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Highly Contagious Itchy Skin Parasites by Richard Kuhns

Highly Contagious Itchy Skin Parasites by
Article Posted: 07/19/2010
Article Views: 686
Articles Written: 129
Word Count: 858
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Highly Contagious Itchy Skin Parasites

There are some skin parasites that are so itchy and bity that they practically drive you crazy.

A lady writes, "We were at a restaurant. I used a toilet and came in contact with some water on the seat. They say you can't get diseases from toilet seats, but I disagree. Within minutes I began to itch on my buttocks where I came in contact with the water.

It was a persistent itch. Later, to get some relief, I went to the restroom again and scratched my skin where I itched with my finger nails.

The relief was temporary. But what was more frightening is that where ever I touch myself--forehead or arms with my fingernails began itching.

Later I took a shower hoping for some relief and after wards noticed that the shower spread them all over my skin. It was relentless and developed into a biting sensation.

Within a couple days, my husband and ten year old son were also suffering with itching and biting.

An emergency visit to the doctor proved rather useless. He had no idea what the problem was or if there really was a problem. He prescribed Elemite cream and it helped a little bit for a couple days and then the itching returned.

I'm at wits end and don't know what to do. Can you help me?"

This too often is the kind of email I receive. This is the first one about a toilet seat. This lady is describing a highly contagious skin parasite. I don't believe the parasite was transmitted by the water on the seat but rather by the seat itself. Whenever someone affected by this type of parasite comes in contact with a surface for more than a few moments that surface becomes infected. The surface could be a chair, sofa, bed, car seat, or in this case a toilet seat.

The next warm blooded animal (in this case a human) that comes in contact with that surface becomes infected.

What is this parasite? Generally this could be one of two different parasites.

Most typically it would be collembola (also know as spring tails). There are six thousand species of spring tails (a microscopic organism that feeds on decaying matter). Generally they are found outdoors and are an important organism to get rid of decaying matter such as dead leaves and grass and as such are not usually found on living organisms.

Unfortunately there is at least one specie that has developed a taste for humans. The problem is that there are no diagnostic tests available for someone infected and there is no known medical treatment. Only a very limited number of doctors know of their existence.

This parasite can also be transmitted from one infected animal such as a cat, dog, rodent, bird, human and so on to another animal.

The other parasite that can be transmitted this way is Strongyloides stercoralis. It's a nematode (small worm) that is generally transmitted by fecal matter. But because the cycle of the parasite moves from internal to the skin of the affected animal, it can also be transmitted from touch of one animal to another just as with the collembola.

It can also be transmitted by an infected surface such as a toilet seat.

Over the years I've heard of these parasites being transmitted by bed bugs, rat or mice mites, bird mites and one person claimed to simply be infected by sitting across from an infected person who was emitting spit as he talked.

Getting rid of the parasites can be a challenge as they quickly infest one's living quarters--bedding, furniture, autos, garages, walkways and so on. If you don't get rid of them, they can ruin your life professionally, socially and romantically.

Yet there is hope. First it's important to disinfect the environment and use bathing protocols to keep from being reinfected from external sources. But that does not keep the parasites from breeding on or in the host (the infected human).

The next step is to observe that certain foods seem to contribute to the formation of yeast in the body and on the skin. Although we have no proof, but it seems that yeast is food for the parasites.

The goal is to figure out which foods feed the parasites and which foods starve the parasites. The news is that diet has been discovered. Although it is a low glycemic anti yeast diet, it follows no particular theory. For instance, while rosemary and anisette may be acceptable on anti candida diets, both would activate these parasites.

Over the last ten years it has helped dozens and dozens of itchy skin parasite sufferers get their lives back to a normal life. If you google King diet, you'll find it in the top returns associated with skin parasites.

Richard Kuhns is a former parasite sufferer and the author of the new book, "Soothing the Itch Within and the Diet to Control It," at which provides bathing, disinfection and a diet for becoming itch symptom free of skin parasites. He is also the author behind the best selling self help cd's at and

Related Articles - collembola, Strongyloides stercoralis, spring tails, itchy skin parasites, skin parasites,

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