Apples are good for heart, memory function and lower risk of some cancer and to maintain urinary tract health. Apples are rich in vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C. Minerals in apple fruit, among others, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and zinc. Apple fruit contains fiber which is useful to reduce the fat and bad cholesterol in the body. But please do check before eating an apple. It is advisable to peel off the skin of the fruit. Apples are coated with shellac and carnauba wax to improve their shine. Wax is used for a preservation purpose and then cold stored. A coating of wax helps seal in moisture; especially the imported apples are more than one year old, though it would look fresh. Food industry says that the wax is not harmful to eat; it does give food an off-flavor. It also thwarts your efforts to scrub off pesticides that may have been sprayed on the fruit before it was waxed, but you should always rinse your apples with soap and water or with vinegar before you eat them. The author writes for the promotion of Doctor Support project which helps the people to Know the facilities available in each Hospital and booking appointment with doctors.
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apple, healthy foods,