.

Less toxic alternatives to antibiotics do exist

As bodies become truly healthy with a mineral / nutritional balancing program, antibiotics are very rarely, if ever needed. In all cases, they should be used as a last resort, and never as a first line therapy.


Pregnancy seems to require more potassium to balance the higher estrogen and sodium levels needed to sustain pregnancy. In the absence of more biologically active forms of potassium, women’s bodies seem to accumulate more toxic potassium during pregnancy.

In mineral balancing science, sodium is more associated with estrogen, while potassium is more associated with progesterone. During pregnancy, the body raises the estrogen level and it may raise the potassium level to balance the rise in sodium and estrogen.

This may explain why we observe that all human babies and animal offspring are born with high levels of toxic potassium.


A “child mineral” is a mineral that for some reason causes a person to exhibit childish tendencies. These may include traits of: stubborn, childish, laughs nervously, dependent, somewhat obsessive-compulsive, insecure and fussy.

When it is eliminated from the body, the baby, child or an adult often become more mature, and less dependent. This is an interesting phenomenon. Other child minerals are nickel and aluminum. Copper and mercury may also have some of this quality.


In the concept of the four steps to action, potassium is the final step or ending.

The old name for potassium is kallium. This is named after the Hindu goddess of death or dissolution, kali. This is why the symbol for potassium on the Periodic Table Of Elements is K.

Making fruit occurs at the end of a plant’s life or end of a plant’s life cycle. This may be why, in part, fruit contains a lot of potassium. Giving birth to a baby is the end of the reproductive cycle for an animal. This may be a reason babies are born with a lot of toxic potassium.

Our observations show that too much potassium shortens the lifespan but a mineral and nutritional balancing program reduces the amount of potassium in the body and often extends life.

Potassium is explosive and damages cells in this way. Gunpowder contains a lot of toxic potassium (potassium nitrate).

N-P-K fertilizers are really just growth stimulants and toxic potassium sort of “explodes” the crops to produce big, fat, bloated crops. (Nitrogen adds speed and phosphorus adds power). But these crops have depleted minerals and are high in toxic potassium which is not healthy.

For more info on Hair Mineral Analysis: or for a Free Phone Consultation:

800 381–2898 or

The Body Balanced — Health Program

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