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Showing 101 to 125 of 500 Articles in Software.
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101. Email List Creation with Popup Software
February 06, 2019

One of the best and proved techniques to capture email for your business and to construct a list for your online business is to capture email through popup window that is installed on your website. It is known fact that most of the webmasters have no knowledge of the functionality of popup software and its potential benefits. If you think that you create an option box on your sale page to capture the email of the users, you are doing a mistake. Many website visitors don’t play their interest in analyzing the products of your website. The best technique to get the attention of the users when th... (read more)

Author: Haq Nawaz

102. Consider The Top Emerging Mobile App Development Trends
January 28, 2019

Guess how many apps there are on the leading app stores? Do you have an idea? Well, Google App Store has more than 2.8 million apps and more than 2.1 million are available on the Apple Store. If you are working on an app right now, you are probably wondering how you can make your app stand out from all these? Well, we have gathered top 9 mobile application development trends that you can use to make your app unique, relevant, and competitive. Here they are: Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is one of the popular trends that have been making big waves in the app world in... (read more)

Author: Amit Tiwari

103. How DevOps And Agile Are Influencing Automation in Business
January 24, 2019

One of the factors affecting business health is control of its bottom line. Today, more businesses are realizing improved bottom lines through DevOps automation. While the number of success stories from DevOps automation increase, businesses that are most successful appear to recognize that its importance is due to the fact that technology offers an opportunity to automate the repetitive processes that introduce risk through errors and ultimately improve the organization’s bottom line. The not so surprising result of DevOps success is the realization of top line growth as the business begins t... (read more)

Author: Amit Tiwari

104. Know about the retail POS software
January 20, 2019

POS or point of sale software functions at a significant speed. If you have visited an Apple Store recently, you would notice old cash registers replaced with the latest POS systems. Traditional retailers have started to use latest appliances like smartphones and tablets. The complicated systems are expensive and remain as a huge investment. It is not only retail stores have employed the POS systems but also the e-commerce and online store owners who exhibit and sell products at trade shows, craft fairs, and farmer markets are looking to install easy to use and inexpensive point of sale system... (read more)

Author: lakshmi priyanka

105. What Is The Difference Between A URI And A URL?
January 16, 2019

Working as a web developer means it's good to know as much about how the internet works as possible. It also means you'll hear a lot of acronyms that aren't always used correctly. An example of some of the acronyms you'll hear are URIs and URLs. While they are used interchangeably, there are some subtle differences. For starters, URI stands for uniform resource identifier and URL stands for uniform resource locator. Most of the confusion with these two is because they are related. You see, a URI can be a name, locator, or both for an online resource where a URL is just the locator. U... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

106. Ways the Internet of Things Can Impact Lives
January 14, 2019

The Internet of things is a concept that has completely changed the way the world works by allowing a greater level of connection between inanimate objects. If you’re unfamiliar with what the Internet of things or Iot is, it’s essentially a network of devices that can connect to the Internet and communicate with one another. Things like home appliances, thermostats, and even vehicles can be included in this network and the ramifications of this change are far reaching. The Iot is changing people’s lives in a big way with the advancements that it brings to the table. How is the Iot changing the... (read more)

Author: Amit Tiwari

107. Web Development and Machine Learning
January 09, 2019

There's almost no way you can write code without hearing about machine learning. It's being used for everything from data analytics to robotics and it's not going away. Machine learning is just starting to take off and it's going to change our world. So where does that leave you as a web developer? In an interesting place actually. You handle how the user data is processed and stored and how data is filtered and displayed to users. With the right algorithms, you could create the most custom, on-the-fly websites ever. If you take the time to dive into some of the math and theory behin... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

108. Top Reasons to Select Agile Methodology for Mobile App Development
January 07, 2019

Mobile app development isn’t easy. While you have to worry about complications that come up during the development process, you also have to keep in mind how well your app could play with your audience. What looks good in the prototyping face may not be all that intuitive to use in practice, and it’s just as important to keep the end user experience in mind as it is to prepare for technical issues or traffic jams in your development pipelines. No matter how well your development process is planned, chances are good that something will go wrong, and that’s where the agile methodology can be suc... (read more)

Author: Amit Tiwari

109. What Is An Interface?
January 02, 2019

If you plan on doing any back-end development, it's going to be important you know about interfaces. At first they seem kind of weird, but once you understand what they are you'll become more powerful than you've ever been. You'll see interfaces a lot in C# because it doesn't let you inherit multiple classes. That's where interfaces come in. They let you implement the same methods and variables across different classes. An interface is kind of like a list of things that your class has to have. When you use an interface on your classes, you have to write the implementation of the meth... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

