The only mention of Blue cheese makes me remind me fool times as a recent internet user, googling everything my friends told me to google, and seeing all the links they sent me, without the safe search enabled. No more Blue Cheese, please! I'd heartily recommend The Wazir & the Witch: A tiny group of rebels plot and try to sell each other out, before the evil Empire reclaims its land. Also, the Werewolf & the Wormlord: A young knight tries to reconcile his responsibilities as heir to the throne with being a fairly senior banker. Regarding the Big Squish: at first, i was one of the group that defended this system. WoW numbers are getting out of control, and it will sooner or later end up affecting the performance of both WoW servers and cheap wow accounts our personal computers. However, last week i was able to solo all ICC 10N. The feeling was awesome. The Big Squish, as many have said, will take away a lot and the performance gained probably will barely compensate (if it even compensates anything) the loss of being able to burn through old content. One of my favorite fantasy type books is Stephen King's, Eyes of the Dragon. Also, probably already read given its age but the Wizard of Earthsea books are really good. Also, I second whoever suggested the Dresden Files. Butcher isn't the greatest writer but he knows how to buy wow gold and how to tell a good story. The WoW system, as it is today, will be hurted more than benefited by the Big Squish. If the Big Squish comes to happen, it won't be n WoW, but rather in WoW2, with a better system in place to adress power inflation. Since you like SF and Fantasy, how about a really good parallel worlds story? The "Merchant Princes" series by buy world of warcraft accounts from Charles Stross reworked the genre completely. Starts with The Family Trade. Since you like Lovecraft, how about Stross' series about the UK's secret occult defense agency? Set in a world where Lovecraftian horrors can be summoned by the wrong computer algorithm, Start with The Atrocity Archives. Yeah, totally. But that was part of why I liked it, heh (a smaller, more contained work vs vast-world high fantasy). I read Wheel of Time and GoT, and to me both of those were like... really? another character? A story without having to write a spreadsheet to differentiate, oh yeah, this is that one girl from the Yellow Ajah who has the same name as some girl in the Green Ajah etc is really refreshing to me. And you're absolutely right that some of the suspense is gone, because he tells the cliffsnotes of his whole story off the bat.
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