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I will change their history, law, religion and universities by Wieslaw Edward Loboda

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I will change their history, law, religion and universities by
Article Posted: 11/19/2012
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I will change their history, law, religion and universities

Dear Madams

Dear Sirs

Let me repeat that. I do not refer to the presidents who have to accept even the gay marriage in order not to lose the position and money. Abomination. Personally, I am not against lesbians. It's fault of men. Maybe because I love women. Special services, media will say you nothing about me, because they help to protect the status quo. All are working for these presidents and governments. From the covert paths come more about me. Some bad people from the Church who are against me soon will stand in front of God and will be thrown into the hell like famous airplane with the man who caused my Passion and his hundred companions (A man after a Polish university. He did not understand that what he learned - the law and history are wrong. The next historical step is connecting Europe with Russia rather than further separation. Murderers must be purified here on earth rather than killed and send them to God - He does not want it. Prisons must be derived from Europe, not increase their number. Offenders must exported from Europe to treatment centers rather than imported into Polish from all over the world. The next president elected by the sick people in Poland, believer in the church rather than believer in God. He had to meet with Him that everything understand. I will change their history, law, religion and universities). I will not explain everything now (all will be in the book) and I will not give you examples – ask in Poland. I warn them in the name of God, who is standing by my side and supporting me. I will enter the position designated to me by Him. It's is unavoidable as everything what happens in nature - in the next season of the year will take over my position. I do not think God will withdraw from his plan. For this I was born, after all. I can do nothing. I tried to stay in Kyrgyzstan. I had there even established the company. Just before departure, former little crazy English teacher had stolen my pants from drying room. "Go to the hell" - I said angry to him. The same night he set fire to the apartment. We left the building, observed all from the street, about a hundred people. Reportedly he died in the fire. They said he tried it earlier. He managed that time. I am not a killer! God gave me another His sign. I started seriously thinking what was going on in my life. Secret Service is keeping track of it all the time. Even the grandmother feast they did in Poland on my birthday. Why? I will answer in my book. I asked for support and wrote to all Russian universities. Unfortunately, these people are not avant-garde of contemporary world. They do not help. They only copy the West - music, films, culture and everything possible. From this imitation nothing comes out. Garbage. Vanguard is UK, U.S. and Western Europe in third place. I appeal to the young avant-garde to the people with the future, not to the people misguided in darkness. I personally will lead them out of the darkness! We'll build something improved, really going beyond present time. At the moment is still very hard to believe and understand for you like all what I try to explain! You must help me now! Also financially. I do it for you, not only for those in Russia. They love you. Therefore I am writing to the U.S.A, UK and Europe. On these confused from the East, for now, I can not count. They are waiting. For me and you? Without money, I will soon die myself. They want to be with you. They pray that you give them a visas and to be able to leave the countries. Their governments do not care. They have their pig's feed troughs and besides they see nothing. The Kingdom will be also for all people from the West who want to live in it with me. I want to have the good (best) people from USA, UK in Kingdom of Europe and Russia! I will have them!!! You will see!!! Who will go with me. (Tom Cruise-Jerry Maguire). Even the future wife is thinking hardly and can not decide. How I can marry her without money. Without her I will not go away. I'll die if not get money from you quickly. I'm on the street. I am going through purgatory. Even the God Himself will not force me! You can print this letter in newspapers. My explanation will be later. Let the good people try to analize - all my sentences - themselves - and think!!! Regards Edward Embajada de Estados Unidos en Chisinau, Moldova Amadísimos señoras Estimados Señores Estoy pidiendo EE.UU. para darme un asilo político. Ayúdame, por favor, para trasladarse a su país y permanecer allí por siempre. Ayúdame, por favor, el cambio de nacionalidad polaca en la Americana. He parado de mi proyecto y no quiero volver a él. Ellos usaron mi novia para destruirme totalmente. Ellos hicieron su prostituta y ahora han encontrado un novio más joven para ella. ¿Por qué lo han hecho a mí? Odio Polonia, Rusia y todos estos países. No quiero volver después de lo que pasó aquí. Voy a ser más útil de trabajo en EE.UU.. Me encanta EE.UU., películas, cultura, estilo de vida, la manera de comportarse y de hablar.