110. How to Create an Agile Culture in Your Workplace
January 02, 2019

The ever-changing reality of regulations and new advances in technology make it more important than ever before that companies adopt a strategy of agility. Many companies, though, report that they find such a goal to be elusive. What Does an Agile Workplace Look Like? – In an agile workplace culture, there are stable elements that do not change much, and there are elements of the workplace culture that are able to change rapidly and effectively as needed. Each team is provided guidance by their leader that they can act upon each day that has an outcome that moves their dynamic strate... (read more)

Author: Amit Tiwari

111. 4 Things That Happen After You've Been A Web Dev For A While
December 31, 2018

Doing anything long enough leads to some… interesting side effects. Web development has its own effect on you after you’ve been doing it for a while. See if you recognize any of these. Burnout Ok, this happens with anything but we're talking about web development here. When you have your first dream/nightmare about code or a particularly difficult client, congratulations! You are officially burned out. It doesn’t take long to get here, especially in the tech industry. Juggling 4 projects when 2 of them have overlapping sprints takes its toll on you. You get to the point where you don't ... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

112. Top Challenges in AR Mobile App Development
December 27, 2018

The augmented reality (AR) experience is gaining popularity due to the unforgettable experience that it gives most users. Experts predict that by 2022, the AR market will be worth more than $15 billion. Technology companies are tweaking their main products and incorporating AR elements as a way to boost their sales. However, these changes have not been easy to implement because AR is still relatively new and developers are experimenting, trying to find the best way to use the technology. Challenges in AR Mobile App Development 1. Technical A mobile app developer has to consider ... (read more)

Author: Amit Tiwari

113. Web Development !== Computer Science
December 24, 2018

Originally posted on: Let's start off strong. Web development is not computer science. They are not the same. Some might say that web development is an application of computer science and that is a bit more accurate but still not totally correct. There are just some major differences between the two that need to be discussed. Computer science is more math and hardware based. If you've taken a CS class before then you know how much math is actually involved. You have to make sure that the algorithm you're des... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

114. Role of Cloud in Successful App Development
December 24, 2018

Over time, cloud computing technology has revolutionized the way entrepreneurs, and developers view successful app development. The emerging mobile computing and data analytics trends are set to create apps that will give a high return on user’s efforts and investment. Enterprises around the world need more accessible, more efficient, and faster ways of developing apps that are suitable for enterprise requirements and customer choices, and that’s where cloud app development technology comes in. While today’s enterprises embark on using services on the fly, a handful of them use multi-cloud str... (read more)

Author: Amit Tiwari

115. 3 Unrelated Things I Learned Developers Should Do
December 19, 2018

There's more to life than writing code or being a technical wizard. Developers should know how to do way more than that or else they won't remain good developers for long. You can strive to have a great career and still be a whole person. Here are three completely unrelated things that every developer should be able to do: Make new hobbies You have to have some other interests in life. Coding is cool, but it's not really something you should be doing 24/7. That's just unhealthy. It's easy to get absorbed into learning as much about web development as you can and it's ok to fight tha... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

116. What is The Future of DevOps?
December 18, 2018

A strong understanding of DevOps can help you improve the quality and efficiency of your mobile application development, but the way this promising methodology works is fluid. We can expect to see some pretty radical changes in the coming years, and understanding which way the wind is blowing can help you stay ahead of the competition while also improving the efficacy of your own internal operations. What is DevOps? DevOps is essentially a fusion of software development and information technology operations. By incorporating DevOps into the way your business runs, you get more oversi... (read more)

Author: Amit Tiwari

117. Do You Copy And Paste Code?
December 17, 2018

You'll be hard pressed to find a developer alive that hasn't copied and pasted code at some point. It might be code from an old project or a snippet from Stack Overflow. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with that. Knowing how to copy and paste code can save you hours of time. Although there is a subtle technique to copying and pasting code and it catches new developers every time. You have to watch out for a few things before you decide to use a snippet from somewhere else. You need to understand the code Hear me out. Even if the code you used worked, you need to know why. S... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

118. Enterprise App Development: Key Trends For Tech Leaders Need To Know
December 17, 2018

In this digital age, smartphones and tablets are the future. New applications on a smartphone or tablet are essential to companies’ development and sustainability. As such, it is necessary to understand what goes into the development, production, and rollout of these products, especially in their relationship to common key trends. Once we examine such trends and methods behind each of them, we will be able to create more apps to develop business at a rapid pace. Aspects such as the user-centered app, the free-time employee, and the level of competition in the enterprise app development space a... (read more)

