Even the solar or sight glasses are in vogue but it is still very difficult to choose sunglasses that make you look prettier, beautiful and that suits your body color, shape and face size because many times it happens that people buy eye glasses and after a few hours of wearing them they find that the glass are not fitting well on their face, they might be looking ugly and so on. So here are some tips for choosing the model that will make you beautiful. First imperatives – Glass Selection The face shape determines the design of the frame while the personality oriented towards a style of glasses (materials, colors). In general, it is advisable not to cut the eye, the frame should follow the line of the eyebrow and the eye must be centered in the glass while the lower part of the spectacle can never touch the cheek, even when you smile (do not forget to reset your glasses). Finally, we must ensure that the branches do not compress the temples. So the first point is to choose a frame that makes out a lot from your face while wearing it on your eyes. Choosing Shape of Glasses and Frames Round faces will increase their youthful side with round frames. If the aim is rather to refine the drawing, it will instead move towards square or rectangular glasses. Squared faces with well designed jaws will be further enhanced by round frames that will soften the lines and break their side angular. Choose a slim line frame will also lengthen the face and refine it. However, beware of highly stylized and geometric shapes that can harden the lines and are best for oval or round faces. Those with a triangular face, that is to say, with predominance of the forehead or jaw (inverted triangle) will avoid large frames and lenses and choose rather thin glasses that highlight the narrowness of the face. Frames of minimalist style with a structure only on the top of glasses or no structures around glasses are particularly suitable. Models called "butterflies" are also ideal for this type of morphology as they rebalance the face by erasing the differences of proportion between the forehead and chin. Finally, those with an oval face can rejoice because for them anything goes! Choosing the Right Color Once the frame selected, it remains to choose the right color. To achieve this, a track is to be based on eye color and complexion. The light colored eyes prefer clear shades close to the color of the iris while for dark eyes all hues agree (be careful that a too dark -toned look may harden). Also consider your complexion of thumb, If your complexion is very pale, for example, prefer a frame with bright colors rather than dark colors. In some cases, very peps colors can even be used to correct the shape of the face, especially when it is very long: the color of the frame will then cut the face in half and reduce the long side. About Author Author is having a good knowledge about eye care and its surgery procedures such as lasik eye surgery India, cataract, glaucoma, squint and eye transplant surgery. Author recommend to choose a eye hospital in India for low cost eye care treatments.
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