Saludos cordiales Inmediatamente después, en la noche, Polonia y Rusia fueron eliminadas del Campeonato Europeo? ¿Coincidencia? No es la primera vez que ocurre. Especialmente muchos de los eventos en los últimos años. Los servicios secretos lo saben! Dios confirma su asistencia y me ayudará a construir el Reino de Dios! Lo recordaré !!! Yo habré tenido lo que necesito para hacerlo. Quién podría hacer algo contra mí, será castigado! Quiero casarme con mi novia Romina (24) y continuar lo que he iniciado en Moldavia. Ayúdame a conseguir algún dinero, por favor! Necesito este dinero mañana!!!Es Dios que solicita esta ayuda para mí. Usted pronto será recompensado por ello, no solamente después de la muerte! Exemples se encontrará en mi libro como se encuentra en la Biblia.

??. 18 ???? 2012 12:36:34 ???????????? Jeddah ACS (Am Citizen Services) ( ??????? Unfortunately, the US government is unable to assist you.

OK!!!I will remember it !!! Embassies and Governments Dear Madams, Dear Sirs Owner of the apartment has already nearly expelled me and I will be on the street. I need get away from here. I do not have a passport. The passport has the owner and is waiting for thousands of euros. I have polish ID and driving licence. You can give me some temporary document to move to your country. Then you will give me your passport. I can be usefull for any country - any continent. Help me, please, immigrate to the U.S., and if this is not possible then to another country. I am a very good engineer and I'll be fine anywhere. I know of several languages. To Poland do not want to go back, because they keep me there on the street (why?) not giving any job or this time will put me into the homeless shelter or jail. Te necesito, joven y ambicioso. Usted tiene un futuro. Esto es para ti todo lo que voy a hacer. Tienes que ayudarme. Usted no tiene dinero. Lo sé. No voy a sacar dinero de los presidentes elegidos por los ladrones y los corruptos. No me necesita gente de la iglesia. Tanto cristiana e islámica. Ellos tienen sus Biblias y te enseñaré, que Dios no enviará cualquier otra persona. Todas esas personas me va a vender, como los apóstoles vendido Jesús Cristo a su rescate. Todavía soy joven y ambicioso. Me quiero casar antes de fin de mes (24) con Romina (24). Los jóvenes tienen que popularizar, distribuir mis ideas y me ayude económicamente. No va a hacer los medios de comunicación (de corrupción). Todos ellos están trabajando para proteger el statu quo, que es ahora. El miedo al castigo. Son como los Apóstoles, que temían ser castigados por los romanos. Ellos estarán en silencio, similares a los que se consideraban mejor que Judas. De hecho, es la vergüenza de hablar sobre ellos. Ayúdame - Yo seré tu guía, tu Rey de tu Reino de Dios. Lo que Dios quiere! Queridos Señoras

Estimados Señores

Mi situación es dramática. La situación es tan mala que tengo que caminar a la iglesia y preguntar acerca de la pieza de pan. El apartamento no tiene electricidad, y pronto va a apagar el teléfono. Ayer, el propietario tomó mi pasaporte, así que no podria escapar. No huiré, porque no tengo dinero. Tengo que pagar mil euros. El último dinero que tenía, he dado a mi novia. Vamos a casarse y he pasado para este fin alrededor de dos mil euros. He comprado para ella anillos de compromiso y un montón de otras cosas, unos cuantos pares de zapatos, ropa, cosméticos, teléfonos móviles, reloj de oro etc. He dado dinero par ella para algunas cosas que se necesitaba. Fue un encuentro con su madre y hermano. La muchacha tomó mi teléfono celular tomó el dinero para el alojamiento y tuvimos que vivir juntos. A continuación, todos desaparecieron. Informé a la policía. Sé que la policía habló con ella y saben dónde viva. Mi cartas al presidente del Gobierno no han dado ningún resultado. Esperé en el apartamento donde - no debería vivir y ahora el propietario quiere que yo le pagado mil euros. Si no voy a pagar durante la semana, me van a arrestar y me encerraron en la cárcel y después de dos años de trabajo, voy a ser capaz de devolver la deuda. ¿Qué hacer? Mata a mí mismo? Dentro de una semana no voy a darle dinero. ¿De dónde lo puedo conseguir? Me siento como Jesucristo en la Última Cena. Abandonado por todos sus apóstoles, que lo vigilaron. Si él hubo huido, ellos sería detenido por los romanos. Ellos tenía pasar Jesús en manos de los romanos, para salvarse a sí mismos. Después de salir de la tumba, Jesús se fue. ¿Cómo podria estar de vuelta con la gente que lo habian vendido. Me dirijo ahora a usted, que usted me ayude a salir de las dificultades y voy a seguir trabajando para usted. De lo contrario, voy a ser crucificado, y esto será el final.

