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Gardening Articles and Ezines


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Showing 101 to 125 of 500 Articles in Gardening.
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101. Snowing and Glowing in the Fairy Garden
February 25, 2020

The wind blows. The windows rattle. Snowflakes flurry through the air while icicles hang from the trees. Indoors, gardeners and their families seek refuge from the cold. In wintertime, the bright lights of home offer a warm and welcome respite from the snowy weather. In the fairy garden, the glow of a fairy house can do the exact same thing. The fairies and gnomes try to stay cheerful in the winter months. They bake sweet and spicy cookies. They go sledding up and down the small hills. They even make “snow fairies” in the snowbanks! But when it is time to come in from the cold, they love ... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

102. Dora Immune Plant Elicitor Harpin Protein Product
February 04, 2020

Dora Agri is the professional supplier and exporter of Harpin Protein based products (plant elicitor of disease resistance) for sale with five years of export experience. Our primary market is Central & South America, and Western Europe cooperated with powerful distributors. Dora Immune is our exclusive Harpin Protein based plant health regulators. This product contains Harpin and other natural organic matters. Usually, it acted as a plant health promoter activates a plant’s immune system, which triggers growth and defence genes. When Dora Immune contacts with plants’ receptors on ... (read more)

Author: Darren Chan

103. A White and Green Miniature Garden
February 04, 2020

Fairy gardens are full of colors. From the vibrant flower petals to the creative use of color on miniature accessories, a miniature garden can be like a rainbow, bringing life to a backyard, patio, porch, or container. Some gardeners carefully plan their fairy gardens to fit certain themes, such as Beach or Wild West. Others prefer them to grow organically, or even use their DIY skills to create magical, mystical miniature gardens. No matter how you like to design and grow your fairy garden, one important element that all gardeners should consider is color. Color options run the gamut fro... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

104. The Latest Miniature Gardening Trends for 2020
February 04, 2020

Can you believe it is already December again? Everywhere you look, you can find end-of-year wrap-ups, “best of” lists, and slideshows commemorating the most memorable events of 2019. The year came and went in a flash. No doubt, yours was filled with a mix of highs and lows, and peppered with adventures in the miniature garden. Did you try out any new plants? Add some new fairies or pixies? Perhaps you completely re-themed your raised beds or made a container garden for the first time. No matter what you accomplished in 2019, there is plenty to look forward to in the coming year. As garden... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

105. Last Minute Gift Ideas for Your Miniature Gardening Friends
January 06, 2020

Are you ready for the holidays? Are your presents wrapped and settled under the tree? Is the tree decorated? Wait—do you have the tree yet? Did you remember to flip the calendar over to “December”? If you are still getting in the swing of the season, have no fear. There is still time to shop for all of your miniature gardening friends and family members! Friends who love to garden will never tease you about a late gift, anyway. They know that the best and most beautiful things in life take time. If you are ready to dive into gift shopping, but do not know where to start, we can help! Take... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

106. What Are Bottle Brush Miniature Trees?
January 03, 2020

The bells are jingling and the elves are hard at work…it must be the holidays! As we step deeper into the season, it is time to add some wintry whimsy and fun to your home and miniature garden. We usually focus on live miniature plants and the miniature accessories that bring out the best in flowers, trees, ground cover plants, and shrubs, but today I would like to shed some light on a holiday favorite: bottle brush miniature trees. These faux trees get their name from a kitchen tool, the bottle brush. Of course, they are not really made out of bottle brushes. These durable faux miniature... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

107. Festive Tips for Decorating a Miniature Tree
January 02, 2020

The holiday season is one of the most magical times of the year. The temperature drops, the music on the radio changes, and everything is imbued with the Christmas spirit. There are relatives to visit, cozy scarves to wear, and gifts to exchange. Sure, it can be a little overwhelming at times, but gardeners know that winter is also the off-season in terms of weeding, watering, planting, and otherwise tending to outdoor gardens. For dedicated outdoor gardeners, winter signals a time to rest, reset, and enjoy time inside with friends and family. Of course, gardeners also know that it can be... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

108. Advantages of Organic Seaweed Fertilizer
December 30, 2019

What is Seaweed Fertilizer Seaweed fertilizer is an organic fertilizer produced by accurate processing of marine plant seaweed as the primary raw material. The main component is the natural organic active material extracted from kelp. What is seaweed fertilizer Most seaweed can grow to lengths of over 50 meters. Trace elements found in organic seaweed fertilizers include magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron and nitrogen—all of which are beneficial to plants. Seaweed fertilizer for sale Mechanism Seaweed fertilizer has a comprehensive regulation effect on the “crop-soil-fertil... (read more)

