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Born to Lead Humanity? by Anne Whinney

Born to Lead Humanity? by
Article Posted: 04/13/2011
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Born to Lead Humanity?

Spiritual,Self Improvement,Current Affairs
It has been said that the human race is in the midst of an evolutionary change. As time goes on, children are coming into this physical reality retaining the conscious spiritual knowledge of whom and what they are. And that change is being heralded in by the indigo children. Indigo children are the "warriors" and "trailblazers" of the new age. And as these indigo children come of age, none of them is getting perhaps more attention than Teal Scott. Nick named “The Spiritual Catalyst”, Teal Scott has garnered both attention and devotion from the spiritual community since the release of her first book “The Sculptor in the Sky”. Like most children born with psychic ability in the 1980’s, her gifts were not seen as abilities, but rather as illness. She was diagnosed by traditional psychologists with sensory integration disorder when she displayed synaesthesia, reported being able to see “energy” and demonstrated extreme hypersensitivities. She demonstrated such extraordinarily strong extrasensory abilities in fact that she caught the attention of a Christian cult in the rural town where Teal was raised. She was inducted into this cult and was tortured sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally for 13 years before escaping soon after her nineteenth birthday. The abuse did not serve to make her abandon her abilities (as it was intended to make her do). It has instead served to further fuel her intention to continue on what she calls her “intended path”; a path of using the very abilities which were the cause of the torture she endured as a child to help other people achieve happiness, health and freedom. The case of her abuse became a matter of the state and remains open to this day. Teal’s focus has been far from her past however. Instead, her focus is on the future. She has taken the spiritual and metaphysical communities by storm as she has personally taken it upon herself to demonstrate her teachings to the world. Immediately upon her “coming out” she began captivating audiences with her ability to forgive the perpetrators in her past. Now, she seeks to lead the human race into the understanding that we are all one. She teaches that physical reality is not a static reality. Instead, she teaches that it is energy which is continually molded by the mind to look and sound and feel like it is solid and three dimensional. But perhaps the most revolutionary teaching she offers is the concept that everything which exists in a person’s external reality is the mirrored manifestation of what is present within a person’s internal reality. This is a bold statement because if this is the case, then self awareness and self mastery are not only the key components to living a happy life but also the direct route to what all life forms seek… happiness. As more and more people have become aware of Teal Scott and her teachings, she has become much more to some than an extraordinary woman. In fact, she has become more to some than an extraordinary spiritual guide. As the 2012 Mayan calendar end date fast approaches us and members of all faiths are aware of (and even afraid of) the extraordinary change that is afoot, Teal Scott has become a spiritual icon. Many of her followers firmly believe that Teal Scott is a manifestation of the divine, sent to lead humanity through these trying times. This reputation is said to not easily be refuted when one meets with her in person. Many people who have sat within her presence describe the symptoms of their chronic illnesses vanishing miraculously. Others describe experiencing the overwhelming feeling of complete love and light as they undergo out of body experiences. And as her reputation continues to grow, she had been inundated by pleas from people asking for her personal blessings. Whether one believes that Teal Scott as an extraordinary woman, a spiritual guide or a manifestation of the divine, the truth remains the same that a new revolutionary has come into public attention and has left many wanting more.

You can see more about The Spiritual Catalyst at the following web site:

Related Articles - Teal Scott, The spiritual catalyst, icon, famous, abuse, physical abuse, child abuse, ritual abuse, new age, spiritual, leader, guru, psychic, story, biography,

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11/02/14 - 7:31:26 AM - Concerned Citizen
This woman is a new age scam and a complete fraud. She is a mentally ill pathological liar, and is trying to start her own new age alien cult down in Utah with her own "followers." Here is an interview with one of her previous housemates who fled from Teal's circle. Teal suffers from borderline personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. She made this story of abuse up to feed her insatiable need for attention and to help her sell her book and jump start her career as a "spiritual teacher." She claims to be an alien from Arcturus and a "Eucharist." She is a megalomaniac who wants to "buy countries." She stole all these stories of Satanic Ritual Abuse from the real abuse victims during group therapy after being treated by a therapist with an agenda by the name of Barbara Snow. Barbara Snow was caught by police implanting false memories in her patients and took a voluntary suspension. Barbara has been on the trail of mormon satanists in Utah for a while and has been penalized for her obsession. This is a shame, because I believe there are real abuse victims of satanic rituals, but Teal isn't one of them. She is ruining any chance for real abuse victims by lying the way she is doing.

