For some people, it’s very hard to accept that their teeth are not completely white, but slightly yellowish. Furthermore, the teeth naturally get darker as different factors further stain the teeth. Certain food and drinks can cause the teeth to stain, as well as liquor, tobacco and even medication. If you want to have a good set of shiny white teeth, then you need to remember the following tips: Your first line of defense against tooth staining is maintaining good oral hygiene. Regular brushing removes leftover food from the teeth, preventing bacteria from building up and staining the teeth. Flossing is effective at removing bits of food stuck between the teeth. Change your regular toothpaste to whitening toothpaste. This can help improve your tooth color by a bit, but don’t expect any major changes. Make sure that the toothpaste is approved by the American Dental Association. Some unaccredited toothpaste brands are known to use abrasives, which can actually cause more harm than good, since they damage the teeth’s surface enamel. Pay regular visits to your dentist and have your teeth cleaned thoroughly. Denver teeth whitening experts say that these are great for getting rid of tooth stains on the outside layer of the teeth. However, these won’t do much against discoloration caused by pigments inside the tooth. You have to resort to more direct methods for dealing with internal discoloration. Teeth whitening Denver experts can offer you two teeth-whitening options: at-home treatment, or clinical treatment. At-home treatment involves wearing a mouth guard with bleaching gel for a couple of hours a day for a span of two to three weeks. On the other hand, clinical treatments involve using light activated bleaching gel to whiten the teeth in less than 2 hours. If the discoloration is too severe for either whitening method, Denver tooth whitening experts suggest getting dental veneers to cover up the stains. Veneers are custom fitted shells permanently attached to the teeth using resins, enhancing the overall look of the smile. However, since this is the most expensive and invasive option, this is often used only as a last resort.
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