Many people end up suffering from kidney diseases due to the new highly processed foods that invade our daily meals. We tend to remove the healthy unprocessed foods from our diet simply because the processed foods are more available and in many cases cheaper, easier to obtain. This will always affect the organism, given the fact that it was meant to function with certain natural products, not artificially made ones. In order to help the people in their attempt to a healthy life the nutritionists have some natural remedies for kidney disease. One highly recognized natural remedy for kidney disease would be a detoxification solution. It is helpful for preventing and even eliminating kidney stones. It is a mixture of grapefruit juice and olive oil which have powerful detoxifying effects. The detoxification is sustained by the intake of water diluted Epsom salt. The whole recipe doesn’t sound too tasty but the effects are what you are after. This recipe, however, should only be tried after a proper medical consult and approval. For a period of six days, a light diet is recommended, in which the intake of meat, fat dairy, sweets, coffee and tobacco will be avoided. You have to drink one liter of natural, whole, apple juice a day (the juice is diluted with water). The juice drinking step is the preparing step for the powerful detoxification of day seven. On the seventh day you have to prepare the necessary ingredients: four spoons of Epsom salt, three or four grapefruits and a hundred and twenty milliliters of cold, extra virgin olive oil. You will have a very light and poor breakfast and you will not eat anything after two o’clock in the afternoon. At eighteen o’clock you will drink a spoon of Epsom salt diluted in two hundred milliliters of water and. At twenty o’clock you will repeat the process. At twenty one and a half you mix a hundred and eighty milliliters of grapefruit juice (freshly squeezed) with a hundred and twenty milliliters of olive oil. You let it stay still until twenty two o’clock and then you drink the mixture in standing position. After you drank it you have to lie on your back and stay still for around twenty minutes. The last phase or step of the natural treatment for kidney disease is in day eight. At seven in the morning you have to drink another two hundred milliliters of diluted Epson salt (one tea spoon). After two hours the process is repeated and at eleven o’clock you can drink a tea and eat an apple. At twelve you are allowed to eat a light lunch and for the rest of the day you will try to continue eating only light meals. This natural treatment for kidneys is meant to detoxify your kidneys and it actually manages to do so, preventing dreadful kidney diseases. Robert Galarowicz Author of The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program and founder of Healthy Kidney Publishing will show you have to avoid dialysis and heal your kidney disease with natural treatments. To learn more click the links below - Learn more about natural remedies for kidney disease by clicking the link. You will be taken to a website to watch a video called, “Over 7 Tips To Better Kidney Health” To watch another free video called 5 Nutrients To Protect Your Kidneys Click Here.
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