PHP programmers and developers are in high demand today. This is not an over statement. The number of websites on the internet is increasing each day, the field of internet marketing is growing and expanding at a fast pace. Thus it is quite obvious that more and more IT companies are hiring PHP developers with some knowledge and experience. The newbie’s are also in demand but they will always have an edge if they have some training. Since most of the companies do not prefer to waste their time and money on training newcomers and this might act as a barrier. Thus it is highly recommended that these professionals get some PHP training that will give them practical knowledge and also help them make a bright career. In this article we will discuss about what is PHP? This will give you a better understanding. What is PHP? In today’s market PHP is the most used and preferred programming and scripting language. It is mostly used to create dynamic websites. The abbreviation of PHP is Personal Home Page. PHP was created to make impressive and effective websites and web pages meant for web application. PHP is not a complicated thing and it is very easy to learn. PHP programs are support to number of database system like oracle, Sybase and MySQL. The most difficult job is to embed them into HTML. From the time of its conception PHP has developed into a forceful language. PHP programs function flexible and can be changed according to an individual’s needs and necessities. PHP frameworks have been most popular in the last few years. PHP frame works are available in different types. If you learn to use the right framework it will become easier for you to apply them on web apps processing. The codes that have already been developed can be used in the form of Zend framework, Cake PHP, solar, Prado and symfony. These are the most important frameworks. The Zend framework is mostly used as it makes the task of creating complex web apps easier. Advantages of PHP application Development 1. PHP is a free and open language source. You will not need to spend thousand dollars for purchasing them. The process of installation is also very easy. This is one of the main reasons for which it is most preferred by developers all across the globe. 2. C, C+ and are complex programming language, comparatively PHP is much easier. It is user friendly and even a person with zero technical knowledge will be able to use it. 3. The best thing is that PHP offers different kinds of functions. Thus PHP based websites function extremely well on all kinds of server. It also functions well on different OS like Mac OS, Windows and Linux. 4. PHP based web apps are effective and fast. The websites are easy to navigate, at the same time they are fast loading. 5. PHP courses are divided into different levels i.e. advance courses and beginner courses. In the beginners course the basic about PHP is taught and helps the students get a brief idea. The theoretical concepts are also taught in practical. The advance course is meant for enhancement of skills. These focus on the latest development in PHP and giving them a complete knowledge about its applicability and functionality.
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