08/26/14 - 11:38:16 AM - coffee
I believe Teal Swan's is a fraud and I believe her abuse story is fabricated. Almost nothing of her story can be verified by sources other than her.

12/12/11 - 8:35:05 AM - Brittany
WOW!!! That makes total sense. When I watched Teal on a video for the first time, I got shivers up my spine, like I just knew something was WAY unearthly about her. Aren't Pleiadians supposed to be the ones who are ethereal looking and symmetrical and beautiful? I have a lot more hope for the future of humanity if extraterrestrials are in fact helping us like Teal is trying to help us. this is so COOL!!!

12/12/11 - 8:27:15 AM - Dazzo
Teal Scott is not a human. She is an Arcturian who has opted into the human incarnation cycle to help society move from a three dimensional reality to a fifth dimensional reality. This is why she knows everything she knows. She is a "Star-Seed"

07/20/11 - 9:02:17 AM - Ryan
I attended one of Teal's workshops back in June. I had never heard of Teal until a friend of mine (A minister of Unity church actually) told me to go to this workshop because of things which were going on in my own life. All I can say is that when I got there, I saw how young she was and thought... "what could this person possibly teach me about myself, when I'm nearly 50 years older and have studied spirituality all my life?". But when I left, I had been completely blown away. my reality made sense to me, my problems made sense to me. And it was apparent that Teal is not actually 26 years old. She is an avatar, who has chosen this image for the benefit of her disciples. You know that there is something immensely special about someone when other church leaders go out of their own way and outside their own religion to learn their teachings. All I can say is this article is pretty much exactly on point.

04/20/11 - 6:02:29 PM - Scottyboy
wow... Teal Scott is Hot! I mean super model hot! I'll subscribe to any religion with a leader that looks like that. She must be doin' somethin' right. Sign me up.

04/15/11 - 3:54:55 PM - J. Williams
I have read Teal Scott's book. "The Sculptor in the Sky". It is easily one of the best books I've ever read. There is so much profound (kick you in the stomach with truth) information on each page, it sort of messes with your reality. But in a good way. I realized I was living a lot of lies and thinking in very harmful ways that were effecting my life. Since I have changed these behaviors because of her book, I must say that it is on par with the great life changers such as the power of now. Or chicken soup for the soul. I like it much better though:)

04/15/11 - 3:35:41 PM - Michelle Smith
I really don't care what anyone has to say about Teal Scott. When you experience something for yourself, you just know. You don't need to back up knowing with proof because you already know what you saw. What I saw with my own eyes is Teal working on a broken collar bone and the next day... it calcifying completely. I saw this on x-ray. The doctor was totally confused. My son kept his place on the high school baseball team and now, he has a chance to make it to a college team. To me, this is a miracle. To me, it is proof that she is one of God's chosen few. I sure as hell can't perform miricles like that! I thank God for Teal Scott. I saw what she is capable and what she is with my own eyes!

04/15/11 - 1:30:52 PM - Kenny F.
KBK, you are so right. It is so true that the main problem we have as humans is that when we come across someone as extraordinary as Teal Scott,we miss their message which is that we are all capable of so much and are made of true god force energy. Instead we see them as higher or different and so we make it about them instead of about us. This leads to people to sometimes become threatened by them and kill them or treat them like they are not human. The point is (and I'm so sure Teal actually says this)that people like Teal are like a mirror. Showing us what we already know and have inside of us. That is what I love about Teal Scott's teachings the most. They all are meant to show us that WE hold the power to our own destinies, our own happiness, our own freedom. I too thank Teal for setting an example of what we all are and I thank KBK for clarifying this important message.

