It's not too long for the GW2 coming.Plenty of Chinese players are looking towards its hit.The Kongzhong net become its China agent,which makes Kongzhong net rocketing to the stratosphere recently.All the people expect its behaviou. Guild wars 2 ,which is often called GW2,is made by ArenaNet.ArenaNet is founded at 8/3/2000,locates in North America,belong to the famous game company in Korea--NCsoft.Since the GW2 under Opening beta in US,its rank top1 for a long time,that proves that GW2 is very hot.GW2's world pvp system absorbs the advantages of the system of wow,players will be acquainted with it.Besides,GW2 official website announce the sixth profession -Thief,no skill cold time and will provide trial play to players in next PAX East game trailer. It is said that the thief is very deadly in the battle,especially in attacking the enemy who don't notice.Although the thieves' health and helmet value are low,they are very agile however.They could diappear immediately under the shadow,or rob opponent's weapon to attack.The script of GW2 is connect with GW,GW2 is the stretch of the GW to some extend.The reputation system,to get reputation,you can acquire powerful equiment(Armor/Weapons) and trinkets.To get reputation,you can rush the dungeons, do the guild daily missions and so on. How ever,some player do not like this system for the fairness,some guys take illegal method to get reputation,which do harm to other players,most of them prefer the wow system because that is more consummate and interesting.However,to buy gw2 gold,is more appeal to people,they prefer save more time by spending money,this however depend on personal,a easy and fast way however.
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