If you’re a teenager in Florida hoping to get your learner’s permit and start driving, then you probably already know you’ll first have to complete the Florida Drug and Alcohol Permit Course and take the Florida permit test. The drug and alcohol test is straightforward, easy, and can conveniently be taken from home through a State-Approved Online Provider. It’s mandatory for all first-time Florida drivers because it teaches you about the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and other impairing substances on driver safety. It also gives an essential basic primer on what it means to be a good driver—and goes far beyond just knowing and obeying the rules of the road. What the DATA Course Teaches Being a good driver means being courteous and responsible. Many drivers develop extremely poor manners on the road. After a while, they stop acknowledging the human beings driving the cars and just see big steel obstacles in their paths. This is a major source of danger on the road. They often feel no shame or remorse in narrowly cutting someone off, tailgating, honking inappropriately, and otherwise acting obnoxiously (and dangerously). If you wouldn’t treat pedestrians on the sidewalk so rudely, why would you do it to other drivers? Safe driving also means paying attention to yourself, your car, and the road. This is probably the biggest issue teenage drivers have when they start driving. The First-Time Driver Course curriculum covers the basics of scanning the road ahead for hazards and other cars. It talks about being aware of the running state of your car so that you won’t run into unexpected trouble on the road and unnecessarily endanger yourself and others. You can to learn to keep your attention on what matters, even when facing the daily distractions of passengers, radio, and all manner of things on the road. Getting Your Driver’s License After you pass the Florida learner’s permit test and 4-Hour Drug and Alcohol Course, you’ll be able to get your permit and begin practicing these safer driving techniques under the guide of a licensed driver over 21 years old. The hardest part of learning to drive happens during the first 1,000 hours you spend behind the wheel, and you’ll quickly become much more adept at comfortably remaining in control of the car even under stressful circumstances. To learn more about the factors young drivers should take into consideration, you should read the Florida Driver’s Guide for Parents and Teens. In it, you’ll learn more about the restrictions that come with the Florida graduated driver’s license system and how you can keep your record clean until you’ve received your full-fledged Class E license at age 18. The road is yours to use, so long as you can do so responsibly and utilize the principles you learn from the Florida drug and alcohol course. About the Author Drug and Alcohol Test offers online driver education courses and has been an industry leader since 1998. They’ve helped countless young drivers learn the basics of safe and effective driving so they can get out on the open road. Take the Florida drug and alcohol test at: www.drug-and-alcohol-test.us
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