Saludos cordiales Si va a unirse a mi Proyecto - número de cuenta 2252771618804, BC EURO CREDIT BANK SA, Chisinau, Moldova. Recuerde, por favor, no es para mí personalmente. Esto es como un crédito. Yo ser el Gerente de Proyectos, Guía y más? Yo creo en Dios y por eso sé que va a comenzar pronto! ¡Ayúdame! Yo te ayudaré! Este es el apoyo del Proyecto - "Reino de Europa y Rusia - Reino de Dios". Voy a manejarlo! Escribo estas cartas y aún no hay resultados. ¿Por qué? ¿No cree usted en Dios? ¿Y usted? Si es así, debes saber que estoy trabajando de acuerdo a las sugerencias de Dios. Usted no creen que Dios me ha enviado aquí para hacer una tarea especial para él. OK! Pregunta a los que le dirán todo acerca. Ellos sabían que, poco después de mi nacimiento. Éstos son los servicios especiales de ... No tengo ningún contacto con ellos y no es necesario tenerlo. Yo no sé quiénes son. Yo estaba en Kazajstán y me llamaba un agente de Inglaterra ofrecido un trabajo en Polonia. ¿Por qué debo volver? Yo no quería. En Kirguistán, que han robado mis documentos con el equipaje y tuve que regresar. Después de mi salida disturbios sangrientos. Algunas personas murieron. Ellos tienen problemas, incluso ahora. Nosotros ayudaremos, los árabes, América del Sur y otros, pero tengo que empezar el proyecto! No voy a hablar de todos mis descubrimientos. Volví y ahora tengo que hacer lo que hago. Dios me lleva. Justo yo le llamo. Yo mismo, no lo creía. Si lo has creído tú sabes que yo voy a hacer con certeza. ¿Tienes miedo? ¿No quieres? ¿Por qué? Todos ustedes son homosexuales, ladrones, drogadictos y otras dobladas de la naturaleza? ¿Te gusta la selva. ¿No quieres un paraíso, y una vida mejor para tus hijos? ¿No quieres conectar Europa y Rusia? Limpie todos los problemas dentro del Reino de Dios, el mapa se muestran? ¿No quiere el desarrollo? ¿Quieres que se pudra en el infierno medieval? ¿Te gusta el pantano con su crisis y los homosexuales? Las personas recurren al alcohol, las drogas. No quieren saber dónde estamos. La gente sale y dispara a todo lo que se mueve. En el shock. ¿Te gusta esta noruego! Él no sabía por qué lo hizo! Estamos cargados. Tienes que disparar en la computadora, ver una película sobre el asesinato. Para la descarga tal vez una guerra con los árabes o, Yo no sé con quién. Yo no sé lo que Dios quiere hacer con usted. Ciertamente es apropiadamente enojado. Tome algún tipo de decisión - usted no tienen otra opción. Este es un proyecto que he recibido de Dios. Para los que saben, tengo una pregunta. ¿Por qué no le dices a los demás? ¿Durante cuánto tiempo voy a recibir respuestas estúpidas de los lectores inconscientes de la Biblia y de los pastores? Yo no sé lo que Dios quiere hacer con usted. Ciertamente es apropiadamente enojado. Tome algún tipo de decisión - usted no tienen otra opción. Este es un proyecto que he recibido de Dios. Para los que saben, tengo una pregunta. ¿Por qué no le dices a los demás? ¿Durante cuánto tiempo voy a recibir respuestas estúpidas de los lectores inconscientes de la Biblia y de los pastores? De qué tienes miedo? Revolución? En la iglesia? No me haga reír? Esto no va a ser peligroso. Quiero tener una vida normal. Yo soy un hombre. Me quiero casar este mes Romina (24). Lo he perdido todo. ¿Quieres que me crucifiquen? Al igual que Jesucristo? Finalizar el caso? Yo soy mayor que Jesús y no he terminado mi contrato con Dios. Dios no lo permitirá. Usted no tiene salida. Solo tiene que mostrar todo en los medios de comunicación. Que la buena gente se sienta mejor! Edward Reino de Dios con las antiguas colonias de España. ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ???. ??????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ??. ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ????. Señoras y señores He enviado a los presidentes, los parlamentos y gobiernos de Europa y otros continentes mi Proyecto. Yo propongo crear un tipo de orden - los Caballeros del cruz y la espada. Cruzados. Similar a lo que tuvimos en la historia. Solamente la religión será un poco diferente. Abriremos una nueva Iglesia de Dios. La primera tarea consistirá en ayudar al Centro de Europa. Centro será en Polonia. Sus acciones consistirán en encontrar personas infectadas, enfermas, como los homosexuales, asesinos, drogadictos y otros. Ellos serán trasladados a centros de tratamiento. Infectados viven juntos con las personas sanas. Todos nosotros vamos a la autodestrucción. Cada día son más personas infectadas. Desviaciones de la naturaleza serán tratados fuera de Europa en Rusia. Además ellos estarán trabajando en las obras de construcción de Capital del Reino de Dios. Esto será muy útil en su tratamiento. Rusia tiene mucho áreas vacías. Le pregunté a su gobierno para ayudar en el proyecto. Ellos me ayudarán! Estoy seguro! No cárceles. No personas enfermas libres en limpia Europa! Todos estamos perdido. No hacemos nada para cambiarlo. Los enfermos están guardando en jaulas como animales! Es en contra de las leyes de la naturaleza y Dios! Son personas enfermas. Debemos les ayudar a volver a la vida normal. Dios me ha nombrado para salvar a ambos, las personas enfermas y saludables! Créeme, o preguntar a aquellos que saben más acerca de ello! Tras el Centro, la acción se tomará en el resto del Europa. El cuartel general de la Orden de Dios estará en Polonia. Exactamente en el lugar donde existió la Orden Teutónica. Resurrección de los cruzados! Están obligados a ayudar a Europa infectado. Sugiero crear el Reino de Europa y Rusia - Reino de Dios. Esto permite el desarrollo rápido y seguro en todas las zonas de la vida en esta región. Estamos todavía en la Edad Media. Hace mil años! Demasiado tarde. Se puede ver en todas las zonas de nuestra vida. Tenemos que salir tan pronto como sea posible o morimos! Debo organizaciones mundiales, universidades, escuelas, empresas. Te necesito para me apoyen. Házedlo por el futuro de sus niños, si no lo necesitáis ahora! Debo TV, radio, periódicos, periodistas, los productores de películas. Necesito el dinero y por ahora no tengo nada. Por favor vea mi curriculum vitae, dibujos y otro tipo de información adjunta. Esto no es ciencia ficción. Se tiene que funcionar más rápido! Dame tu apoyo y lo voy a gestionar todo pronto. Que Dios te bendiga! Edward American Embassy in Chisinau, Moldova Dear Madams Dear Sirs I am asking USA to give me a political asylum. Help me, please, to move to your country and remain there for constantly. Help me, please, changing polish citizenship on the American. I have stoped my Project and want never go back to it. They used my girlfriend to totally destroy me. They made her prostitute and now they have found a younger boyfriend for her. Why they have done it to me? I hate Poland, Russia and all these countries. I want never go back after what happened here. I will be more helpful working in USA. I love USA , films, culture, style of life, way of behaving and speech. Best Regards Edward

