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Why meditation is good for a relationship by Josef Firestone

Why meditation is good for a relationship by
Article Posted: 12/29/2009
Article Views: 351
Articles Written: 2
Word Count: 1054
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Why meditation is good for a relationship

Self Improvement,Health,Spiritual
It is highly recommended for one to follow a special spiritual seminar in order to learn or to start meditating. However, we meditate on a daily basis intentionally or not. For example, as we focus our attention away from the auto-response of the mind. Looking at a most beautiful sunset that takes us completely away from our usual pattern of thought.

On the physical side of things, while meditating, our brainwaves slow down. These brain frequencies were first recorded in humans by Professor Emeritus, Hans Berger, University of Jena Germany in 1924. Berger discovered the Alpha and Beta waves. The alpha wave, also called Berger's wave, has a slower frequency (7-13 Hz) than the Beta wave (14 -22 Hz). When we open our eyes, much of the brain attention is directed into interpreting incoming visual messages and by doing so, creating a sort of blockade, the alpha blockade. While in the beta wave state, which is our normal waking state, much of the anxious thinking appears, stress is a familiar factor and most reactions, plans and decisions are taking place.

It is the alpha state which is sought after by meditation. In this state the brain shows us that reality is indeed in the eyes of the beholder. And that any given situation can be interpreted by the brain-mind on different levels and with multiple conclusions. As our brain slows down, we find more harmony in a stressed-filled hostile world, more creativity, intuition appears and our infinite capacity to give and receive love becomes apparent.

The creator of the Silva Method, Dr. Jose Silva discovered in a life long research that began in 1944, that it is possible for the individual to switch at will from the beta state into the alpha, by following a series of steps. He demonstrated with the Silva Method, that with the right coaching, the field of meditation was open for all. And that with the right seeds planted in the mind-garden, very good crops could grow..

Meditation was practiced in the Far East as long as 5000 years ago. Perhaps, without the brainwaves knowledge, but with deep understanding of the many benefits to those who practice regularly. The goal of meditation can be relaxation, self awareness, religious motives and prayers, spiritual awakening, more creativity, observation of certain thinking patterns, self improvement and reaching higher states of mind.

Over the years, many methods of meditation has been developed. In the West, one sees that meditation is also used to achieve personal goals. Not only in the field of mental mastery, but also in order to perfect the practitioner character, strengthen his or hers personality, build self-confidence, have a meaningful life, earn more money and improve relationship with the spouse, lover, nature and maybe the neighbors.

Choosing a highly regarded coach is important. Furthermore, as this new aspect can have major influence on your life, and you are bound to be influenced and directed by the subjective beliefs of the instructor, it is a good practice to get testimonials. From people who know him or her, receive good relationship help or claim to have excellent results for a long period of time.

Meditation of any kind, but especially one that is directed into building a more harmonious life, can be very beneficial for relationships with others. The ability to lower levels of stress, which is obviously enough the cause of anger, impatience, rudeness, poor health and violence, is invaluable. Reducing stress could lead to the reducing of medication, drugs and alcohol abuse. Promoting mental and physical health.

When both partners meditate, and share the same desire, it could bring about a feeling of harmony on a higher level than before. Needless to say, where there is no love and affection left, or no reason to be together, any amount of meditation would not be sufficient. In some cases the opposite can incur. By having a more holistic life-picture, the observer might perceive that he or she is in the wrong environment or relationship. In relation to one perceived true identity or new perception of oneself.

How can one be sure of coming to the right conclusion regarding a relationship? And how to improve this relationship, when motivation and reason to do so is found?

Consulting a mentor to lead you through the different stages of spiritual awakening, and analyzing findings together, is a good practice. In an ideal world, the self-finding process can follow this path: To begin with, which is harder said than done, avoiding pre-determination is crucial. While in the process of meditating, observe the arguments build-up, comparison and decision making, which is what the mind does best. Beyond this stage there is less traffic. Observing the loneliness of modern man, his desires, your desires, the petty motivations and explanations and so on..

Do not identify yourself with any of the many opinions observed.

Trying to establish this kind of thinking can not succeed. You can only fool your brain for a short time. Sustained results happen only when obstacles and arguments have been successfully corrected and when the mind reaches complete understanding of an issue. If not, inner-conflict will arise, paralyzing the mind even more.

Avoid self-hypnosis or trying to brainwash yourself with a one way thinking pattern. Mantras such as: "I love him, her or the world". Trying to establish this kind of thinking can not succeed.

When one stops any effort to consciously or intentionally reach understanding, something very real could happen. Wisdom coming from intelligence buried in deep layers of the mind will appear. An experienced mentor can help in identifying this super intelligence, intuition or maybe even Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). Enabling the practitioner to channel to those qualities, in the future, when searching for answers and personal happiness.

The time duration for someone to achieve good results varies. Obviously in relation to one efforts but also in relation to the legacy he has built in his life. The cards he has been dealt as a child, personal development and maybe even help from an unknown source..

Nevertheless, anyone serious enough is able to achieve great results. know more about himself , experience spiritual and mental powers from within and without, and by picking those lovely fruits, having a great lasting, fulfilling and loving relationships.

Copyright © 2008 Josef Firestone

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