Nobody wants excess fat in their body and we all are always looking for ways to cut down on excess fat from our body. We all can think of methods like dieting and exercising to lose weight. But what about Fasting or going on a starvation diet to lose weight? Though you may be tempted to go on a starvation diet, it may do more harm to your body than you could imagine. The amount of calories we intake determine whether we lose or gain weight! And since the excess calories is because of food, lot of us resort to skipping breakfast or eating a smaller lunch to cut down on our calorie intake. Going on a starvation diet may help you to lose weight but it is actually not at all a healthy option. This is because if you starve for a longer period of time, your body reduces your metabolism rate. If your body still needs calories, it will break down your muscles first, and then it will look towards fat. So any loss in weight through fasting is because of loss of muscle mass and not because of fat. And when you go back to your normal eating habits again, your body stores everything as fat as quickly as possible. Besides, it also makes you to resort to binge eating. In all probability, lack of proper diet is only going to weaken your body and may also lead to other complications. So if you really want to lose weight in the correct manner, you should do it through proper nutrition and a combination of aerobic and cardio exercises. Fasting & Weight Loss!
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fasting and weight loss, starvation diets, starvation diet, starvation dieting,