Investigating & Preventing Workplace Theft. by Tai Roylance
Investigating & Preventing Workplace Theft. |
Books,Business News,Business
At one point or another every employer will experience workplace theft. It’s not always difficult to uncover the reason behind workplace theft, but often it is a little more complicated to catch the perpetrator. Even though industrial theft is often unreported, the problem does exist and is more prevalent then you might think. Many companies in Toronto, who are struggling with workplace theft, end up hiring professional help such as undercover private investigators. Theft is damaging to the company’s bottom line, but false or unproven accusation might be even more damaging. Human Resources, senior management and legal departments within each company know the risks of unproven accusations. Companies don’t want to face litigations, bad publicity or labour board troubles, and that’s way it is essential for them to gather as much evidence as possible before confronting the individual or a group of perpetrators. Today employers must be more vigilant and do everything possible to prevent, deter and investigate workplace theft. Companies place surveillance cameras, hire undercover private investigators to work alongside regular employees in order to infiltrate the crime circle and gather as much evidence as possible. Depending on the nature of theft and complexity of the situation, investigating theft can be very complex and long process, but at the same time some investigations last only few days. It is a matter of good planning, recognizing theft patterns and placing right individuals & cameras in right places at the right time. Some of the focus areas when conducting an investigation: o Entry and exit points o Vehicles parked near or at the exit points such as doors or loading docks. o Shipping and Receiving locations o Warehouse where the finished products are stored o Trash and points where trash is being collected o Emails o Computers There are many benefits in using third party personnel to uncover workplace theft. Some of them include: • Unbiased point of view. • Confidentiality • Licensed Private investigator can and will testify in court if need be. • Proper & daily reports • Specific expertise in workplace investigations. An effective investigation allows the company to address the issues and prevent them in the future. By removing the ‘bad apples’ from the workforce, the company identifies the problem and shows that it cares for its bottom line, image and rest of its employees. Most of often employers notice workplace theft once they spot missing items, inventory, unexplained expenses or an increased damage to products. When dealing with potential workplace theft suspect(s) here are few things to watch out for: o Unusual and suspicious behaviour o Excess cash / new car / jewellery o Being suspicious of everybody o Uneasy and nervous behaviour o Negative attitude towards the company, management and their earnings o Unexplained entry and exits from the workplace The bottom line is this that you should trust your employees and believe in them. At the same time you should pay attention, and if something doesn’t seem right, question it. By proving yourself wrong will validate your trust in your employees or by proving yourself right you will protect your assets. Here the author tairoylance says a. Security Guard and Private Investigator Toronto for more information, please http://www.torontosecuritycompany.ca/
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