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Motivation Articles and Ezines


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Showing 101 to 125 of 500 Articles in Motivation.
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101. Get Rid of Disempowering Beliefs
July 07, 2015

To be truthful, I sometimes doubt myself. Just like everyone, I have saboteurs that jump up and undermine my confidence. They tell me I really should learn more or make more or coach more before I am good enough to build the business I’m building. And every time they jump up I have to pause, uncover the disempowering beliefs, remind myself of the truth of who I am and the incredible value of my work. And BOOM, my confidence returns… and as I grow, so does my business, my income and my wonderful clients. You should never underestimate your own capabilities. Always remember that believing i... (read more)

Author: Julie Foucht

102. What's Your Money Story?
July 07, 2015

I get a lot of really great info from other biz builders. I’m constantly learning and expanding my knowledge and experience so I can empower my Kickass Biz Coaching clients to experience more success. But no matter what marketing strategies, sales scripts or branding techniques I’m putting into place, the story I’m telling myself about money is the greatest indication of whether or not I’ll be successful. We all tell money stories. We’ve done it since we first learned about money. Some of our stories are passed down from our parents – “money doesn’t grow on trees”. Some of it is societal ... (read more)

Author: Julie Foucht

103. Episode 1: Marching to the Beat of Your Own Drummer with Amethyst Mahoney, Spiritual Badass
July 06, 2015

I had no idea the direction this conversation would with take when I asked Amethyst Mahoney to be the first guest on Ms. Kickass Biz Radio. What I did know is that with Amethyst you’re always gonna get the raw real deal. And she brought it! Born in the Deep South, in very poor and broken family, at the age of 12 Amethyst sat up all night with a loaded gun and contemplated suicide. Instead, she decided to grow up and create her own business where she could help others have great lives. That day she made a deal with herself to never consider suicide again. In this show Amethyst talks about... (read more)

Author: Julie Foucht

104. Is Your Internal Monster Sabotaging your Success?
July 06, 2015

Does this sound familiar? You are a new entrepreneur. You are excited about what you are offering and all that money you are going to make. Then, your business starts to grow and suddenly you have to deliver what you promised. Or, when it doesn’t grow as fast as you imagined and you feel the wolf at the door. Or, you need to put money into your infrastructure, coaching, and biz development before you are making it. Out of the blue, things get scary. Girlfriend, I’ve been there. Coach Julie's Inner Monster Saboteur stopping the flow of business building My inner monster trying to sto... (read more)

Author: Julie Foucht

105. Excellent Article About Depression That Is Simple To Follow Along
May 18, 2015

Depression affects many people. It is our hope that this article will help you be aware of some of the options available to treat depression. Challenge your depressive thinking patterns. If negative thoughts about yourself have crept into your head, think about whether or not you would actually say that to someone else. If not, you're likely being too hard on yourself. How can you fix the problem? Diet, exercise and plenty of rest are key when it comes to keeping depression at bay. If you feel a little depressed, you can feel better by going for a walk, run, bike ride or swimming for... (read more)

Author: Norman Musekiwa

106. How To Combat A Child That Will Not Listen
May 15, 2015

Child rearing may be one of the toughest challenges any person will have to go through. These tips will help you develop better parenting skills and feel more confident about your role as a parent. No one is doomed to being a bad parent, you can improve your skills. {If you are expecting, don't blow two months' salary on nursery equipment.|Don't blow two months' salary on nursery equipment if you are expecting.} You can buy high-quality versions of these sorts of items at department stores. {Also, ask friends and family if they have or know of anyone that can donate these items to you.|If... (read more)

Author: Norman Musekiwa

107. Why Building Your Happiness Muscle will Lead to Making More Money
May 15, 2015

I recently heard a Ted Talk with Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage, where Shawn explained that everything I've been experiencing, everything my clients and my friends were experiencing about the power of happiness to make us successful, could now be scientifically proven! (You can listen to Shawn talk about happiness here. I immediately bought the book. In the book, Shawn quotes study after study that shows that happiness precedes success in EVERY area of life, especially in business and career. This is great news if you are a happy person. Woo hoo… but what about the rest o... (read more)

Author: Julie Foucht

108. We Will Not Let Fear Guide Us
May 14, 2015

This quote from Marianne Williamson drives our work at Kickass Biz Coaching. Not only do we strive to live it for ourselves, but we believe it for our clients. Let your light shine! “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinki... (read more)