Author: Darren Chan

109. Farmhouse Décor in the Miniature Garden
November 27, 2019

When you think of the term “farmhouse,” what comes to mind? Maybe your memory races back to time spent on the farm as a child, running up the porch steps and into a big, airy home filled with light and love. Or perhaps you picture the rustic furniture, the well-worn rugs on wooden floors, and meals served around a long table. There is no wrong way to conceive of a farmhouse, and when it comes to farmhouse style, ideas and applications run the gamut. In general, farmhouse style usually includes a few of the following attributes: -Cozy, relaxing, and warm -Wood, steel, and other sturd... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

110. Inspirations for Holiday Miniature Gardening
November 21, 2019

That extra-special season is just around the corner. The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are dropping. Before we know it, it will be the holidays again! If you are like me, you might look forward to the holidays with a healthy mix of excitement and trepidation. You want the events to go well, the family members to get along, and the schedule to run smoothly. If you are a gardener, you probably also want the decorations and plants to look merry and bright. Preparing the fairy garden can be one of the most enjoyable parts of the holiday “getting ready” time. Have you made plan... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

111. Making Teacup Gardens with Children
November 15, 2019

Take a peek into the fairy garden this afternoon, and you might notice that it is tea time! The garden fairies love to get out their tea sets, pour some tea (or juice for those who have not quite grown to love tea), bake some cookies, and have an old-fashioned tea party. Tea time is a treat for fairies, gnomes, children, and miniature garden friends of all ages, especially if there are cookies, scones, or other delicious sweets involved. Searching for another way to celebrate tea in the fairy garden? Instead of filling miniature teacups with tea, consider filling them with fairy gardens. ... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

112. Pumpkins Galore in the Fairy Garden
October 24, 2019

What a beautiful fall afternoon! A gentle breeze is blowing. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. Outside, the fairies are wearing cozy sweaters and clutching cups of pumpkin coffee as they fly between red and orange leaves. Wait a second—fairies? Correct! Today we are visiting the fairy garden and taking a stroll to see all the latest “gourd-geous” autumn trends. Aside from fall-flavored lattes and lots of layers, there are plenty of delights in the miniature garden. Join us! As the leaves crunch under our delicate fairy boots, we make our way towards the Fairy Garden Pumpkin Patch, a... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

113. Spooktacular Miniature Garden Halloween
October 22, 2019

Trick…or treat? It is that time of year again. The costumes come out, the bags of candy hit store shelves, and everyone gets excited for some spooky, silly fun. Do you have plans for a Halloween-themed miniature garden? Autumn is an especially apt time to freshen up your garden beds and even create some new fairy gardens. Read on for tips, tricks, and treats for building the spooktacular miniature garden you have been dreaming about. Garden Ghosts and Other Friends One quick and easy way to add some Halloween spirit (or spirits) to your miniature garden is to make room for new gard... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

114. Beauveria Bassiana Poducts Bed Bugs Control
October 15, 2019

Beauveria Bassiana fungus is a fungus that grows naturally in soils around the world. Acting as a parasite on various arthropod species, causing white muscardine disease; It widely used as a sprayed biological insecticide to control a great many pests such as bed bugs, termites, thrips, whiteflies, aphids, and different beetles. Once Beauveria Bassiana infects the host insects, the fungus grows fast inside of the insect’s body. Feeding on the nutrients present in the host’s body and producing toxins continuously. (read more)

Author: Darren Chan

115. Helpful Tips for Designing a Shingletown Fairy Garden
September 30, 2019

“Bonk!” Did you hear that? It is the sound of an acorn on the fairy house rooftop. In the fall, acorns drop from the trees and roll down the shingled roofs, making the most satisfying little noises. It is almost as if teeny-tiny fairies are tap-dancing up there. Could it be? Maybe! Okay, okay, so there may not be acorns raining down on the miniature garden, but a shingled rooftop on a fairy house can create an entire world of sights, sounds, and style. The Shingletown Miniature Houses have an entirely unique look. Instead of thatched roofs, stones, or other popular styles, these fairy hou... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

116. Good Quality 98%TC NAA 1-Naphthylacetic Acid Supplier
September 26, 2019

Dora Agri-Tech is one of the biggest 1-Naphthylacetic Acid suppliers, we exported to South America and Western Europe for many years about 30mt per year. Due to the stable quality and competitive price. best lawn fertilizer 1-Naphthylacetic acid is a broad-spectrum auxin plant growth hormones, which can enter the plant body through plant leaves and reach vigorous growth parts together with the nutritions conduction. NAA can promote root differen... (read more)

