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Judaism Articles and Ezines


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Showing 226 to 250 of 500 Articles in Judaism.
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226. Earlier - Prisons will be closed
December 13, 2012

The money from keeping prisons will be directed at construction of new objects in the Kingdom of Europe and Russia. Prisons will be closed. Prisoners taken away to Russia for the construction of capital of the Kingdom of God. Tenders will be organized, which will be attended mainly by companies from a country which will give the money for it. It will be at first phase Poland and then the next countries wishing to join the Kingdom. Will be constructed in this manner the various objects which will be later called the Polish, German and so on. Will not be able to take part in tenders, homosexuals... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

227. Earlier - There is no my girl
December 13, 2012

It is all my mistake. My account blocked. There is no my girl. I have no money. You do not need me. You do not want these ideas. You do not wish to clean up Europe. You have become accustomed to living in a swamp. Together with homosexuals, murderers, thieves, drug addicts. You do not feel nothing when you see on the streets the disabled, which no one can help. You are apathetic when you see beggars. You do not want to know how many people will die of hunger. You do not react Informed that Chinese people must kill unborn children. You have your money. God has chosen you, and you think that it ... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

228. Modern Day Surgical Procedures For Magical Beauty
December 13, 2012

A woman's grace lies in her beauty and appearance. Beauty is God given. However, appearance and presentation speak a lot about her. There are many women who are beautiful but due to hectic time schedules they cannot maintain their appearance. While there are women who do not have exceptional beauty or looks but using the modern beauty tools they look great. There are a number of beauty salons and spas opening up for providing beauty solutions. To further enhance the beauty women are now-a-days undergoing surgical procedures. To make their figure look appropriate and in sync w... (read more)

Author: Link Experts

December 12, 2012

Che cosa sanno di me i servizi segreti non può essere nascosta! E 'il momento di passare questo messaggio alla gente in tutto il mondo. È ora di passare l'informazione ai cristiani e musulmani. Se io dico che prima della scadenza dell 'anno sarò sul trono significa che lo stesso come Gesù disse della sua risurrezione. Quelli che avranno creduto e lo hanno dimostrato dando me quello che avevo chiesto saranno sulla prima riga. Quelli che non hanno creduto vedranno questo come gli apostoli avevano visto Gesù con ferite. Io li lascerò dietro di me nella parte posteriore, come Gesù aveva lasciato ... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

December 12, 2012

J'ai besoin de toi, jeune et ambitieux. Vous avez un avenir. C'est pour vous tout ce que je ferai. Vous devez m'aider. Vous n'avez pas d'argent. Je sais. Je ne vais pas gagner de l'argent partir des présidents élus par les voleurs et les corrompus. Ne pas besoin de moi les gens de l'église. Les deux chrétienne et islamique. Ils ont leurs bibles et vous enseigner, afin que Dieu n'enverra pas quelqu'un d'autre. Tous ces gens me vendre, comme les apôtres vendu Jésus-Christ à leur secours. Je suis encore jeune et ambitieux. Je veux me marier avant la fin du mois (24) avec Romina (24). Les jeunes d... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

December 12, 2012

¿Qué saben de mí los servicios secretos no se puede ocultar! Es hora de pasar este mensaje a la gente en el mundo. Es hora de pasar esta información a cristianos y musulmanes. Si yo digo que antes de fin de año voy a estar en el trono que significa lo mismo que Jesús dijo de su resurrección. Los que creian y se lo mostraban al darme lo que pedía será en la primera línea. Aquellos que no creian, veran esto como los apóstoles vieron Jesús con las heridas. Ellos se dejaran detrás de mí en la parte posterior como Jesús dejó los apóstoles y se alejó. Ellos caminarán como una loca y proc... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

232. Regatul al Europa si Rusia - Împaratia lui Dumnezeu cu Republica Moldova?
December 12, 2012

Doamnelor si domnilor Eu am trimis la presedintilor, parlamentelor si guvernelor din Europa si alte continente Project. Eu propun pentru a crea un fel de ordine - Cavalerii Crucii si Sabie. Cruciati. Similar cu ceea ce ne avut în istorie. Doar religia va fi un pic diferit. Vom deschide o noua Biserica de Dumnezeu. Prima sarcina va fi de a ajuta Europa Center. Centrul va fi în Polonia. Actiunile lor vor fi de a gasi persoane infectate, bolnave, homosexuali, criminali, dependenti de droguri si altele. Acestea vor fi mutate la centrele de tratament. Infectate sunt locuieste împreuna cu oa... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

233. El Reino de Europa y Rusia - Reino de Dios (Con las antiguas colonias de España! MEXICO?)
December 12, 2012

Juan. Muchas gracias por responderme! Reyes son elegidos por Dios - Los presidentes son elegidos por los ladrones y otra gente mala. Se por qué es malo en el país! Esa democracia - conduce a la aniquilación! Es por esto que necesario un rey. Después estará bajo la protección de Dios! El Señor te bendiga. Edward. Oh tú, de las antiguas colonias de Atila. Estás viviendo un delirio mesiánico que no va a llegar a nada. El hombre debe cambiar desde adentro. Si de veras eres cristiano, siembra la palabra de Dios Padre y Cristo HIjo en el corazón de tu prójimo. Eso dar... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