04/13/11 - 10:00:43 PM - KBK
I too am enthralled with the presence and impact of the radiant woman in question. I hesitate, however, to define something so rare - a reflection of unconditional LOVE that really lives inside us all. I will not label myself a "disciple" or "devotee", thereby placing her as separate from or better than the rest of us. She deserves to live a peaceful, happy life with her family and walk among people as a friend. I'm sure she doesn't wish to carry a cross for us; she wishes for us to see ourselves in her. Thank you, Teal, for setting an exquisite example of who we are.

04/13/11 - 8:37:28 PM - B. Dyer
Willliam Macey, Your comment is intriguing. I am the man who saved Teal from her childhood. I hid her in my house when she was 19. I have dealt with her dissociative seizures and personalities for many years. I cleaned and bandaged her binding scars around her ankles when she ran away. I have been there by her side for the entire police case, holding her hand while she endured examinations and taped interrogative sessions and physically showing the police the locations where her abuse and the horrific rituals in her past occurred. And giving them human teeth which she still had from one of the sacrifices she was forced to attend. I have seen her heal to an extent that no one could possibly understand. she is THE most amazing person on the face of planet earth. And in truth, we will have no way of knowing whether Teal has been sent to us from the Spirit realm or whether it is just another personality. Maybe we all get to make our minds up about this. The fact is, someone who lived through what she has lived through and come out the other side to be functioning in society, could teach us all something. And that is all that should matter.

04/13/11 - 8:30:15 PM - William Macey PHD
This article above is fascinating. It spurred me into really looking into this case. So, there is no doubt about what happened to her as a child. It was horrific, it involved capture and torture of the most acute kind. I am sure everyone is well versed in the subject of Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is a disorder that Teal Scott has. When Teal escaped her abuse at age 19, she had 12 intact personalities. It is my professional opinion that Teal has not gotten better, that instead she is stuck in a permanent personality which has evolved to cope with the full story of her past. And that this personality is named "Eucharist". the following is from her web site... From a young age, Teal began professing to have not only chosen to be a part of this physical life, but to have been sent as a “Eucharist” into this physical life by the non physical grouping of energy called “Adonai”. “Adonai” is a non physical group whose intention is the imparting of oneness. This is the personality Teal is stuck in in order to cope with the "Why" of her past. it is most likely one of her first personalities to be built. I've worked with patients with complex PTSD and DID for over 20 years. It is not clear whether or not it is better for them to maintain a permanent personality which is benign or integrate the personality and face potential consequences. But Teal Scott is a very fragmented person. I am very impressed with her case and also very sad to see everyone here is reinforcing her "personality" so strongly.

04/13/11 - 10:31:38 AM - Rosaline Adams
Teal Scott is The spiritual Catalyst. She cured my son of seizures. She only saw him once. But she also sat with me and told me that my son (who had died) wanted to talk with me. I had never told her about him. She began to translate, and I was in tears. I had not talked to my son since his death 5 years before. But I talked to him that day. A mother knows her own son. She eased my pain in such a way that she can be no other than one of God's chosen few. Teal Scott is a miracle for me, a miracle for my family and a miracle for all the people alive today. I will never in a million years be able to express enough gratitude to her. Never.

04/13/11 - 10:26:48 AM - Alex S.
Apocalypse... Why is it that you crazy bible pushing Christians can't make up your minds as to who exactly is the anti Christ? Is it Obama or is it Ghandi or is it Teal? Any time you guys find someone whose teachings make it seem like you have to change your black and white little box of ignorance, you write them off as the anti-Christ. What if I told you that I have had personal revelation that you are all scared, confused and un intelligent little people who need rules like the ones the bible outlines in order to feel safe? Christianity is like kindergarten for human understanding. You are too old for that crap now. Go ahead... Graduate.

04/13/11 - 10:21:31 AM - apocalypse
The bible says that the anti-Christ will teach what Lucifer taught. That there is no god but thyself! You all had better watch out who you follow. i can tell you I have had personal revalation that the world is going to end soon and it's this simple, if you follow god you are going to heaven. If you follow the devil, you are going to burn and deserve it. Teal Scott is the anti Christ.

04/13/11 - 10:16:34 AM - Amy Backer
Teal Scott completely cured my mother of ovarian cancer. She had no chemo therapy. She saw Teal every week for two months and her screen has been completely clear for 4 years now. I don't care what Teal is. I care that it is because of her that my mother is still alive.