Author: Darren Chan

117. What is the best fertilizer for your lawn?
September 24, 2019

What is the best lawn fertilizer 1. Elements Fertilizer Grass needs enough amount of nutrients, water and sunshine to sustain life and grows healthily and green. The importance of fertilizer is the same as water, air, and temperature in the soil. Most fertilizers all contain three different nutrients: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. best lawn fertilizer Nitrogen Nitrogen plays a critical role in the process of photosynthesis, It promot... (read more)

Author: Darren Chan

118. What I Learned About Birdhouses in a Fairy Garden
September 20, 2019

“Chirp!” “Twee!” “Screet!” Do you hear that? It must be the sound of birds. Perhaps they are calling out to one another or letting us know that they are hungry and would like some birdseed. Their sing-song voices are delightful to hear, no matter the season. If you are an avid gardener in the fairy garden or miniature garden, you have no doubt heard the call of birds in your own yard. Birds of all shapes, sizes, and colors love to spend time around trees, flowers, and other living things. The more you plant, the more you can expect to see birds and insects make their way into your outdoor... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

119. Different Symptoms | Early Blight & Late Blight
September 16, 2019

Early blight and late blight are the most common diseases on tomato & potato. They usually take huge losses to farmers. Although the names of the two diseases are the only one-word difference, some growers do not know exactly about the difference between early blight and late blight. First, we need to how to recognize their symptoms. What’s the difference between early blight and late blight? Different Causes Early blight is caused by two different closely related fungi, Alternaria tomatophila, and Alternaria solani, which lives in soil and plant debris. Late blight is ca... (read more)

Author: Darren Chan

120. Amazing Air Plant Displays
September 16, 2019

Amazing Air Plant Displays You already know that miniature gardens take time, effort, and plenty of care. They need to be watered and given just enough sunlight. In order to thrive, miniature plants need healthy, rich soil and occasional fertilizing. Would you believe it if you saw a plant that did not need soil, and only required a little moisture? A plant you could hang on the wall, grow in a teeny-tiny jar, or even scatter across a table? Air Plants and Air Plant Care It must be your lucky day, because we are taking on the exciting and sometimes mysterious world of air plants... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

121. Recreate Your Favorite Books in a Fairy Garden
September 04, 2019

What could be better than curling up with your favorite book? Well, curling up in the miniature garden, of course! Reading outside, especially in sunny weather, is both relaxing and fun. Unfortunately, not all readers have year-round mild weather or a screened-in porch. What’s a book-lover and outdoor enthusiast to do? If you can’t take your books into the garden, you might has well create a garden oasis that celebrates books. With a few easy steps, you can recreate your favorite books, scenes, and characters in the fairy garden. Whether you want to make a container garden or larger minia... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

122. Best way to increase root growth
September 02, 2019

4 ways to promote root growth 1.Essential Nutrients Supply Phosphorus potassium &Nitrogen are the essential nutrients to support root growth for plants. They encourage plants to put down a dense collection of new roots and strengthen existing roots as they develop. Phosphorus helps establish healthy root systems at the beginning of growth. And promotes root growth, flowering and fruit setting. Potassium can thicker plants cell walls. It will increase plants tolerance to stresses and promote root growth. 2.Root Stimulators Hormones Auxin is a plant horm... (read more)

Author: Darren Chan

123. Gifting a Winter Container Garden
August 30, 2019

After all the autumn leaves have been raked away, the garden beds prepared for cold temperatures, and the last crumbs of the pumpkin pie have been gobbled up, the gardeners retreat from their fall miniature gardens and turn their attention to the next few months of winter. With the shorter days come winter plants, winter container gardens, and the bustling holiday season. Longtime gardeners also know that holiday-time is not the end of gardening. The lifestyle lives on with winter flowering plants, winter container gardens, and miniature gardens that are themed for the season. Another fun... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

124. Preparing for Winter in the Fairy Garden
August 24, 2019

As the days grow shorter and the temperatures drop, those with miniature container gardens will start scaling back their plans for summer gardening and begin preparing the fairy garden plants for fall and winter. While a fairy garden may seem delicate, as it is can be full of sparkling fairy wings, graceful baskets, and gentle plants, a hardy miniature garden ensures that the hobby survives all year long. So, how do you ready your container garden for winter? You do not start in the middle of the snowy season. In fact, it is best if you begin preparing your winter container garden even be... (read more)

Author: Florence Blum

125. How can we prevent soil salinization?
August 20, 2019

What’s Soil Salinization Soil salinization is one of the most vital soil problems for agricultural production. Salinization refers to the salt content of the level affecting agricultural and environmental health. Soil salinization usually occurs in arid areas, In these areas, soluble salt ions accumulate in the soil. In these areas where plant growth requires irrigation, the Evaporation and transpiration process leaves salt in the soil. In the beginning, salts will reduce soil productivity and limits crop yields. As the salt content increases, it kills the vegetation and soil mi... (read more)

Author: Darren Chan

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