Immediately afterwards, in the evening, Poland and Russia were eliminated from the European Championships? Coincidence?Not the first time it happens. Especially many of the events in the past few years. Secret services know it! God confirms his assistance and will help me build the Kingdom of God! So I will have what I need to do it. Who would do something against me will be punished! I want marry my girlfriend Romina (24) and continue what I have started in Moldova. Help me to get some money, please! It is God who requests such help for me. You will soon be recompensed for it not only after the death! Exemples you will find in my book as you find in the Bible.

What know about me secret services can not be hidden! It's time to pass this message to people in the world. Time to pass this information to Christians and Muslims. If I say that before the end of the year I'll be on the throne it means the same as Jesus said of His resurrection. Those who will have believed and will have showed it by giving me what I asked will be on the first line. Those who will have not believed will see this as the apostles saw Jesus with wounds. I will leave them behind me in the back as Jesus left the apostles and walked away. They will walk like a creazy and broadcast what happened, pray to God for forgiveness, create religions like the apostles after the shock. You can not get forgiveness of God after prayer. Only the suffering body and soul give a chance. Those who scourged themselves knew about it. This will replace by physical work on the construction of the Kingdom of God. My book will be read as the Bible and set a new religion for Christians and Muslims. This new religion will draw Europe from medieval hell, the Wars of Religion will conclude and will open wide the gates to the sky to new planets. Like God wants! INTRODUCTION

