How often have you read about getting rid of those love handles and belly fat? It may make you tired just thinking about how many situps you’ll have to do, or how many rice cakes and melba toast you need to substitute for the real food you want to eat.
Click Here For Shape Up And Feel Ageless! Youthfulness in Western society is, for the most part, measured by a trim waistline, no gray in the hair, pearly white teeth, bright clear eyes and a lack of wrinkles. Sound magical? The truth is that you can have all of that with much less work than you might imagine. Some suggestions begin with diet. First one is, don’t skip breakfast. After hours without food, you need some protein, fiber and fruit. Protein helps level out your blood sugar, the fiber gets your system moving, and the fruit is cleansing. A quick bowl of oatmeal with banana would cover all three. Eat more often. Don’t wait until you’re starved before eating, even a snack of leftover chicken salad or a turkey leg would suffice. Drink water often. That doesn’t mean you have to carry a water bottle permanently attached to your belt; just sip often on pure water that has no chlorine. Get up and move! You could walk with five pound weights on each wrist. The weights will help you build muscle and burn extra calories over time. This will be a lifestyle adjustment, not a diet so don’t get discouraged. With some liver detoxification, your eyes will brighten. Check with your naturopath for something mild enough and effective. New strategies such as baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will whiten your teeth surprisingly well. There are other products on the market that are quite effective too. New technologies for hair coloring have produced organic products that don’t contain harmful chemicals you don’t want on your hair or absorbed into your skin. Check salons in your city for those that carry organic colorings. They’re really easy on the hair, your body and the environment. Toning your midsection can make a huge difference in the way your clothes fit and the way you look. There are several programs that help you gain strength as well as lose inches while toning. If you think that dropping inches and years off your looks might be more expensive than you can undertake, that’s probably not the case. Take it slowly, stay focused, be persistent, and pretty soon you’ll look at yourself with a big, big smile. Now you’re not only living younger longer, but you’re enjoying your new energy and youthful appearance. Click Here For Shape Up And Feel Ageless!
Have some fun today,
Vida Vida Humphreys writes about Shape Up Those Middles To Look And Feel Ageless and Brain Exercises Keep You Younger Longer for anti aging.
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belly fat, bright eyes, bypassing chemicals, drop inches, gain strength, liver detoxification, love handles, organic hair products, teeth whitening, ,