Bad air quality is becoming a challenge in cities worldwide. Each year the air is getting tougher to breathe having less and less oxygen. Our water is a lot more polluted and trees are dying. The human race has made bad choices which are currently causing our world to fade away. Perhaps moving back to those things we made use of early in the life of mankind is the best solution. The sunlight has always been there to give heat and light, and solar power may get the world back on track. All through the history of the earth, solar energy was never used as an alternative source of electrical power. It was always the primary energy that gave warmth and light. Our modern technology has advanced to the point that we are yet again using solar power. Why should solar power be used when the planet has coal for the same purpose. The proven fact that solar power will save you money is a good explanation. Simply look at the soaring cost of your energy bills. When you use solar power you significantly reduce how much you pay to heat and light your home. This will come as no real surprise for anyone who is currently a solar power user. Having more advanced technology, it is easier to achieve the break even point after paying to install solar power panels. People today who are currently using systems powered by solar are actually making money from the power they have. When there may be limited sunlight on cloudy days, some of these individuals can get low on power and worry about their batteries running down. For the majority of the climates in the world, cloudy days are never a dilemma. The majority of people essentially end up wasting their extra electricity. Now in the United States, utility companies must buy back the excess power that is generated. Some electric meters in fact run backwards any time their systems are working. Additionally installing a wind mill and also water wheel is a good way to receive even more money from your utility company. Nevertheless, this only comes about for anyone who is still hooked up to the electric company. People who don't desire to be linked with a utility company choose to work with an energy source of their own.