I need you, young and ambitious. You have a future. This is for you everything what I will do. You must help me. You do not have money. I know. I will not get money from the presidents elected by the thieves and corrupt people. Do not need me people from church. Both Christian and Islamic. They have their Bibles and teach you, that God will not send anyone else. All those people will sell me, as the apostles sold Jesus Christ to their rescue. I am still young and ambitious. I want to get married before the end of month (24) with Romina (24). Young people have to popularize, distribute my ideas and also assist me financially. It will not do the media (corrupted). They all are working to protect the status quo, that is now. The afraid of punishment. They are like the Apostles, who feared be punished by the Romans. They will be silent, similar to those who considered themselves better than Judas. In fact, it is shame to mention about them. Help me - I will be your guide, your King of your Kingdom of God. So God wants! Dear Madams Dear Sirs My situation looks dramatically. The situation is so bad that I have to walk to church and ask them about the piece of bread. The apartment not has electricity and soon going to turn off the phone. Yesterday, the owner took my passport, so I could not escape. Do not run away, because I have no money. I have to pay him one thousand euros. The last money I had took my girlfriend I had to get married and spent for this purpose about two thousand euros. I bought her engagement rings and lots of other things a few pairs of shoes, clothes, cosmetics, mobile phone and so on. I gave her cush for some things she needed . It was a meeting with her mother and brother. The girl took my cell phone took the money for accomodation and we had to live together. Then they all disappeared. I made report to the police. I know the police talked with her and know where she lives. My letter to the minister did not give any results. I waited in the apartment where I did not have to live and now the landlord wants me to pay him thousand euro. If I will not pay during the week, they will arrest me and will be locked in jail and after two years of work, I will be able to refund the debt. What to do? Kill myself? Within a week I will not give him money. From where can I get it? I feel like Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. Abandoned by all his apostles, who were guarding him. If he escaped they would be arrested by the Romans. They had to pass him into the hands of the Romans, to save themselfs. After leaving the grave he gone. How could he further deal with the people who sold him. I now turn to you, to help me get out of it and I will continue to work for you. Otherwise, I am going to be crucified, and this will be the end. Best Regards Edward I just wanted to go away and leave it all like Jesus Christ did. Jesus did not die! God saved him! God allowed Jesus go away but does not allow me. Apparently He is confident I will do the Project. American wrote to me. He advised me to read the Bible, because probably I did not read it. He advised me to take the normal work and not this way looking for money. Finally wrote - all your Project has no direction. I have not read the Bible. I'll write my own book about my life and relations with God. It will be interesting and similiar to Bible. I wrote back - good people, like him, will be moving to me and the evil will leave. And this is the direction he mentioned. I will have the best people. Just us God will help to develop quickly and fly to new planets. The new year will be the first year of a new era. There will be no 2013. American silent after my explanation. He put down his Bible and thinking hard, smoking his pipe. I advised him to stop smoking. Did not send me any money, even the smallest. Does not want to help me. Does not want to help God. Other American suggested me to work in the U.S. and it was the good job. Special services blocked. They help God and force me to the continuation of what I do. Apparently, know I will do it. I have to torture you and convince you further. Without your help will do nothing. Who of you will assist me first? I speak as to the dead, cold stones. I write these letters and still no results. Why? Do not you believe in God? Do you? If so, you must know that I am working according to God suggestions. You do not believe that I was sent here by him. OK! Ask those who will tell you all about it. They knew that, soon after my birth. These are the special services of .... ..... I have no contact with them and do not need to have it. I do not know who they are. I was in Kazakhstan and called me an agent of England offered a job in Poland. Why should I go back? I did not want. In Kyrgyzstan, they have stolen my documents with luggage and I had to return. After my departure bloody riots. Some people died. And further with them is bad. We will help them, Arabs, South America and others, but I have to start the project! I will not talk about all my discoveries. I went back and now I have to do what I do. God leads me. Just I call him. I myself, did not believe it. If you have believed it you know that I'll do it for sure. Are you scared? Do not you want? Why? You are all homosexuals, thieves, drug addicts and other bended from nature? Do you like the jungle. Do not you want paradise, and a better life for your children? Do not you want to connect Europe and Russia? Clean up all the problems within the Kingdom of Godwhich showed? Do not you want development? Do you want to rot in this medieval hell? Do you like the swamp with it crisis and homosexuals? People turn to alcohol, drugs. Do not want to know where we are. People go out and shoot, to everything that moves. In shock. Like this Norwegian! Does not know why he did it! We're loaded. You have to shoot on the computer, watch a film about the killing. For discharge maybe a war with Arabs or, I do not know with whom. I do not know what God intends further to do with you. Certainly is properly angry at you. Take some sort of decision - you have no other option. This is a project I received from God. For those who know, I have a question. Why did not you say to others? How long will I get stupid answers from unconscious readers of the Bible and pastors? What are you afraid? Revolution? In the church? Do not make me laugh? This will not be dangerous. I want to have a normal life. I am a man. I want to marry this month Romina (24). I have lost everything. You want to crucify me? Like Jesus Christ? Finish the case? I am older than Jesus and I have not done contract with God. God will not allow it. You have no way out. Just show everything in the media. Let the good people feel better! My idea has gained the geographical shapes. Besides Europe and Russia in the Kingdom would be: the Arab countries around the Mediterranean, some countries in the Middle East and countries of the former Soviet Union. Arab countries are former colonies of Europe. Apart from the colonies, Iran and Afghanistan. Besides, Europe's former colonies in Central and South America would join for the kingdom, like the former British colony now belonging to the United Kingdom. Outside the Kingdom would be countries of UK, United States, other countries in Asia, Africa and Middle East. I understand that the Christian religion and Islam at this time form a serious barrier. The new religion and the new church will be acceptable to the Arabs. First of all, the idea of creation of the Knights of the Cross and the Sword. Purification of Europe. It's an idea far ahead of the ideas of Islam. Both Christian and Muslim religions were good in the Middle Ages are outdated and not suitable for use today. Therefore the world can not cope with the problems. We have to get out of the Middle Ages, which prevails in all areas of life. This leads to protest and to move away from nature. Therefore, the resurrection of the medieval Crusaders. They have to help to get out of the vicious medieval world. I received a letter from America. Say they have democracy, and my suggestion will not be accepted. My answer was: "God chooses the Kings - presidents also elect thieves and other bad people. Therefore in the country is bad. You must have the King to be admitted under the care of God." After purification of Europe, the Presidents will be elected by those who should they choose! It will be really good. Believe me! Ladies and Gentlemen

