Let's face it! There aren't many people playing the game that don't want just a little extra distance with their golf shots. It doesn’t t matter how far golfers hit it, we want to hit it slightly farther. Although I think that golf course management decisions along with a great short game usually are a bigger factor than length for the normal golfer and distance is overrated, if I learned the way to get an extra 20 yards on my drives I'd become all in. For many people hitting the golf ball slightly farther is within our abilities, with only a few caveats. Number one, getting any golf ball even farther makes it worthwhile as long as we sustain consistency. Merely swinging faster at the golf ball could get a bit more yardage, but still playing golf is related to having control of the ball. Second, it is going to take some work. Therefore here are some of the things we can do. 1. Increase your overall flexibility. When we age people normally lose some of this flexibility, meaning golfers do not get the appropriate shoulder turn in the back swing. This means they attempt to generate greater club velocity by using their hands as well as arms. Hanging out in the fitness center to become suppler, in both the upper body as well as the core area is going to naturally add distance. By improving shoulder turn by 10° to 15° can add those 20 yards, provided nothing else changes. 2. Swinging the golf club with the hips. Generating club velocity is in reality not about power, but about torque. That means the swing has to begin with the hips, which will generate the required centrifugal force for your club head to increase in velocity. The only thing that is important when attempting to add additional length to a golf shot is the speed of the golf club at contact. You will generate a little acceleration with the hands, but a great deal more using the core. If you watch a pitcher throw a baseball he builds speed on the ball using his legs and hips. When he attempts to only muscle the ball to the plate most of the speed on the ball will be wasted. A similar principle applies in the swing. All those big muscles in the core region generate speed, and then let the hands and arms to give direction to the ball. Now you can probably see flexibility as more important than muscle potency. By combining good suppleness with correct timing in the golf swing and just about anybody will be able to add a few yards to the shots devoid of decreasing ball control. Generating club head speed, and as a result distance starts in the back swing. Read more on the four aspects of a good golf swing, broken down into their individual components. Jim O'Connell is an avid golfer and writer living in Chicago.
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increase golf distance, core power, overall golf flexibility,