Although it looks like a motor scooter, a mobility scooter is a type of mobility aid usually used as an alternative to wheel chairs. These battery powered scooters are used by people who either lack stamina or do not have the flexibility in their arms/shoulders to move a manual wheel chair. Types of Scooters:-There are 4 types of mobility scooters available to users; these include heavy duty scooters, 3 wheeled scooters, travel scooters and 4 wheeled scooters. It is best to choose these mobility aids after considering the types of terrain and locations the user will ride on. In UK, the rascal mobility scooter is quite popular as it has many high quality safety features built into it. Furthermore, there are many convertible and foldable styles to choose from. The Rascal AutoGo 555, AutoGo 550 and the Rascal Fold and Go 370 are popular foldable models. As the name suggests, the scooters can be folded; so, these scooters are easily portable and can also be put away for storage. On the other hand, the front basket and steering wheel can be detached from the convertible scooter. This, in turn, converts the scooter from a mobile to a chair mode. Additionally, there are full sized rascal mobility scooters available in the UK. These are designed for outsized terrain and can range from heavy duty to normal scooters. Benefits:-In UK, the rascal mobility scooters offer many advantages to its users. Firstly, as these mobility aids are designed to look like scooters rather than as wheelchairs, users need not feel ashamed of their disabilities. Secondly, these are cheaper than powered wheel chairs. Lastly, these scooters can also benefit those disabled persons who can walk a few steps and sit up straight without chest support but have arthritis, lung or coronary conditions and so on. Drawbacks:-There are, however, some limitations to using these scooters. The scooters are not usually designed to let patients transfer easily from the bed to the seat or vice versa. Furthermore, it can be problematic to navigate at home or in public spaces. rascal mobility scooters in the UK are also not prescribed to patients due to restrictions on the power chair provision by the NHS. So, patients are usually forced to use manual wheelchairs. Finally, legal issues can arise from using these scooters as the mobility aids have speed limits of up to 4 mph on footways and 8 mph on roads or highways.
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