I have sent to the presidents, parliaments and governments of Europe and other continents my Project. I propose to create a kind of order - the Knights of the Cross and Sword. Crusaders. Similar to what we had in history. Only religion will be a little different. We will open a new Church of God. The first task will be to help the Europa Center. Center will be in Poland. sick people as homosexuals, murderers, drug addicts and others. They will be moved to treatment facilities. Infected are living together with healthy people. This way we all are going to self-destruction. Every day more people infected. Deviations from nature will be dealt outside of Europe in Russia. In addition they will be working on construction sites Capitol of the Kingdom of God. It will be very helpful in their treatment. Russia has a lot of empty areas. I asked their government to help in the project. They will help me! I'm sure! No prisons! No sick people walking free in the clean, beautiful Europe - Paradise given us by God! You will find nothing better then that. It is not true that we have to live in the hell like now. Do not belive, what your church, every day, try to explain for you. They say you will find paradise only after you die. This is a lie. This theory, which has survived since the Middle Ages to our time is a terrible macabre. Religion, which says that lie causes retraction of people from God and from nature. They infect others. God does not want that. So I'm here, sent by him to change this. Believe me! We all are lost. Some people try to escape from this hell and run away in disease. Why an unconscious Norwegian goes out with guns and kills people. He can not explain - he cries in court. This warning is not the first and not the last one from our God. We are doing nothing to change it. The sick people are keeping in cages like animals! It is against the laws of nature and God! They all are humans. We will help them. God has appointed me to save both, sick and healthy people! Believe me or ask those who know more about it. After the Center, the action will be taken in the rest of Europe. The headquarters of the Order of God will be in Poland. Just exactly in the place where there was the Teutonic Order. Resurrection of the Crusaders! They are required to help infected Europe. I suggest to create the Kingdom of Europe and Russia - Kingdom of God. This allows fast and safe development in all areas of life in this region. We are still in the Middle Ages. A thousand years ago! Too late. You can see it in all areas of our life. We have to get out of it as soon as possible or we die! I need world-wide organizations, universities, schools, companies. I need you to support me. Do it for the future of your children if you do not need it for yourself! I need TV, radio, newspapers, journalists, movie makers. I need money and for the moment I have nothing. Please see my resume, drawings and other information attached. This is not science fiction. It has to work faster! Give me your support and I will manage it all soon. God bless you!!!


In case you are going to join this Project - account number 2252771618804, BC EURO CREDIT BANK SA, Chisinau, Moldova.

