Today more and more ever, people are becoming career conscious. But choosing the right career for yourself can be a challenge. Building a career gives you an opportunity to be financially independent and shape your life as you want. Above all, your career and your job give you an identity by which people will know you. Here are some tips that may help you develop a career: 1. Give your best in your current job: Do your job well and fulfil all your responsibilities. It’s often the best way to start a career. If all you do is show up to work every day, do what you are supposed to do and return home after the end of your duty hours, I’ve got news for you. This is the type of mentality that keeps people trapped in the position they are in, scratching their heads as to what can take them ahead. Suggest improvements to your supervisor. Offer your help when help is needed; ask help in return for building a flourishing career. Start a blog, join toastmasters, learn a new skill, and volunteer somewhere. All these things are going to affect your p0ersonal and professional development in the positive direction. 2. Go for vocational training: Vocational training will prepare you for specific trades, crafts, and careers at varying levels from technicians or in a professional position like engineering, nursing, architecture, law, accountancy, medicine, pharmacy, etc. so if you are interested you can take up vocation training. If you are looking for institutions that offer vocational qualification in South Africa, there are many colleges to cater to your needs. Visit to know more. 3. Build your network: You will be surprised o know that more than 50% of jobs are obtained from contact networks. Build good contacts that might help you discover future careers, explore new trends and learn about new opportunities. So build new contacts, but don’t forget to maintain old ones. 4. Identify your dream job: Before planning for your future career, make sure you identify your dream job. The dream job should be one where you will do things you only enjoy. Analyse your likes, dislikes, capabilities and talents. After you discover your goal, work towards it. 5. Pick the right and needed tools: You can add a lot to your career by doing complementary courses, like a computer course or a language course, etc. It may act to add weightage to your CV and make it more impressive. And don’t forget: your current job and the experience you gain from it can be the most attractive feature in your CV. But do not pick a tool that’s too tough for you to handle. 6. Career counsellors gamble with your future: School, college and university career offices are full of people advising students about careers they themselves have never worked in. This is like taking advice on how to get rich from a person who doesn’t have money himself. While they may have the best intentions, the career offices at most schools are driven by placement statistics. So be careful and don’t blindly trust what they say. Judge for yourself. ========================================================================================================= Author Bio: John Abelard is a renowned author. He has written many articles on different career options. In this article he writes about how to build a strong career.
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