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Viewing Humpback Whale in Mexico by Enovabiz Solutions

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Viewing Humpback Whale in Mexico by
Article Posted: 07/24/2008
Article Views: 803
Articles Written: 104
Word Count: 584
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Viewing Humpback Whale in Mexico

Real Estate
One of the greatest things about owning a vacation or retirement home on the beach is enjoying the wildlife that pass by. Humpback whales arrive at Bahia de Banderas, regarded as one of the largest and most beautiful bays in the world, to escape the cold winter weather. Here these whales go through their breeding rituals forming courtship groups, mating, giving birth to their offspring and nursing them. Whale watchers are treated to a marvelous sight. A local Mexico, Cancun Real Estate agent can provide you with a list of beachfront properties available for sale or rent and you can enjoy whale watching from the comfort of your own home.

Humpback whales are marine mammals that do not have a nose. Instead they breathe through two openings called spiracles, at the top of their heads. Their large lungs make it possible for them to remain underwater from 10 to 30 minutes.

The life expectancy of humpback whales is 45 years. Their gestation period lasts 12 months. Calves are born in tropic and subtropical waters. During their birth the first thing to show is the fluke. At birth, a whale calf is between 4 and 5 meters long and weights between 1,300 and 1,400 kgs. Females nurse their calves for a year at which time the calf doubles in size to between 7 and 8 tons. Adult females are 18 meters long and can weight up to 53 tons. Viewing these majestic animals is even more exciting from your own beachfront property or condominium.

Their most distinctive feature of the humpback whale is their long pectoral fins, which can be as long as one third of the length of their bodies. The fins may be black on their dorsal part and completely white on their ventral part.

Whales do not have vocal cords but they do have the capacity to emit sounds (moans, squeaks, cries) through valves located in their larynx. The sounds last for an average of 6 to 35 minutes and are high pitched.

In the fall, humpback whales leave their feeding grounds in the Gulf of Alaska, the sea of Bering, the sea of Chuckchi, and the sea of Okhotsk, and travel towards the Pacific coast of Mexico. They gather mainly in the surroundings of the Marias Islands, the Isabel Islands, the Revillagigedo Archipelago as well as the Bay of Banderas, in Nayarit and Jalisco.

At the end March and during the first days of April, the whales begin their long journey back to the polar region. The whale calves have learned to swim but they remain close to their mothers for food and protection. You can contact your local Mexico Real Estate agent to find available properties and avoid the long journey back.

Your beachfront condo in Playa Del Carmen is within your reach. Check out the listings of Playa Del Carmen Beachfront Condos, plan correctly to Finance Playa Del Carmen condos and homes, and plan for a beautiful future today. Contact for insight into this booming market.

Tom Budniak - operates, owns, and manages Tom's office is considered by many in the industry to be the top office in Mexico. Check out all of the resources available through Tom. If you have any questions, requests or need any advise, feel free to contact Tom Budniak. Their areas of operations include: Puerto Morelos. Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Akumal. Playacar condos.

Related Articles - Playa del Carmen Real Estate, condos in Playa del Carmen, Playa Condos Hotels for sale, Playa Condos for sale, Playa condos hotel properties for sale,

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