234. Filozofia komunistycznej dzungli
December 11, 2012

Po wycieciu wszystkich wysokich drzew i wszystkich przeciwnikow z dolu mozna bylo zaczac cos robic. Zasada bylo, ze wszystko na jednym poziomie. Nikomu nie wolno bylo przekroczyc dopuszczalnej granicy. Symbolicznie na pierwszym miejscu klasa robotnicza. To tylko symbolicznie. W rzeczywistosci na pierwszym miejscu byli pastuchy. Klasa robotnicza to tylko krowy, ktore nalezalo namowic do roboty. Trzeba bylo umiec doic te krowy. Pastuchow wybierano na zebraniach partyjnych. Tam wlasnie pastuchy pokazywali, jak umieja mowic. Prawie starozytna Grecja i Rzym. Stad pozniej rozwinela sie architektura ... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

December 10, 2012

Matthew 3:12 "… His winnowing fork is in His hand, and he will clear his threshing floor and gather His wheat into the barn, but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire." A king gave a very expensive coat to his son. The very ungrateful and careless prince spoiled the coat within a very short time. The king replaced the expensive coat with an even more expensive one. To the disappointment of the king, his son quickly soiled the second coat even more than the first one. The king then had prepared for the prince the most exquisite garment one could weave. He hired the best tailors ... (read more)

Author: Patrick Lumbroso

236. Is Right now a Proper Season To Buy Your Dream House in Vienna ?
December 10, 2012

The real estate property market in Northern Virginia stayed fairly stable throughout the recent financial meltdown and is also well positioned for emergence in times to come. Even though many parts of the states, just like the Midwest as well as the Deep South, have suffered drops in home selling price ranges of over 58%, home in Northern Virginia have only decreased between 5 and 24 percent. Price ranges of Mason Neck Single Family Homes For Sale have now recovered to levels similar to those of 2000. While towns in other parts of the nation have lost jobs and income, the DC suburbs... (read more)

Author: Stepanie Cluff

December 09, 2012

Matthew 24:15 So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand) … From Cain to Nebuchadnezzar, everyone who tried to conquer the Jewish, the People of the Covenant, did it forcefully through land and military conquest. In his Jewish Antiquities, Flavius Josephus gives a detailed account of Alexander the Great's visit to Jerusalem and the transpiring events that caused him not to invade and destroy it. Even though Alexander the Great did not conduct a military campaign against Jerusalem, the Hellenic emp... (read more)

Author: Patrick Lumbroso

December 07, 2012

Matthew 7:6 "Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you." Until this day, we Jews are persecuted for our stubborn adherence to the tenets of the Torah. We always hope that if we could get people to understand It better, they would understand, so we try to teach it to them. Ironically, our Master used the Biblical Instruction of feeding ritually unclean meat to dogs (Exodus 22:31) to give us a warning about the dangers of teaching Torah to the spiritually ignorant. In the following words Yeshua said, "... (read more)

Author: Patrick Lumbroso

239. Older texts - give me a political asylum
December 03, 2012

Dear Madams Dear Sirs I am asking USA to give me a political asylum. Help me, please, to move to your country and remain there for constantly. Help me, please, changing polish citizenship on the American. I have stopped my Project and want never go back to it. They used my girlfriend to totally destroy me. They made her prostitute and now they have found a younger boyfriend for her. Why they have done it to me? I hate Poland, Russia and all these countries. I want never go back after what happened here. I will be more helpful working in USA. I love USA , films, culture, style of li... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

240. Older texts - Just to you
December 03, 2012

A dog bit me in the leg, I can not shave the growing fast beard for several days and take a shower. God pushed me to the very bottom before this important task which I have to do – I have to be a beggar. Do I have to take pictures – here, people see me and can confirm. Cleans me. Dumps me down by different human hands and then the punishment of those who dropped me and do not understand what and why it was. Director of the project office in Poland released me from my work. They did not give me permission to design the architecture. Ill, lost weight, divorced and left the town. I later learned ... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

241. Older texts - final chance to convince me
December 03, 2012

26.06 2012 Daniel E. okay. i’m going to give you one final chance to convince me that your cause is a good one and that you deserve my money. go ahead. explain to me more about what you plan on doing. Hi Daniel, It’s a long story. I will try to shorten it up. In 2008, when I lost my work at Savant in Kazakhstan (the construction of the Asian Winter Olympic Games Center). They did not want to pay to me my money. I turned to the newspapers and to their government. Editor of newspaper “Caravan,” wrote an article on the whole page -. He had government permission – so he said to me. Then ... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

