Floorings are essential part of your home and office and add beauty and value to it. But many times, defects arise in them that not only take away the beauty of your house but also pose threats for the foundation of your home. Fortunately, floor repairs are surprisingly easier than you might have thought. You need to have a floor restoration done for the floor defects. Flooring contractors undertake the task of flooring restoration. If you are a resident of Kilkenny, like me, you need not worry. There are many good and established contractors that do flooring restoration in Kilkenny. Hire their services to get impeccable flooring done. You can visit here for more knowledge about roofing contractors. Here are some common floor defects. 1. Problems with ceramic tiles: Some ceramic tiles are intended to be used only on walls. If used on floors, they tend to wear out quickly. They often break quite easily, posing potential trip and cut hazards. 2. Loose or torn carpets: Carpets may be loose on stairs and folded that are serious trip and fall hazard. Carpets that are torn should not be laid on the floor as they can nab your feet and make you fall. 3. Cupping: Cupping is a floor defect in which the edges are high and the centre is lower along the width of one piece of flooring material. This is caused by moisture imbalance through the thickness of the floor. 4. Squeaky floors: Squeaks may not be serious structural problems but can be annoying. If you have exposed hardwood floors, you have a solution for stopping the squeak. Spread talcum powder over the noisy boards and sweep them to and forth so that the talcum powder enters the cracks. 5. Buckling, crowning, and tenting of hardwood floors: These problems arise when there’s no acclimation period is followed. Another reason can be failure to do proper moisture testing. 6. Gapping: Hardwood flooring undergoes changes with changes in season or relative humidity within the home, often leading to gapping in the floors. Gapping can also be a result of the negligence of the installer who overlooked the importance of keeping the floors tight during the installation. 7. Fading and colour changes: All hardwood floors experience fading or colour changes over time, especially when exposed to direct or indirect light. Differences between two boards are natural and unavoidable as no 2 pieces of hardwood flooring can be entirely identical. When installing hardwood flooring, it is advisable to use boards from 3- 4 bundles or cartons for consistent colour mix of hardwood. 8. Visible defects: The installer and even you should look for flaws and defects prior to installation. This includes overall quality of the flooring and finish irregularities. The manufacturers cannot be held responsible for products that were installed with defects. ====================================================================== Author Bio: Adam Sheppard is a renowned author. He has written many articles on different home decor and renovation projects. In this article he writes about the common floor defects so that you can avoid them in your next flooring project.
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