Remember it's not for me personally. This is like a credit. I will be - the Project Manager, Guide and more? I believe it will start soon as I believe in God! I have the contract with God. Help me! God help you! You will see! I have seen it already in my life! This is the support of the Project - "Kingdom of Europa and Russia - Kingdom of God". I will manage it for you!


Cross sword against the eagle wings - an angel. The combination of vertical and horizontal cross section Jewish star (of David) - symbolizes the place commemorated the death of Jews. The upper arm of the cross - sword handle finished head of an angel - dark hair, blue eyes. Side arms finished circles - the sun and moon. Cross also mimics the Scandinavian theme. It is also a symbol of the Teutonic knights coats. The wings of an eagle - the angel on the one hand a symbol of Polish and other religious. A few symbols without further comment. The lower arm of the cross - sword terminated as a sword. Color of the Cross - the blue color of the union. Wings white. Completion of the arms of the cross and circular handle elements similar to the Orthodox cross. Background crest in red.

Che cosa sanno di me i servizi segreti non può essere nascosta! E 'il momento di passare questo messaggio alla gente in tutto il mondo. È ora di passare l'informazione ai cristiani e musulmani. ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ???. ??????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ??. ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ????. Se io dico che prima della scadenza dell 'anno sarò sul trono significa che lo stesso come Gesù disse della sua risurrezione. Quelli che avranno creduto e lo hanno dimostrato dando me quello che avevo chiesto saranno sulla prima riga. Quelli che non hanno creduto vedranno questo come gli apostoli avevano visto Gesù con ferite. Io li lascerò dietro di me nella parte posteriore, come Gesù aveva lasciato gli apostoli e si allontanava. Essi camminano come un pazzo e proclamare quello che è successo, pregare Dio per il perdono, creare le religioni come gli apostoli dopo la scossa. Non è possibile ottenere il perdono di Dio dopo la preghiera. Solo la sofferenza del corpo e dell'anima darà una possibilità. Quelli che si flagellavano lo sapevano. Questo sara 'sostituito da un lavoro fisico nella costruzione del Regno di Dio. Mio libro sarà letto come la Bibbia e imposterà una nuova religione per cristiani e musulmani. Questa nuova religione aiuterà l'Europa a uscire dall'inferno medievale, le guerre di religione si concluderà e le porte verso il cielo e di nuovi pianeti saranno aperti. Come Dio vuole! INTRODUZIONE Ho bisogno di te, giovane e ambizioso. Hai un futuro. Questo è per voi tutto quello che io farò. Tu mi devi aiutare. Non hanno i soldi. Lo so. Non avrò ottenuto i soldi dai presidenti eletti dai ladri e le persone corrotte. Non bisognano - di me persone di chiesa. Sia cristiana e islamica. Hanno le loro Bibbie e ti insegnano che Dio non invierà nessun altro. Tutte quelle persone mi venderanno, come gli apostoli vendevano Gesù Cristo in loro soccorso. Sono ancora giovane e ambizioso. Voglio sposarmi entro la fine del mese (24) con Romina (24). I giovani devono popolarizzare, distribuire le mie idee e anche me assistere finanziariamente. Che non faranno i media (corrotto). Che tutti stanno lavorando per proteggere lo status quo, che ora è. La paura della punizione. Sono come gli apostoli, che temevano essere puniti dai Romani. Saranno in silenzio, simili a quelli che si consideravano meglio di Giuda. In realtà, è la vergogna di parlare di loro. Aiutami - sarò la tua guida, il Re del tuo Regno di Dio. Così Dio vuole! Signore e Signori La mia situazione è drammatica. La situazione è così male che devo camminare in chiesa e chiedere loro circa il pezzo di pane. L'appartamento non ha di energia elettrica e subito spegneranno il telefono. Il proprietario ha preso il mio passaporto, quindi non potevo scappare. Non fuggiro, perché non ho soldi. Devo pagar mille euro. il proprietario ha preso il mio passaporto, quindi non potevo scappare. Non fuggiro, perché non ho soldi. Devo pagar mille euro. L'ultimi soldi ho dato la mia ragazza. Dovremmo sposarsi e ho speso a questo scopo circa due mila euro. Ho comprato per lei anelli di fidanzamento e tante altre cose: alcune paia di scarpe, vestiti, cosmetici, orologi, cellulare e così via. Io davo i soldi per tutte le cose mi domandava di comprare per lei. Infine, è stato un incontro con la madre e il fratello. La ragazza ha preso il mio cellulare, ha preso i soldi per la sistemazione e abbiamo deciso di vivere insieme. Poi tutti scomparsi. Ho fatto denuncia alla polizia. So che la polizia ha parlato con lei e sanno dove vive. Le mie lettere al primo ministro non hanno dato nessun risultato. Io aspettavo nell'appartamento dove non dovrei vivere e ora il padrone di casa vuole che io lo paghi mila euro. Se io non pagherò durante la settimana, mi arresteranno e chiuderanno in prigione e dopo due anni di lavoro, sarò in grado di rimborsare il debito. Cosa fare? Uccidermi? Entro una settimana io non gli darà i soldi. Da dove posso ottenerlo? Mi sento come Gesù Cristo nell'Ultima Cena. Abbandonato da tutti i suoi apostoli, che lo guardavano. Se egli sfuggirebbe essi sarebbero stati arrestati dai Romani. Hanno dovuto passarlo nelle mani dei Romani, per salvare se stessi. Dopo aver lasciato la tomba andato. Come poteva più trattare con le persone che lo hanno venduto. Mi rivolgo ora a voi, per aiutarmi a uscirne e continuerò a lavorare per voi. In caso contrario, sarò crocifisso, e questa sarà la fine.