04/13/11 - 10:13:17 AM - JasonF
I interviewed Teal Scott for a news paper article once. what I'm about to say is going to sound extreme but bear with me. I am a journalist, which means that my job is to get the skeptic's side as well as my subject's side. I am supposed to present as un biased a view point as possible. But from the minute that I met Teal and began to ask her questions, I found it impossible. I ended up so convicted by the end of the meeting that It left my life in a pile of rubble. I began to believe that everything I'd been told about the world was a lie. I began to believe that Teal actually was some kind of messenger. When I interviewed psychologists about Teal, None of their explanations held water. according to them, Teal should not be able to function like she is functioning today. They talked about delusions of grandeur, but with FEAR. I saw the fear in their eyes that they might be wrong. It was like any one who was threatened by Teal did not have their souls in support of their statements. I've never seen this type of self doubt from professionals before. I expected the article I wrote to be exciting and controversial. I didn't expect that I'd be changed forever. I guess that I had it coming. I had not been a very good person in my life so far. I did not expect to meet someone in all my life that held a mirror up which showed to me so clearly my own power and worth. Teal Scott is what this article suggests that she is.

04/13/11 - 10:03:08 AM - M.D
I am a doctor who works in Seattle. this article really struck me because i have seen more children in my practice lately who have come in with "sensory integration disorder" than ever before in my life long career. It really makes me wonder if there is not something going on that is bigger than just human genetics going down the tubes. I am not a religious man but some things I have seen defy our scientific understanding and so I am wondering if maybe these children are not ill, like Teal but in fact the future of the human race. i can tell you that no one with sensory integration disorder could live in less than a peaceful, comfortable, friendly environment. their systems can not cope with harshness of any kind and so if this is really what is happening, it will be the end of war. Let us all dare to hope.

04/13/11 - 9:57:57 AM - John W.
In response to the comment from Brian Mordosa, I am a disciple of Teal Scott. She teaches that all of us are manifestations of the divine and that no person's purpose is more or less important than any other person's purpose. She was born saying that she was a "eucharist" from the non -physical family called "Adonai". While those of us who follow her know this to be true and know it to mean that she is a divine messenger,she does not bring this up in her teachings. she is completely un interested in coming across as superior. She would rather it be a mutual sharing experience. She is trying to teach humanity of it's own divinity and each person of their own unlimited power. She is NOT trying to convince humanity of her own divinity and her own power. She knows this does no good in people's lives. So I hope that answers your question. You should try to see her at a workshop one day. They are amazing!

04/13/11 - 9:51:47 AM - Brian Mordosa
I am always very wary of people who claim to be (or are said to be) "divine". How do we know? I need more proof than just word. But that's sort of the problem is that religion and even spirituality involves faith so there is no way to proves anything beyond a person's conviction. Does anyone know what Teal Herself says about her own divinity? I have looked over her articles and I really like the fact that she sounds very smart. Not like the typical psychic-crack pots that are all over. I have never had a good visit with a psychic. But I guess One can't judge an entire group on a select few individual crazy people. From what I can tell Teal has some great teachings that can make people be better people so it doesn't really matter if she is or isn't a messenger of God. Religion is as good as religion does.

04/13/11 - 9:45:10 AM - Alex S.
I have personally stood before Teal Scott a few times. And I will attest to the fact that her un earthly divinity is not easily disputed. What most people are not prepared for is that she is GORGEOUS. I mean she looks exactly what people think angels look like. When she listens to a person speak, it's like she is staring through their bone marrow! It's amazing! I for one completely believe she is one of God's messengers. I suppose we all are. But some are sent to aid him in letting others know of his presence. Teal Scott is both intimidating and peaceful at the same time. It's a strange dichotomy take it from me.

04/13/11 - 9:35:51 AM - Jim Jorgenson
I have read the book the sculptor in the sky. I could not put the book down. Every time I read it, I would get shivers all throughout my spine. I have taken this "side effect" to mean that it is a message from god to me. And so It does not surprise me that Ms. Teal Scott is gaining such a following. Her knowledge is un-like the knowledge of people before her. That's just my personal opinion.

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