Finally deciding to pay off your debts is a big leap. Being able to pay your debt collection attorney marks both the end and beginning of a chapter in your life. However, you do not want to waste the good fortune of being debt free. It is important that you take control of your finances this time. Ensure You Have a Clean Slate After paying your Debt Collection lawyers, it is not enough to do nothing afterwards. First, make sure that your payment was already processed. You can go to the bank to verify the records yourself. Second, inspect your credit report. This should show any data you wish to confirm such as the proper reporting of payment. Third, ensure that you get hold of a copy of your duly signed settlement. This should come in handy in the future as there are some instances when you may be contacted again by another collection agency even though you have already fully paid such debt. So, it is always best to keep copies of the agreement. Fourth, consider the fact that your credit standing may have been hurt due to prior bad debt. Thus, it would be good to start over again and apply for a secured card bearing a smaller credit limit. Use such card with much caution this time so you can pay the balance each month. Keep Moving on the Right Track As you have ensured your clean slate, devise mechanisms to improve your finances. Fifth on the list is learning more about Commercial Debt Collection Laws. Being able to know what the law affords you with empowers you to be able to use such knowledge in dealing with your finances. Sixth, learn how to budget. This is an old advice which still finds application in the modern times. Get hold of the reins of your finances and learn to prioritize your needs over wants. Seventh, save up for an emergency fund. It is during the times of need where you become most vulnerable in acquiring debts you can barely pay. By putting up your own emergency fund, you are able to secure payment of future financial needs.
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