Many pets are affected by allergies. It is a common problem. Often it is caused by household chemicals such as cleaners but not always. Pets can be allergic to all of the same things that people can be allergic to. Of course allergies in pets are hard to manage and there is really no cure. The idea is to be strategic in managing the allergy and minimizing its effects on your pet. However it doesn't end there. What I mean by this is that there are additional problems that occur do to the allergy. One of the main problems that will occur is chronic yeast infections that will plague your pets ears and skin specifically. In this article I will address the problem of ear infections due to allergies, which is called otitis. Otitis, or an otic infection is a yeast infection that your pet might suffer from as a result of allergic reactions. Allergic reactions are due to a response by your pet's immune system. When your pet comes in contact with the allergen the immune system assumes there is a problem and attacks. This is when the contact becomes apparent with the appearance of an allergic reaction.The physical consequence of the immune system's war on the allergen is inflammation. Redness, irritation, constant scratching I'm sure this is what you think of when you remember back to an allergic reaction and it is no different for pets. The inflammation irritates the skin and the pet's response is just like that of the pet's human owner. Yeast is present in your pets system naturally. It is kept under control by a host of "good" bacteria. These are what we call probiotics. Probiotics are essential to a healthy immune system because they balance the system so that the immune response mechanism doesn't have to act. When the yeast is too powerful to be controlled an infection occurs and then the problems the allergic reaction induced are only multiplied. If your pet has an otic infection (yeast in the ears) he will shake his head constantly. He will also scratch at his ears. Sometimes it can be so severe that the animal will scratch his ears until they are raw and bleeding. Without treatment this process might be repeated over and over without relief for your pet. It is a miserable experience for the pet and owner alike since no one wants to see their loving pet suffer this way. Fortunately there are things that you can do. Veterinarians can help, but when it comes to the diagnosis of common allergies (called contact dermatitis) even the vet cannot often help your animal find much relief. The best approach is to do all you can to prevent your pet from contacting the allergen and to manage the conditions when he does. You can even give your pet antihistamines. If you do this please always consult your vet for the proper instructions so that you don't harm your pet. Finally there are also otic solutions that can clear up the yeasty ear condition. By managing your pet's symptoms you can ensure a good quality of life for your pet and many enjoyable hours of companionship that a healthy pet can provide. Want to know the easiest (and cheapest) way to cure a pet otic infection? Visit Otic Soution
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