For those who suffer from acid reflux finding ways to control its causes and affects is vitally important. There are really two ways to deal with GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease); medically or naturally. For many a combination of the two works well but we will be looking primarily at natural remedies for acid reflux that center on dietary and lifestyle changes. Many people who suffer from this condition notice that the symptoms worsen at night when they lie down. Studies have also shown that the esophagus is more likely to be damaged at night as well. The reason for this simply has to do with gravity. During the day as we move around and stay in an upright position gravity helps keep the contents of the stomach down. Laying down cancels this affects, allowing refluxed gastric acids an easier route back into the esophagus. The refluxed stomach contents also stay in the in the esophagus for an extended period further damaging the esophageal tissue. The natural way to deal with nighttime GERD symptoms is to elevate the upper body when in bed. You can do this one of two ways; placing blocks under the feet directly or place a wedge shaped pillow under the upper body. The former might be more difficult because the whole bed will be at an angle, causing gravity to slide your body down the bed. For most people using a pillow wedge works well. The point is to keep the bottom end of the esophagus higher then the stomach. One last point about lying down; most people find that lying on their left side alleviates the symptoms better then when laying on their right side. An acid reflux diet hinges on avoiding the foods that cause symptoms and eating foods that either don’t cause symptoms or help relieve the symptoms. There are a variety of foods that are known to exacerbate reflux. Alcohol, caffeinated drinks, chocolate, and peppermint are all on the foods to avoid list. Also fatty foods, fried foods and dairy products are also detrimental to reflux sufferers. There are also foods that can worsen symptoms; these include spicy foods, tomato juice, carbonated beverages and citrus juices or other acidic foods. If you smoke this is a good time to stop. It is proven that tobacco products aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux. Smoking also lowers the pressure in the esophageal sphincter, allowing the gastric contents easier access back up into the throat. One of best known natural remedies is using one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed into a glass of water. For the best results this mixture should be drunk while eating. It helps reduce the amount of gastric acids released and settles the stomach. Avoiding the foods that cause acid reflux is important to those who suffer from this condition. On the flip side there are beneficial to those who suffer. Bananas, fresh apples, and grape fruit peals are able to naturally suppress the causes of reflux. Carrots and cabbage also possess these attributes. Cinnamon is a natural spice that is an extremely effective cure for GERD. It controls the secretion of gastric acid and normalizes the activity of the stomach. It also has antiseptic effects and certain healing properties that help combat the symptoms of reflux. Other herbs and spices that can also help include Cardamom, Mace, Nutmeg, and Slippery Elm. We have listed a variety of natural remedies for acid reflux that are known to work well for most people. Making lifestyle changes, reducing stress, and following a good diet are not only good for reflux sufferers but good for their overall health too. To learn more about acid reflux disease and its treatment please visit the website Acid Reflux Disease by clicking here.
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