For those of you who did not live in London in the late nineteenth century (which presumably would be all of you who are reading this), it is difficult to fully describe the experience which an opium addict undergoes while under the influence. Opium brings about more than an endorphin rush or a “high” or something which allows you to feel better and feel hopeful toward the future. No, opium is not like the ordinary marijuana or crack cocaine which are peddled on the streets today. Opium houses in London during the seventeen and eighteen hundreds pedaled the raw, unrefined resin, and sailors and citizens alike spent their remaining days in these houses of dreams. If you had money for your bill, then you would pay for your time, and were allowed to essentially vegetate in room of red velvet brocade and smoky chandeliers. However, if your bill ran out and you were too broke or too stoned to pay your bill, your body was shoveled out into the alleyway, in order for your head to clear or for your death to complete itself. Removal of the bodies in this manner also happened with individuals who had passed away in their dreams. Opium brings about more than a psychedelic experience, as you would expect LSD to bring. Instead, opium conjures up extremely realistic experiences, and gives you the very real feeling of falling into a chasm or dropping straight down on a 300 foot high rollercoaster when switching in between these dream realities. And the dreams are so real and so touchable and aesthetic and tactile, that you really do believe that you are in another world, access to which you gain by using the drug itself. Today, onsite drug and alcohol testing companies, like Mediscreen, screen for these drugs and let companies know if their employees are fit for their working duties. If not, drug and alcohol testing will show the results and present scientific proof for removal from the jobsite. In this manner, drug screening is used as a shovel, so to speak, as a tool to increase safety and protect assets while on the worksite. For more information about workplace drug testing laws and alcohol testing, call Mediscreen today. This article has been taken from
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