One of the greatest stresses of new mothers is the choice of returning to work after maternity leave. A new mother may experience emotional and financial stress when determining whether or not returning to work is a viable option. Both parent and child experience emotional stress due to this change in lifestyle. The emotional turmoil a mother or baby experience is commonly called separation anxiety. All mothers attach to their babies in many ways, as they have nine months of pregnancy and up to a year at home with their child after childbirth. A mother may find it difficult to focus on their tasks upon returning to work, as the worry can take a toll on her day to day functioning. Babies begin to experience separation anxiety as soon as six months old. Parents can begin to prepare for this situation in advance of their separation from their child. The message a parent sends to the child through body language and tone of voice is key. A child will be more willing to go with another caregiver if the parent greets the caregiver with happiness and excitement. A parent should find suitable childcare in advance and introduce baby to this new environment. This will ease the child in to this transition and reduce the anxiety in both parent and child. The communication between employer and employee is important in order to set working schedules that are flexible and accommodating for the working mother. One must weigh the financial pros and cons when deciding to return to work or not. The cost of daycare can be staggering and a mother must make a very decent salary in order to afford it. For example, a mother who makes $40000 per year gets on average $1100 in take home pay every two weeks. If the child will be going to daycare, full time monthly costs can range from $700 and up. For part-time care, rates are variable. The average daily rate of childcare for one child is $50. In that case, if the parents can work alternate days, the child would need daycare about 3 days a week. That would equal $150 per week, or $600 per month. Clearly, part-time care does not equate to a large cost savings for the parents, and full time care can be financially crippling for those that are unprepared. In society today, there are many stay at home job opportunities available. Through persistence, diligence, commitment and consistency, it is possible that a mother can still financially provide for her family while fulfilling her daily duties at home. Spouses and support systems play a critical role for the working stay-at-home mother. Today, there are a wide variety of support systems and training available online for anyone who desires to develop an at-home business. The internet has provided a wealth of opportunities for online work and can be the solution for the working mother. For the best online work from home opportunity, visit
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