People who have been diagnosed as HIV positive have to go on leading a life with HIV AIDS, however hard it is. They have to tackle everyday challenges and go about their routines as usual. Apart from the help of a professional counselor or therapist, you could also consider joining HIV Forums or HIV Support Groups. Many people who have been diagnosed as HIV positive find that they have to go on leading a life with HIV AIDS. They find that ‘life’, as such, does not end with that traumatic first moment when they come to know of their HIV positive status. They find that they still have to tackle everyday challenges and go about their routines as usual. However, this is more difficult to practice than preach; many people are constrained by their feeling that things are not as ‘usual’. Life with HIV AIDS is not identical to life without HIV AIDS; but at the same time, it does not mean that the former is in any way lesser than the latter. With modern retroviral drugs, people with HIV AIDs have only a slightly less life expectancy than HIV negative sections of the populace. As long as an HIV positive person takes care of his or her health, according to the advice of their healthcare professionals, they will be able to enjoy a good quality of life. These are facts; but people who have to go through life with HIV AIDS are often unlikely to be consoled by mere facts, at least in the beginning. They might get seriously depressed, and even develop suicidal tendencies if they don’t get help and counseling during this crucial period. It is necessary to get the help of a professional counselor or therapist to help you deal with your feelings; but it might also be beneficial to join HIV Forums or HIV Support Groups. In fact, your therapist or counselor could suggest that you join such forums and support groups as part of your regular therapy sessions. The reason is that your counselor or psychologist knows for a fact that these HIV Forums and HIV Support Groups can go a long way in helping you get a better understanding of your condition, more than any amount of lectures. This will then help you eventually accept your HIV positive status, and regard it, with a certain degree of equanimity. The reason why HIV Forums and HIV Support Groups are so effective is that they comprise of other individuals who are HIV positive or have AIDS. Joining such a group of people will allow you to freely express yourself in a non-judgmental space, where you can open up about your feelings and any issue that is remotely related to HIV AIDS. In fact, you can even discuss other aspects of your life, apart from your HIV status, especially if you join an HIV support group or forum that brings together people who share a common passion, like films, or books. These HIV Forums and HIV Support Groups therefore help you to realize that you are not defined by your HIV status, and that you have far more facets to your personality. Ryan FitzGerald is the Co-Founder of WebTribes Inc. WebTribes is a network of online community websites designed to bring people with similar life issues together from around the world that are in need of support. The support communities are for people affected by Depression, Addiction, OCD and HIV/Aids. Browse HIVAidsTribe to Find HIV AIDS support groups, HIV forum, living with AIDS, Hiv Chat Rooms and Hivaids Therapy.
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