242. Older texts - My situation looks dramatically.
December 03, 2012

My situation looks dramatically. The situation is so bad that I have to walk to church and ask them about the piece of bread. The apartment not has electricity and soon going to turn off the phone. Yesterday, the owner took my passport, so I could not escape. Do not run away, because I have no money. I have to pay him one thousand euros. The last money I had took my girlfriend I had to get married and spent for this purpose about two thousand euros. I bought her engagement rings and lots of other things a few pairs of shoes, clothes, cosmetics, mobile phone and so on. I gave her cush for some ... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

243. Older texts - I am working according to God suggestions
December 03, 2012

I write these letters and still no results. Why? Do not you believe in God? Do you? If so, you must know that I am working according to God suggestions. You do not believe that I was sent here by him. OK! Ask those who will tell you all about it. They knew that, soon after my birth. These are the special services of …. ….. I have no contact with them and do not need to have it. I do not know who they are. I was in Kazakhstan and called me an agent of England offered a job in Poland. Why should I go back? I did not want. In Kyrgyzstan, they have stolen my documents with luggage and I had to ret... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

244. Older texts - the silence of the sheep
December 03, 2012

I do not know what are you waiting for – the silence of the sheep. It was so good to you. Europe gave money for roads. In short – the chosen ones of God. You did not know why. And it is all God has planned. Also these roads. How can the center of Europe not to have the best roads in Europe? It’s all waiting for. Again, those who do not believe in God laugh at what I say. Let them laugh while they still can. Later, in Russia, making them familiar with working with God. Will build the temple, as the slaves built the pyramids in Egypt. This is my interpretation of your history from yours universi... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

245. Older texts - I am a man sent by God
December 03, 2012

Your silence is for me a confirmation that you agree and waiting for next instructions. Your parliaments and presidents will never approve. I am a man sent by nature – by God. Just as He sends you the seasons of the year and the other things so has sent me unto you. He did not ask you whether you want to. He does not ask you whether you want an earthquake. You can not interfere with him in any way. Outside our world came to terms that would send me and I will do the right thing. If someone it all blocks will be use other possibilities of Nature – devastating. Without human participation – eart... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

246. Now a days anytime one can find highly sought after most women dress in jerseys are usually now bei
November 30, 2012

Thanks to a strong weekend in sales, Elite Nike NFL Jerseys Washington Redskins rookie quarterback Robert Griffin III now has the league's top selling jersey, according to the NFL, quoting sales from its official online store, RG3 surpassed Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, who had been in the top spot. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, who is first among players who aren't wearing new jerseys this season, comes in at No. 3. NFL's Best Selling Jerseys Player Team 1. Robert Griffin III Redskins 2. Peyton Manning Broncos 3. Aaron Rodgers Packers... (read more)

Author: 2012 lili

247. California Electrical Schooling
November 29, 2012

Do I need an electrical training? In California, electrical education from an institute approved because of the California Division of Apprenticeship Specifications is necessary. You'll be violating state legislation if you do not hold a certificate accepted because of the state entire body and couldbe disciplined. How do When i complete electrical installer schooling? It's important to detect a good start approved beneath the particular area legal guidelines. Receiving ones Colorado electrical training from your suitable bring is important because this helps anyone succeed in any rough m... (read more)

Author: Almenda Eddie

248. Earlier texts - Der Deutsche Bundestag, Regierung, Deutschland
November 29, 2012

Der Deutsche Bundestag, Regierung, Deutschland Heute habe ich an die Zustimmung des polnischen Präsidenten, Parlament und Regierung meinem Projekt von Aufbau eines neuen Europas zu präsentieren. Im ersten Schritt schlage ich vor, die Schaffung der Ritter, auf dem Gebiet der Marienburg, wo es war einst die Kreuzritter. Dort wurde in Marienburg und anderen Städten blieben bis heute die historischen Burgen der Ritter, die Deutsch gesprochen. Der Orden, die ich vorschlage wird verantwortlich für die Reinigung der Mitte Europas sein. Abweichungen von der Natur wie Homosexualität, Drogensucht, ... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

249. Earlier texts - Para los Jefes de Estado
November 29, 2012

Para los Jefes de Estado Queridos Señoras Estimados Señores Mi situación es dramática. La situación es tan mala que tengo que caminar a la iglesia y preguntar acerca de la pieza de pan. El apartamento no tiene electricidad, y pronto va a apagar el teléfono. Ayer, el propietario tomó mi pasaporte, así que no podía escapar. No huyas, porque no tengo dinero. Tengo que pagarle mil euros. El último dinero que tenía llevé a mi novia que tenía que casarse y pasó para este fin alrededor de dos mil euros. Compré su anillos de compromiso y un montón de otras cosas, u... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

250. Earlier texts - To the Heads of States
November 29, 2012

Dear Madams Dear Sirs My situation looks dramatically. The situation is so bad that I have to walk to church and ask them about the piece of bread. The apartment not has electricity and soon going to turn off the phone. Yesterday, the owner took my passport, so I could not escape. Do not run away, because I have no money. I have to pay him one thousand euros. The last money I had took my girlfriend I had to get married and spent for this purpose about two thousand euros. I bought her engagement rings and lots of other things a few pairs of shoes, clothes, cosmetics, mobi... (read more)

Author: Wieslaw Edward Loboda

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