Author: Julie Foucht

109. Spring Cleaning After Divorce
April 30, 2015

It’s that time of year when we open the windows and enjoy the fresh air! It always made me feel better hearing the birds chirp, smelling the fresh air and cleaning as if it were a new beginning. Well, on a positive note, divorce is a new beginning! Put aside all the emotional feelings like sadness, anxiety and doubt about what you are supposed to next, and consider some of the following tips for your financial spring cleaning! 1. Get your financial house in order. Update your will. Check that you have the proper beneficiaries listed on your life insurance policies. Review your retiremen... (read more)

Author: Catherine Shanahan

110. Improving Yourself in the Area of Your Expertise or Passion;
April 16, 2015

FOR ALL YOUR PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PSYCHOLOGY ">One has to be aware of that which one needs to develop or improve in your life, Actually personal development means one has to develop self personally – it’s you who should take the initiative to have your live transformed or changed. It might have to evolve around you developing self – like having to study, learn, train or have to go to some experts to train you. It simply points to the fact of you acquiring that transforming knowledge to learn and absorb it. It actually means learning and training…I might have to do it myself or go some... (read more)

Author: Dr.Norman Mike Musekiwa

111. Why should People pursue "Personal development"?
April 16, 2015

Personal development is a way to transform own life into the person you envision yourself being or the person you are required to be by your profession demands. It is your vehicle to your life`s desire and fullfiment. It is a desire that springs out from a dormant self-due to numerous reasons. One might have reached a certain level in education from childhood helped by the parents, yet because one will be having an internal desire and vision of what they still need to do to accomplish and fulfill that which they envision in their future – still continue with school. This is sometimes te... (read more)

Author: Dr.Norman Mike Musekiwa

112. Angels can help
March 09, 2015

For sure, everybody needs help, at any number of levels. You can't do it all by yourself, no matter what the endeavor. An available resource are those mysterious but powerful and intelligent beings called angels, who are here to help. Hebrews Chapter 1 verse 14 says, using the New American Translation of the Bible, " Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation? As clear as this verse is, the idea of asking for an angel or the help of an angel for anything specific does seem to be underplayed. For sure, uppin... (read more)

Author: Joseph Jagde

113. A review of Mogambo
February 05, 2015

This 1953 film has a setting of safari land Africa and includes mega stars Grace Kelly, Ava Gardner, and Clark Gable in a setting to match. Where the film really delivers is the setting itself, and it almost serves like a documentary of local culture and mores as well as wildlife scenes that you just couldn't get now as things have become more confined there. Clark Gable plays Vic, who gives safari’s and collects animals for zoos internationally. The first lovely to show up is Kelly, played by Ava Gardner, a jet setter who came to meet a big wheel maharishi for a safari, but upo... (read more)

Author: Joseph Jagde

114. Red, Pink or Grey: What Color is Your Valentine?
February 04, 2015

Pink, Red or Grey this Valentine’s Day? Not 50 Shades of Grey but the Grey Divorce! I remember thinking to myself, “I’d rather be single and alone then stay married feeling lonely all the time.” And I wondered “Am I the only woman out there who feels this way?” Well, I am happy to say, I am not crazy! There is an actually trend called “The Grey Divorce”! It refers to the increasing trend of divorce among older couples in long-lasting marriages. Here are some thoughts on why this is happening. It sounds sad, I know, but the truth is we change after 15, 25 or 30 years and we o... (read more)

Author: Catherine Shanahan

115. Gurdjieff - the unknowable
February 01, 2015

GURDJIEFF - THE UNKNOWABLE. Once upon a time- or perhaps at the second turn of the last century, there was a curious little man with a disquieting stare who measured up, it would seem, to any esoteric teacher who had come on the scene since the early days of, Mesmer, Madame Blatatsky, Annie Besant . The others like the stillborn Krishnamurti were to follow in his wake. It was a period of discovery of the hidden powers of the mind and the search for meaning to the Victorian and Czarist industrial economies that had thrown so many into the daily routines of endless hours at the wo... (read more)

Author: michael mifsud

116. A review of Better Living through Chemistry
January 15, 2015

The setting of this movie is contemporary relatively small town U.S.A. in a place akin to say suburbia in Maryland or someplace like East Hampton where things can get a bit ritzy but still retain a local relatively small town feel. The story revolves around the travails of Doug a by the book pharmacist, played by Sam Rockwell, who at best is underappreciated by his peers including his wife, and father in law who had owned the pharmacy and to them he is perceived as a bit of a laggard Yet because of how things don’t seem to change, they figure he would never bolt and maybe that is one of ... (read more)

Author: Joseph Jagde

117. 5 New Years Resolutions For A Clean Home
January 09, 2015

It's that time of year again - time to change any old bad habits, get healthy and get organised. A new year brings new beginnings so it's time to design a home that reflects the new you. By cleaning up and de-cluttering you can create bright, open spaces to start afresh so here's 5 New Years Resolutions to get you going. DE-CLUTTER YOUR STORAGE SPACES If you're opening your closet and finding that it's packed full it's time to pull everything out and see what's in there. Once everything has been removed give the closet a clean out with a nice-smelling disinfectant. If you need to deodor... (read more)

