Once again, government advocates are trying to undercut individual freedom. It is bad enough that politicians have overstepped their authority and legislated smoking bans in public locations throughout the country. Now, leaders in Tacoma, Washington are looking to ban the electronic cig, too. The Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has asked for brand new laws that would regulate e cigarettes the same as regular smokes. This means no more e-smoking your electric cig in taverns, eating places, offices or any area where the public might possibly be. For folks who do not know about them, an electric cig is a battery powered contraption that emulates cigarette smoking by permitting users of it to inhale and exhale a vapor mist that usually has a minor amount of nicotine in it. Elements in the fluid the gadgets utilise include water, vegetable glycerin (VG) or propylene glycol (PG), nicotine in an amount generally comparable to 1/10 of a regular cigarette or less and flavoring. Vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol have both been accepted by the EPA and FDA for human intake, water is certainly not harmful to the public nor is artificial flavoring thought of a chronic community health worry. Although nicotine is extremely addictive, it has never been directly linked to cancer nor has it been labeled as an ingredient of alarm in second hand smoke. The truth is, there are not any experiments so far that reveal that electric cigs are even risky to its users, let alone to bystanders. A multitude studies, however, suggest that they are vastly better for your health than ordinary cigarettes are. Facts and bona fide science are beside the point to goverment health advocates, however. Much of their jobs and a great deal of their earnings is reliant upon being able to endorse whatever the pharmaceutical industry allows them to write a prescription for. Bending facts and shifting public beliefs is vital to keeping the moolah flowing to Big Pharma and physicians alike. Director of the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department, Anthony Chen, says that the ingredients in electronic cigarettes could be harmful to users of the devices and to people nearby. The doctor offers no study, no evidence, no laboratory tests to bear out his standpoint. He doesn’t need to; he is the Head of the Department! Other doctors who sustain Dr. Chen’s thinking state that e cigs glamorize smoking for impressionable young people. Really? In what way? I'm still trying to determine what these impressionable children are doing in the bar in the first place! Another board official, Pierce County Executive Pat McCarthy, states that e cigarettes appear far too much like ordinary cigarettes to sanction their use in the open. His worry is that regular cigarette users might get confused if individuals are using electric cigarettes in their vicinity and that they may light up their real cigarettes indoors, believing it will be acceptable. Of course they will; because you must be an absolute moron or you wouldn’t have started smoking to start with, right? Perhaps Mr. McCarthy is advocating that e cigarettes would be tolerable if they looked like a jalepeno pepper, a zuchini or a nice, healthy spear of broccoli. (Honestly, I think I may be more apt to smoke something that looks like a cell phone.) Implying that conventional cigarette smokers are unintelligent could truly be the lone true assertion being made here. Twenty four percent of the american adult populace smokes standard cigarettes, yet they have haven't done a thing to stop their civil liberties being removed year after year. The spanish speaking community includes 16.3 percent of the population and those of african descent comprise 12 percent of the population. The gay and lesbian segment of the community makes up approximately 1.7 percent of the nation's population. Could you envision the public fury, the media coverage, the demonstrations in the streets that would arise if a public official suggested getting rid of any one of these groups’ rights? The United States of America is supposed to be the home of the free, the land of liberty. Bars, dining places, motels and places of business all should maintain the independence to declare their places as smoke-free or opt not to. Individuals who elect not to be subjected to tobacco smoke should have the free will to pick smoke-free places, locations that allow cigarette smoking or neither. Smokers and companies alike have allowed the nanny state legislative body to remove their liberty due to the imposition of cigarette smoking restrictions. Everyone has tolerated it as a consequence of junk science press releases about secondhand smoke. I simply trust that sane thinking prevails at some point and that rational folks understand that they are currently proposing a restriction on something that hasn't been shown to cause any injury at all. If the government can bar electronic cigs, it makes me wonder, what could be next? Please don’t ban my half pound double onion burger; I couldn't help but notice that the porky child at the last table on the right eyeballing it! After spending years in market research, the author kicks back and takes it easy now but works occasionally as a freelance writer for a few of online publications including the Joye 510 USA electronic cig website. Married for 12 years, he has 4 children, 3 dogs, 4 cats and 2 parakeets. None of them uses e cigarettes.
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