The demand of Company Secretary course in India is increasing at a very rapid rate. It is mainly because of increasing awareness among the students about this course. Earlier it had not been that widespread as compared to modern times. More and more students are opting for this course as they have realized its importance and wide scope. Many students also have some confusion regarding this course. They think as if it is just related to management. But the role of a company is broad, and is just not limited to management. About The Program The company secretaryship profession and study programs are regulated by the The Institute Of Company Secretaries Of India (ICSI). A Company Secretary is a certified professional from ICSI, whose job is to act as a moderator between the organization and its board of directors. He/she makes sure that the business acts in accordance with the regulatory bodies , complies with all the laws and takes care of all the legal matters. Company Secretaries As Policy Makers Candidates who intend to become professional policy makers can definitely consider to pursue company secretary course and give their career a major boost. The company secretary program offers a lot of advantages in addition to being appointed as senior corporate strategists at top companies. Furthermore, candidates can expect excellent pay packages along with various amenities and perks. When you become a policy maker for your organization, you get a chance to increase your knowledge and get more opportunities to travel and meet new people. Qualities And Skills Required As we have mentioned earlier, the demand for expert and experienced company secretaries has gone extremely high these days with the increase in business competition and various compliance policies. However, students must possess a certain set of skills and qualities to perform duties and responsibilities of company secretary position perfectly and augment their career in this domain. Those students who wish to stand apart from others should possess excellent interpersonal and commuincation skills. They should also have good analytical skills along with influential skills. Capability of working under pressure is another essential quality that the candidate must possess. Scope Of Company Secretary For big multinational companies to local, national as well as government agencies, there is no dearth of job opportunities for certified company secretaries. Company secretaries have various roles. They act as managers as well as policy makers. There are many international organizations who are looking for company secretaries who can become good policy makers for their company. A company secretary, can work with a company or can start his/her own practice after getting certification from ICSI. A certified Company Secretary gets a great scope of employment in financial institutions, consulting firms, public & private companies, banks, department of company affairs or other regulatory bodies. A company which has a paid up capital of at least Rs. 5 crores needs to assign a full time company secretary. If you want to practice CS and do not want to do a job anywhere, there are a few challenges in the way. One has to maintain very high standards of services to the clients along with providing timely, competent and cost effective advice which is in the interest of the client’s business. As the economy is growing nowadays, companies are looking forward to seek valuable advice from CS professionals because they do not want to risk the company and its board’s reputation. Smaller companies are not able to avail the services of a Company Secretary, so they intend to hire them as consultants. Manjit Banga - The writer of this article is a Company Secretary Course tutor and the owner of one of the leading Coaching Institutes in Vadodara. If you’re looking to study company secretary in Vadodara, contact Banga Tutorials.
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