Employment is the trade or business or occupation, in which a person engages so as to earn his pay. There are various types of employment like permanent employment, contractual employment, retainer, and so on. As an employee, it is very important to know your rights and obligations regarding your employer and place of business so as to avoid any unnecessary complications. Employment Tribunals Employment tribunals decide resolutions about employment disputes between the employers and the employees. Almost all legal cases regarding employment are heard in employment tribunals. Some of these are disputes regarding unfair dismissal, unfair deductions from your pay and discrimination while in employment. The tribunals have statutory jurisdiction and are administered by the Tribunals Service ad controlled and overseen by the Administrative Justice and Tribunals Council of the UK. Many people take advice from employment solicitors before they approach the tribunals. Making a Claim in the Employment Tribunal The aim of the tribunal is to make conciliation between the employee and the employer. Employment tribunal comprises of three people the Chairman and two members who are well-versed in employment laws. Depending on what sort of problem you have with your employer, you can make a claim to an employment tribunal. It is, however, advisable to obtain all the possible information about your legal rights before making such a claim. Employment solicitors in Manchester can help you in this regard. You commence your claim to an employment tribunal by filling in the ET1form, which is the claim form. ET1 can be filled in on paper or you could fill in its online version available on the Employment Tribunals page on the Ministry of Justice website. In this form you need to give complete details of your complaint. Employers; Response to Employees' Claims If you are an employer in Manchester and your employee has made a claim against you in the Employee Tribunal, then you will need to send in your response to the claim using the ET3 form. The ET3 form is a very significant document. You, as the employer will be required to state your response to your employee's complaint. This acts as a summary of your case. Sometimes, employers don't react but this is very uncommon. If you, as an employer, do not respond, the employment tribunal may make a judgment on the case that is automatically in the employee’s favor, called as the 'default judgment'. Usually, the employment tribunal holds hearing and decides in favor of one of the parties. If, however, no settlement can be reached during the hearings of the tribunal, the parties can revert back to the tribunal for 'compensation award'. In case that too fails, the case is then sent on to the employment appeal tribunal.
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