As most of you with cystic acne probably realize by now, you can find plenty of info on the web explaining in great detail on what causes acne. Due to my own experience with cystic acne, I've spent a lot of my life attempting to figure out what causes acne and then, trying to search out cystic acne treatments or acne products that will help eliminate it. The large amount of articles out there can contradict one another, be totally overwhelming and the scientific words and phrases used can be challenging. So for the purpose of this article, I will keep things easy. What Is Acne? Acne is quite simply too much skin cells and oil (called sebum) that begin to block your skin's pores. Specific bacteria that is on the skin then moves in, consuming the sebum which will allow the bacteria to increase. Like every bacteria that attacks or infects the body, a defensive response is brought on from the body in order to drive back the bacteria - that then causes swelling and finally, acne. What Causes Acne? The causes of this extra sebum will be mixed but typically, they can be external and internal variables. The 5 key causes are: 1. Skin irritation - outside forces on the skin such as friction from clothes; intense hot and cold temperatures; makeup products - all can irritate your sensitive skin which in turn can result in a lot of sebum to be produced. Many acne sufferers have delicate skin which are easily irritated and worse, scar. 2. Hormonal - alterations in the human body for instance puberty can enhance hormones called androgens. These encourage the oil glands inside the hair follicles which then can causes considerably more sebum. 3. Psychological - there is also a strong connection between acne and anxiety. Although experts don’t understand how this exactly occurs, they believe that emotional stress helps to make the cells that produce sebum "uncontrolled". 4. Genetics - Acne is inherited so for this reason if your parents broke out easily, most certainly you'll get it. 5. Diet - Research has revealed that food items having a significant glycemic load - for instance rice or bread - can worsen acne. The reasoning is that substantial glycemic food items rises the levels of insulin (a hormone) in the blood which in turn results in an excess of sebum. Hopefully, this information has given you a much better understanding of how cystic acne is created as well as the 5 main causes. Keep in mind that the precise cause of acne will vary from person to person, so this means the ideal cystic acne treatment may vary too.
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