Students can now fulfill their long cherished dream of joining the IIMs. However, they need to shell out more for the undergraduate programs as IIMs are planning to increase fees. CAT Results 2012 are finally here. By the time one is reading this, candidates have checked their scores online and planning their next step. The only aim of students to take the CAT examinations is to get entry in IIMs and other top ranking MBA colleges in India. Majority of the students aim for the IIMs and prepares accordingly. CAT Results 2012 are out and many can now realize their dream of studying in premier B-schools of India. Students eyeing for a seat in any of the IIMs should be prepared to pay more for the undergraduate study programs. After the fees hike in IITs, the top-ranked B-school is increasing their fees. Enjoying the no. 1 rank for several years, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) study programs will cost more. Students who have planned to study in this institute and are waiting for the CAT 2012 Results will now have to rethink as fees are going to increase. India top management school has become even more expensive. IIM-A charges a total fee of Rs 16.6 lakh, which is the highest among the IIM group of institutes. The fee hike will be valid for the 2013-15 batch. The number of student’s intake will be same as last year at 385 seats. The program fees for 2012-2014 academic year for Post-Graduate Program (PGP) is Rs 7.4 lakh approx. The first batch of students, started in 2008 was Rs 2 lakh. The fees increased six times and the 2012-14 batch pays around Rs 15.5 lakh. The next IIM institute to follow Ahmadabad is IIM-Raipur. Raipur also increased its fees marginally and increased Rs 60,000. The earlier fee was Rs 9 lakh. IIM-C and IIM-K have still not decided about the fee increase. These institutes are charging Rs 10 lakh for 2012-14 academic year. For IIM-Bangalore, the increase in fee will be decided in the third week of January. Last year, IIM-Bangalore increased the program fees to Rs 13 lakh. Other IIM’s, which have continued with last year program fees, include IIM Lucknow, IIM Kashipur and IIM Rohtak. Another good news for the candidates waiting for CAT results 2012. The number of seats are increased in IIM Kashipur (Uttarakhand) and IIM Kozhikode. In IIM Kashipur, seats are increased from 40 to 90. For Kozhikode, the seats are increased from 360 to 400. But for IIM Calcutta, the seat intake may lessen for this academic batch. Presently IIM-C allows 463 for its undergraduate program. This may decrease to 450 seats. IIMs are the leading management education providers in the country. Most the IIMs in the country, enjoys the top ranks. The MBA courses at IIM are semester wise and involve students to do summer internship as well. some of the subjects taught in the under graduate programs are Accounting, Behavioural sciences, Finance, Economics, Human Resource Management, Management Sciences and Information Technology, Marketing, Business operations, Business Mathematics,Statistics and Decision Analysis and Strategy and General Management. IIMs are an established brand when it comes to management education in India. Students know for sure that studying at IIM will shape their career at the right direction. Exposure of global business and interacting with known business leaders are just a part of the course content at any of the IIMs. Apart from deeper theoretical study about principles of management, programs at IIMs also give students to develop their own business ideas. Author Bio: The author of this article is a CAT Exam 2012 aspirant. She wants to pursue MBA from IIMs or top management institutes of India.
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