Brief outline of cancer from smoking The adverse effects of smoking ultimately lead to cancer on a widespread scale. Cancer from smoking is usually a habit that is started during adolescence due to peer pressure. Advertising also depicts cigarette smoking in a very glamorous way. Cancer from smoking leads to many types of cancers such as lung cancer, oral cancer, stomach, bowel, cervical, bladder and also skin cancer. According to recent research, there is a very strong link between smoking and cancer. The tobacco fumes that are inhaled contain numerous types of cancer-containing agents. Once you inhale a puff of tobacco smoke, the fumes spread through your entire body affecting all the sense organs. Dangerous chemicals are released when you inhale the smoke. The effect of the various chemicals in combination is definitely more dangerous than a single chemical. The different types of additives such as chocolate, vanilla, liquorices, sugar, herbs and spices make sure that smokers find it tough to leave smoking. The additives are not potentially dangerous or toxic. In this way, cancer from smoking starts by spreading slowly. This poison thereby affects the various sense organs in the body. Different types of cancer from smoking Smoking is the cause of multiple health issues such as heart diseases, bronchitis, emphysema, stroke, and rise in infertility, premature delivery, miscarriages and fetal deaths. The SIDS syndrome that is sudden infant death syndrome and also low birth weight in newborn babies is also considered as an effect of smoking. Secondhand smoke or passive smoking among adults and children is a mixed form of two types of smoking. They are smoke exhaled by a smoker and also smoke which is inhaled from a lighted pipe or cigar. The effects of passive or involuntary smoking is just as powerful as smoking directly. It also leads to breast cancer. Smoking cigarettes and cigars is strictly prohibited in public places and at workplaces in general so as to neutralize the effects of cancer from smoking due to secondhand smoking. Specifics of tobacco Some essential tobacco facts are given as detailed. Tobacco consists of dry tobacco leaves and additives added for flavor and taste. The chemicals present in the tobacco are extremely toxic and contain cancer-aiding agents. Ingredients such as carbon monoxide, ammonia and tar are included in tobacco. Cancer-causing agents in tobacco destroy genes that aid in cell growth, the result would be that they grow abnormally or grow too fast. The different types of tobacco are cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, filterless cigarettes, tar cigarettes and black cigarettes. Tobacco is a slow-acting drug where its effects are not immediate. It takes about a month or so to become addicted to smoking. How nicotine determines smoking Nicotine is an addictive drug that is present in tobacco that makes it tough for smokers to lay off smoking. One of the important tobacco facts is that nicotine is an ordinary substance that is normally present in most food substances, such as in tomatoes and eggplants but when it is part of a cigarette; its properties lead to a serious health issue. It is a known fact that smokers usually smoke when they are tense or need to relax and the presence of nicotine usually aids in stimulation. leena Mathew is an author for (, one of the best information center for use of eCigarettes, benefits of eCigarettes, how smokeless eCigarettes helps in lowering cancer or lung failure situations. She is writing articles on Cancer from smoking from many years.
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