Acne is among the five most common skin diseases that affects most people. It causes zits and pimples all over the body. When tiny holes on your skin become clogged, you are likely to get acne. Babies, teenagers and adults alike are prone to acne. Most people living with acne have a little smile on their face. This is because their self esteem diminishes due to its unpleasant look it displays on someone's body. Body acne for instance constrains people from dressing certain cloths in public thus causing discomfort to the affected ones. Over 75% of people suffering from body acne have pimples on their shoulders, scalp, chest, neck and back. Body acne is considered a genetic disease. You are likely to suffer from body acne if your parents had it. Body acnes display large pores all over. Acne can show anywhere in your body except the palms of your hands or the soles of your feet. The reason being they are the sole areas that has no sebaceous follicles that the disease originates. What cause body acne is still unclear but what's clear is that irritation could worsen the situation. Chest acne is a condition that has constrained most people from dressing freely. Young men and ladies alike would shy off from dressing open blouses and t-shirts. This is because chest acne severely affects areas of the chest. Pimples can be of small or large gashes. Adults and teenagers alike are always affected by chest acne. Acne itself has been found to affect 54% of women as compared to 40% of men. Chest acne is brought about by the blockade of oil glands that are located beneath the skin. The oil producing glands produce oil known as sebum. There is no risk of acne as long as sebum produced stays normal. However, the problem occurs when the amount of sebum produced is more than required. The over produced sebum block the pores and acne finds its way out. Hormone imbalance also plays a role in chest acne formation. Scalp acne may go unnoticed for sometimes unless your hair is short. Sadly, the problem of scalp acne might cause discomfort among its victims due to its ability to cause hair loss and pain. Scalp acne occurs when hair is clogged as a result of oil and dirt. Follicle swells and get infected if the dirt is not cleared up. Sebaceous glands may cause blockade due to hormonal imbalance, stress or poor diet. Acne is treatable and has three stages. Prevention, treatment, and after care, having balanced diet is very vital towards the clear skin campaign. Frequent intake of fruits and vegetable is important. Start taking 8 glasses of water a day if you haven't been doing that. Take some exercise (simple ones can do) and ensure you get enough sleep. Also watch out on stress, ensure you are stress free always. Another way is making sure you keep your hair clean always. Remove all of your make up before sleeping. There are many products in the market that will solve your skin problem. But first discus your problem with a reputable dermatologist to find the best acne remedy that will clear your skin. There are many teens and adults who often wonder how to get clear skin that is free from acne and other blemishes. Click Here to learn more about clear skin.
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