Cordiali saluti

Edward Signore e Signori

Ho spedito ai presidenti, ai parlamenti e ai governi d'Europa e altri continenti il mio progetto. Propongo di creare una sorta di ordine - dei Cavalieri della Croce e della Spada. Crociati. Simile a quello che abbiamo avuto nella storia. Solo la religione sarà un po 'diverso. Noi apriremo una nuova Chiesa di Dio. La prima operazione sarà di aiutare il Centro Europa. Centro sarà in Polonia. Loro azioni saranno di trovare infetti, malati, come omosessuali, assassini, tossicodipendenti e altri. Essi saranno trasferì a centri di trattamento. Infected vivono insieme con gente sana. Noi tutti andiamo verso l'autodistruzione. Ogni giorno più persone infette. Deviazioni dalla natura saranno trattati al di fuori dell'Europa in Russia. Inoltre, essi dovranno lavorare in cantieri di Capitol del Regno di Dio. Che sarà molto utile per loro trattamento. La Russia ha un sacco di aree libere. Ho chiesto al loro governo di aiutare nel progetto. Loro mi aiutaranno! Sono sicuro! Non prigioni. Non persone malate liberi nel pulita Europa! Noi tutti sono persi. Che facciamo niente per cambiarla. I persone malate teniamo in gabbie come animali! E 'contro le leggi della natura e di Dio! Noi li aiuteremo. Dio mi ha nominato per salvare entrambi, persone malate e sani! Credimi o chiedi quelli che conoscono più! Dopo il centro, l'azione sarà presa nel resto d'Europa. Il quartier generale dell'Ordine di Dio sarà in Polonia. Esattamente nel luogo dove c'era l'Ordine Teutonico. Resurrezione dei crociati! Sono tenuti ad aiutare l'Europa infetta. Suggerisco di creare il Regno d 'Europa e Russia - Regno di Dio. Questo permetterà lo sviluppo rapido e sicuro in tutti gli ambiti della vita in questa regione. Siamo ancora nel medioevo. Mille anni fa! In ritardo. Si può vedere ovunque. Dobbiamo andare fuori di esso più presto possibile! Bisogno di grandi organizzazioni mondiali, università, scuole, aziende. Bisogno di te per supportare me. Fatelo per il futuro dei vostri bambini se non ne avete bisogno adesso! Bisogno di TV, radio, giornali, giornalisti, i registi. Bisogno di soldi e per ora non ho niente. Vedete mio resume, disegni e altre informazioni in allegato. Questa non è fantascienza. Che deve lavorare più velocemente! Datemi il vostro sostegno e io la farò. Dio vi benedica!


Nel caso se avete intenzione a partecipare a questo progetto - numero di conto 2252771618804, BC EURO CREDIT BANK SA, Chisinau, Moldova. Ricordate, per favore, non è per me personalmente. Questo è come un credito. Io sarò il Project Manager, guida e di più? Io credo in Dio e per questo io so che inizieremo presto! Ho il contratto con Dio. Aiutami! Dio ti aiuterà! Vedrete! Ho già visto in vita mia! Questo è il supporto del Progetto - Regno di Europa e Russia - Regno di Dio. Lo farò per voi! ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ???. ??????? ??? ??? ????? ????? ??. ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ????

Related Articles - Kingdom of Europe and Russia, Europe, Russia, religion,

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