Gaining extra air miles is quite easy and can be done in a number ways other than flying. One of these ways is by purchasing items you use on a regular basis. You are not paying for the air miles; rather, you receive the miles as a bonus for making your purchase. Here are a few tips on how to gain extra air miles. The most obvious way of earning air miles is by flying. It is best to utilize one alliance of airlines. This allows you earn air miles faster, as when you maintain a frequent flyer account with a specific airline you can still gain points when you travel with any of that airline’s sister air carriers. When making any other kinds of travel plans, always present your frequent flyer ID to the travel representative. Leasing cars from top car rental firms and vacationing at major hotel chains is another way of gaining air miles. For these methods, air miles are granted each day so the more you rent a car or stay at a hotel, the more air miles you’ll receive. If you are not sure about the services that offer you air miles, consult the airline. If you are thinking of getting a credit card, get one that is associated with the airline you travel with the most so that when you use your credit card to purchase items, you gain air miles at the same time. You will be able to gain miles while purchasing gas, groceries or any household items and may even be eligible to receive a free companion ticket. As a frequent flyer, is the ideal place to go for all your purchases via the internet. Once you register your frequent flyer ID on the website, you should search for the retailer you want to make your purchase from, and then you’ll be given a link to the retailer’s website where you can make your purchase. Shopping via will allow you to earn up to ten miles a dollar for your purchases. You may also be awarded free shipping or bonus miles via When you subscribe your credit card to you are awarded air miles each time you eat at any restaurants that take part in the frequent flyer program. Head on over to our site for information on UK air miles and how to rack up the most miles for your pound. The airmiles duo program and American express are just two of the programs you will learn about.
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