Author: Zoe Gordon

118. Gurdjieff - The Enigmatic Guru
January 06, 2015

I was only sixteen at the time and super brains, the Head Boy at Gibraltar Grammar School simply thrust the book in my hands. I often wonder what he saw that made him do it, but it would change the whole course of my life. Fresh from GCE´s and a whole lifetime of first in form and religion, I suppose that I felt a bit above the common herd, except that I was just about becoming aware that the nature of life did not depend on how many subjects you had under your belt. In fact things started to go wrong from that point onwards because whereas my passion for reading would remain unaffected throug... (read more)

Author: michael mifsud

119. The Philosophy of Spirit,
December 19, 2014

spiritualism philosophical orientation based on the recognition of the substantial reality of the spirit. The term was introduced in the 19th century. by V. Cousin, although the spiritualist tradition can be traced back to St. Augustine. Closely related to the privilege granted to the introspective knowledge and consciousness as the site of epistemological principles and moral values, this tradition is also connected to the defense of Christian doctrines and, especially in the French thought of the century (by M. de Biran to C. Renouvier M. Blondel), was offset, in addition to materialism and ... (read more)

Author: graziano formica

120. Two Types of Marketing Necessary To Create A Wildly Successful Business, Online And Off
December 05, 2014

There are numerous types of marketing: internal marketing, external marketing, online marketing, offline marketing, push and pull marketing to name just a few. You also have attraction marketing, which addresses the area of setting intention, utilizing the law of attraction and visualization. All of the above are necessary components of creating a wildly successful business. In this article we will explore internal and external marketing. Internal Marketing You have two types of internal marketing; the internal marketing of your business systems and your internal guidance o... (read more)

Author: Kathleen Gage

121. Today is the day
December 05, 2014

How often have you said, “Today’s the day!” regarding something you are committed to changing. Yet, by day’s end you either didn’t do what you said you would do or you did something that directly sabotaged your success? Unfortunately, this happens more times than not. Whether it be to eat healthy, make client calls, exercise, clean out the “junk” drawer or any number of activities designed to improve your life. Regardless of what you say you’re committed to it takes more than simply saying, “Today is the day.” It takes focus, dedication and the willingness to get uncomfortable. ... (read more)

Author: Kathleen Gage

122. The quiet voice speaks loudly - when you listen
December 05, 2014

Have you ever wondered how important that little voice inside is? The one that seems to give great guidance and insights...when we listen. Sure, there is the voice that tells us things are terrible. The one that creates doubt, fear, indecision and uncertainty. It seems lots of people are choosing to listen to this voice. I call it the ugly voice. The voice I am referring to is the quiet voice. The one when we listen to gives us the insights we absolutely benefit from. It is often so quiet we don't hear. That is until we get very still, very quiet ourselves. Now is a perfect time to listen Duri... (read more)

Author: Kathleen Gage

123. The Power and Profit of Teleconferences
December 05, 2014

Teleconferences are fast becoming one of the most valuable strategies you can use to increase your market position, your opt-in subscriber list and your profit margins. You can quickly become known as an expert in your field and within your market through the power of teleconferences. Consultants, coaches, speakers and trainers can literally make tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands, of high profit margin dollars without ever having to leave your home. Vendors can easily educate their client base through the proper use of teleconferences. By doing this you are becoming a more valu... (read more)

Author: Kathleen Gage

124. Surrender to Know Deep Fulfillment
December 04, 2014

Several decades ago, I began studying goal setting as if my life depended on it. I was committed to learning anything and everything I could about how to set goals and "have it all". I was certain that having it all would bring me a very deep level of happiness. My motivation was the fact that in my twenties I had reached a point where my greatest goal was to merely get through another day. With many of my childhood dreams shattered, my life consisted of going to a job I despised, being newly divorced left with no apparent way to support myself, and living from day to day wondering if this was... (read more)

Author: Kathleen Gage

125. Success is not always convenient
December 04, 2014

In a recent conversation with a colleague of mine the topic of business integrity came up. Actually, I’ve had this type of conversation many times during the nearly 20 years I’ve been in business. It seems in some circles the word integrity means something completely different than in other circles. Let’s start with the Webster’s Dictionary definition. : the quality of being honest and fair : the state of being complete or whole Full Definition of INTEGRITY Recently I offered an open, hop on the phone line, Q&A session. It was on a Saturday and I made myself available for ... (read more)

Author: Kathleen Gage

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