Green Lipped Mussel Powder And Fish Oil Omega-3 Excess and chronic inflammation are responsible for the acceleration of symptoms in many painful or serious health conditions. And as more studies are devoted to learning about the green lipped mussel benefits for inflammation, more related health problems are being uncovered – leading people to taking nutritional anti-inflammatory supplements like green lipped mussel powder and fish oil omega-3. Millions of people know the pain and decrease in mobility that comes from inflammatory joint conditions, and especially arthritis. These are the result of excessive joint inflammation and swelling, along with the loss of lubricating fluids and the degeneration in connective tissues and cartilage. But the problem with body inflammation that doesn’t go away, meaning that instead of being a normal response to an injury or an infection it instead becomes a continuing and chronic condition, is an issue for far more than joint conditions. This type of inflammation is actually being seen as one of the primary causes for many health problems and even death – as recent studies have referred to chronic inflammation as the ‘secret killer’, coming from recognizing that excessive inflammation often isn’t known until it is too late. Heart disease and the risk of dying from a heart attack is very much related to problems that arise from too much inflammation and fats in the blood. This is something that has led the American Heart Association to strongly recommend that everyone increase the amount of fish that they eat. And why have they done that, because you will then be getting more omega-3 fatty acids from the oil in the fish, which is a strong natural anti-inflammatory – which is also why fish oil is such a highly recommended nutritional anti-inflammatory supplement like the green lipped mussel supplement. But chronic inflammation is also associated with more diseases than those related to the heart; diabetes, asthma, macular degeneration, digestive health conditions, Alzheimer’s disease, and some kinds of cancer have all been seen in scientific studies and research to have inflammation as an underlying symptom and even cause. Which all again makes the nutritional anti-inflammatory supplements like green lipped mussel powder and fish oil omega-3, such an important daily addition to the foods you eat. Green lipped mussels have many nutritional health benefits that are especially important for reducing and inhibiting the chronic inflammation that is related to many serious health problems. Please come to our website to learn more about the green lipped mussel health benefits, and how to ensure that you are getting the best supplement available:
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