The one thing that just about all of us grew up with is our love of story in any format. Stories are used in all cultures and have been since as far back as people started telling stories about stories. If you have never consciously injected some good story telling into your marketing, then now is the time to make a change. The average web marketer has no idea about the power of story telling, but now you do and you should seize on it. If you do not mind writing your own content, then this could be something that puts more power into your marketing. So many effective developments came from copywriting, but most regular content writers will never even bother with it. I want to call your attention to the age-old formula of AIDA which means attention, interest, desire, and action. This is actually a very powerful and concise strategy for any writing you would want to do for marketing purposes. So it does not matter at all if you write articles or blog posts, you can use this in one way or another. Just like anything else new, you will have a learning curve and have to become proficient with it, but you can do that, no problem. When it comes to using images on a site that is being optimized for search engines, most people only do one thing - maybe two. The alt tag has been mentioned since forever, and that is what the majority think about. If you do not know about optimizing images, then chances are you may not know about the alt tag. That is easy to find out about, but include the phrase in the image file name, then you can fill out the image properties data and mention your keyword phrase. You see, this is something many people have no clue about, and you just learned how to do it.Kustcom SEO When you look at most websites and including static and blogs, you will see the home page labeled as 'home' in most links. The top left in the navigation bar is where you will typically see the anchor text and 'home. What you really need to do is optimize that link for your home page main keyword phrase you want to rank for. So you can change that and be sure you are trying to rank for that phrase on the overall scheme of things. But also, you want to keep it in the same location so people will know that is the home page link. If you are not motivated to learn how to improve your writing, then that is fine but it's totally on you. You do not have any excuses at this point because you have learned something valuable and has worked for decades. Read up on the call to action because that is what you must manage to have in that last paragraph.
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Marketing, Copywriting,