Author: Amit Tiwari

119. What is CORS in Azure?
December 10, 2018

I was recently working on a project involving blob storage in Azure. There was something keeping me from uploading my file and it took me forever to figure out what blocked it. It was the freaking CORS settings in Azure. So like a good developer, I went out into the documentation to figure out how to fix it. After I got my project blob storage working, I realized that even though I had fixed the problem I still didn't know what CORS really was. Now that I kind of know what it is and what it's used for, I'm going to try to briefly explain it to you. CORS (cross-origin resource sharing... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

120. What are JavaScript promises? Super high level explanation.
December 05, 2018

Whether you plan on doing anything asynchronously or not, it's a nice little golden nugget to have the knowledge of how to it in JavaScript. An answer to the async problem comes in the form of promises. JavaScript promises are basically objects that represent the success or failure of some code that's been executed asynchronously. This might not sound like that big of a deal because it's one of those subtle issues that happen in JavaScript. Using event listeners was one way to watch out for async operations, but there are times the listeners will trigger too early and the event will ... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

121. What are Arrow Functions?
December 03, 2018

There are so many ways to get stuff done in web development. You have functions, callback functions, methods, arrow functions, and all the other functions out there. The focus for this little explanation are the arrow functions because they're relatively new. Arrow functions became a thing when EcmaScript6 (ES6) was released. They are really similar to regular functions except for a few things. First of all, the syntax for writing an arrow function is a lot more compact than a regular function. Here's what I mean: Regular function function getPrice(cost, quantity) { return cost... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

122. Lead Generation Strategies for Your Successful Business
November 23, 2018

Today online entrepreneurs are more conscious to generate online leads but for this purpose they have to work on many areas to get higher business goals. An online business is nothing until it has successful online lead generation strategy to convert the clients. This practice benefits them in such a way that their sale is increased on each coming day and are very consistent to keep continue this operation in coming days. Most of the business owners show their keen interest in mastering the leading generation software so that they can make their strategies more adaptable. Doors of learning a... (read more)

Author: Haq Nawaz

123. What is a tuple in C#?
November 21, 2018

This isn't something that most web developers know about because tuples aren't commonly used in web development. It's not because they aren't useful because they definitely can be. A tuple is just one of the many good things that gets buried under all of the other good things. So let's dig it up and polish it. To start with, a tuple is a data structure that has a number of elements with different data types. An important thing to keep in mind is that a tuple is a reference type instead of a value type. That means it doesn't store the data in its own memory space. These store the location ... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

124. What Is Polymorphism?
November 19, 2018

This is another one of those obscure terms that developers tend to use a lot. Similar to inheritance, it's one of those concepts that is both easy to understand but hard to explain concisely. If you've been trying to find a definition of polymorphism that makes sense, I hope that this will help you. In a nut shell, polymorphism means that you can use the same interface for different underlying data types. A simple example of polymorphism in action is basic math. You can add an integer and a float together and you won't have any problems due to the mismatched data types. The most... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

125. What Is Inheritance?
November 14, 2018

If you've gotten into the world of programming, you've probably heard the term inheritance. For some reason, this term is hard for people to explain but easy to understand. So here's an explanation of inheritance that actually makes sense. Think about yourself and your parents. Odds are that you've heard you have certain features that are really similar to your parents. Maybe you have your dad's eyes and your mom's nose. Those are inherited traits. You have them because your parents have them. It's the same in programming. You can have a class that gets properties and methods from an... (read more)

Author: Milecia McG

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Author of four books and two screenplays; frequent magazine contributor. I have four other books "in...more

At LeadGenerators, we specialise in content-led Online Marketing Strategies for our clients in the t...more

I am the editor of QUAY Magazine, a B2B publication based in the South West of the UK. I am also the...more

Located in the lower mainland of B.C., Susan Friesen is a visionary brand strategist, entrepreneur, ...more

Stevert Mckenzie, Travel Enthusiast. ...more

Steve Bye is currently a fiction writer, who published his first novel, ‘Looking Forward Through the...more

A postgraduate in Fashion Technology. Shalini is a writer at heart! Writing for her is an expression...more

I have been involved in nutrition and weight management for over 12 years and I like to share my kn...more

James is a Research Enthusiast that focuses on the understanding of how things work and can be impro...more

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