Before you go for your next shopping next shopping spree and swap your credit cards without thinking much about whether you are flaring well in your credit life or not, it is time to check your credit report once. You might be asking how your credit life is related to your shopping. Well, it is related in a hugely influential way. Take for example, you should not make a new purchase with your credit card if you already have balances to pay off. If you do so, it gives a very negative impression on your credit life which will reflect on your credit report. So how do you get to know these crucial things? It is very simple – just keep checking your credit report periodically. This is because your credit report will give you a clear idea on how well you are handling your finances. If you are doing well with your finances it will show it in the form of a good credit score which might range between 750 to 900 points. A good score will give you many benefits like lower interest on loans along with timely approval on credit cards, telephone connections, house rentals, insurance and a lot more. However, if you have a poor credit score, you are in great trouble. Let alone timely approvals, you might not even get the house loan or car loan that you have applied for. You cannot get a new credit card because they will simply reject your application seeing the balance which you have not yet paid off in your last credit card. So you can see that you will become virtually paralyzed because no one will lend you credit if your credit report if not satisfactory. Therefore, in order to avoid such drawbacks, it is better to maintain a healthy credit record. As I had said earlier, you will have to start by checking your credit rating first. This is not a hard task as you can check it online also. For free credit report checking, log in to This is a sister concern and venture of Credit Sudhaar, India’s first and leading credit health improvement company. Start with filling your personal details. After that, you will be asked a series of questions like details about your previous loans, credit cards, balances and dues if any. Based on the inputs which you give, your credit score will be shown in the end. For more information about free credit report, credit rating then visit our website at
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