Taking advantage of balance transfer offers is a great way to avoid paying high interest on your current credit cards. These kinds of cards enables you to move your outstanding balance from one card to another that has lower interest or 0% intro APR. This way, your balance does not accumulate interest and your monthly card bills will become more affordable. Zero interest cards are usually offered to new applicants to attract more customers to their credit company. These kinds of cards usually have a 6 to 12 month intro period when the 0% interest rate is applied. This gives you relief for at least half a year paying the lowest possible amount of money to pay off your card debts. If the card you currently use has high interest rates, it will be in your best interest to take advantage of some balance transfer offers. This promo is also available for credit cards for people with no credit. It is the perfect way to solve your monthly woes regarding heavy card bills. Having this card will also benefit your credit score. It’s a great way to build your credit history if you don’t have credit yet. Go online and search for websites and that offer various types of cards from different creditors. This way, you get to see which creditors offer the best deal and lowest APR and fees. Once on a reputable website, you will see a list of cards that offer transfers on your balances. List down the ones that have zero interest and note how much the APR% is and how long the 0% rate applies. You also need to find out the maximum amount of money you can transfer to the new card and if you can transfer balances from multiple cards. Another thing to find out is how much the real APR and interest rates will be once the introductory period expires. Some of these cards may jack up the interest rates once the promo period ends to an amount that will be very hard to cope with. Some creditors will apply a higher rate if you pay your balance late. If you are the type who rarely pays your card bills on time, a 0 interest card for transferring balances may become useless. Find out how much the card fees are regarding late payments. They might charge exorbitant fees for just being late a few days. Some cards may charge a total accumulated interest if the balance is unpaid at the end of the introductory period. It is important to take care of your new card especially for credit cards for people with no credit since you will just begin to establish your credit history. It is important to pay on time and not abuse using your cards just because you have been approved for a 0% interest card for transferring your balances. Late payments will always reflect negatively on your credit history. Before signing up and applying for any of the balance transfer offers, compare their rates after the intro period expires, the length of the 0% balance transfer promo period, and how much you can transfer to the card. It is advantageous to have a zero balance transfer card, but abusing it and not paying on time will make it more difficult for you to apply for a new card in the future. Find a wide range of balance transfer offers with zero percent interest and credit cards for people with no credit at credit-land.com
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