When an individual is going through a substance addiction problem, whether for alcohol or drugs, an obvious treatment plan is to find a counselor and work with him or her to try and overcome the issue. The only obstacle in most cases is the fact that usually the person is in denial and it takes someone else to try and push them to seek a diagnosis and finally go for substance abuse counseling. For the most part this someone is or should be a family member. For people going through an addiction, the role of family in supporting them and encouraging them to look for treatment and then helping them go through it cannot be underestimated. Family involvement in substance abuse counseling actually starts even prior to actual counseling as already mentioned above. For a lot of people the fact they end up being addicted to drugs or alcohol has something to do with communication issues and stress in family. So in that sense, the first step is to reinforce a positive communication channel with the patient and give them the required support so that they feel motivated enough to seek treatment. Once that hurdle is crossed, the next step is to find a counselor who is an expert in working with drug and alcohol affected individuals and their families and help them move along on the path of recovery. During the treatment process, family members should be present and involved actively to lend their support. A lot of times family members might have to work on their attitude as well and correct behavior patterns that might actually be fueling the addiction of the patient. For this, integrated programs can be sought that address these patterns and create better relationships between the patient and the family members. Creating a secure family environment for the patient should be a goal of any kind of substance abuse treatment plan. This is also important to make sure that there is no relapse after the plan is complete. Family members have to toe the line very carefully and always keep a balanced approach where they gently keep an eye on the patient and nudge them carefully without getting angry, resentful or pushy. A person who is addicted has self-control and will power that is either lost or considerably diminished. In such a scenario, family therapy increases the chances of sustained recovery as family members can provide situations and support that will diminish the need of the patient to resort to drug and alcohol. The involvement of the family also makes sense from the point of view of the fact that the effects of the addiction are not limited to just the patient but also spread to people living with them. They need coping methods as well. By using psycho-education and multi-family groups, successful results can be achieved that can lead to the patient towards positive recovery and self-exploration. Author Bio:- Ryan FitzGerald is the Co-Founder of TherapyTribe.com - A leading online Therapist Directory with one of the largest databases of licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and counselors across the globe. Every day thousands use Therapytribe.com to find Delray Beach Therapists, therapists in Los Angeles and other top cities in USA.
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