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Soyuz 5 by srf asgas

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Soyuz 5 by
Article Posted: 07/20/2010
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Articles Written: 515
Word Count: 1224
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Soyuz 5

Business,Business News,Business Opportunities
Launching Cosmonaut
Landing Cosmonaut
Boris Volynov
First spaceflight
Flight Engineer
Aleksei Yeliseyev
First spaceflight
Research Engineer
Yevgeny Khrunov
First spaceflight
Backup crew
Launching Cosmonaut
Landing Cosmonaut
Anatoli Filipchenko
Flight Engineer
Viktor Gorbatko
Research Engineer
Valeri Kubasov
Reserve crew
Launching Cosmonaut
Landing Cosmonaut
Anatoli Kuklin
Flight Engineer
Vladislav Volkov
Research Engineer
Pyotr Kolodin
Mission parameters
Mass: 6,585 kg (14,520 lb)
Perigee: 196 km (122 mi)
Apogee: 212 km (132 mi)
Inclination: 51.7
Period: 88.6 minutes
Space walk
Yeliseyev and Khrunov - EVA 1
EVA 1 Start: January 16, 1969
EVA 1 End: January 16, 01:15 UTC
Duration: 37 minutes
Mission highlights
Soyuz 5 was piloted by Commander Boris Volynov and carried flight engineers Aleksei Yeliseyev and Yevgeny Khrunov as crew to be transferred to the Soyuz 4 for reentry. The mission plan contained scientific, technical, and medical-biological research, testing of spacecraft systems and design elements, docking of piloted spacecraft, and transfer of cosmonauts from one craft to another in orbit.
Volynov remained behind on Soyuz 5, and returned to Earth in a remarkable re-entry. The service module of the Soyuz failed to separate after retrofire, but by that point it was too late to abort. While this had occurred on various Vostok and Voskhod flights, it was a much more serious problem for Volynov, as the Soyuz service module was much larger than the small retropack the earlier vehicles employed.
When the Soyuz started aerobraking in the upper reaches of the atmosphere, the combined spacecraft sought the most aerodynamically stable position - nose forward, with the heavy descent module facing directly into the air stream with only its light metal entry hatch at the front to protect it. The gaskets sealing the hatch began to burn, filling the compartment with dangerous fumes. The deceleration, while normal for reentry, pulled Volynov outward against his harness rather than against the padded seat. Fortunately, as the thermal and aerodynamic stresses on the combined craft increased, struts between the descent and service modules broke off or burned through before the hatch failed. The descent module immediately righted itself once the service module was gone, with the heat shield forward to take the brunt of re-entry.
There was one final problem in store for Volynov when the parachute cables partially tangled and the soft-landing rockets failed, resulting in a hard impact which broke his teeth. The capsule came down in the Ural Mountains 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) southwest of Kustani, near Orenburg, Russia, far short of its target landing site in Kazakhstan. The local temperature was 38 C (36.4 F), and knowing that it would be many hours before rescue teams could reach him, Volynov abandoned the capsule and walked for several kilometers to find shelter at a local peasant's house. It would be seven years until Volynov flew again, on Soyuz 21.
A similar incident occurred decades later with Soyuz TMA-11, though the latter's landing was not as rough.
EVA details
The mission had EVA objectives similar to those planned for Apollo 9. Soyuz 4 launched first, and was the active vehicle in the docking with Soyuz 5. The news agency TASS stated that: "there was a mutual mechanical coupling of the ships . . . and their electrical circuits were connected. Thus, the world first experimental cosmic station with four compartments for the crew was assembled and began functioning."
Moscow TV carried the cosmonauts' EVA preparations live. Khrunov and Yeliseyev put on their Yastreb ("hawk") suits in the Soyuz 5 orbital module with aid from Commander Boris Volynov. Yastreb suit design commenced in 1965, shortly after Alexei Leonov's difficult EVA. Leonov served as consultant for the design process, which was complete during 1966. Suit fabrication and testing occurred in 1967, but the Soyuz 1 accident in April of that year and Soyuz docking difficulties on the Soyuz 2 and Soyuz 3 missions delayed their use in space until Soyuz 4-Soyuz 5. To prevent the suit ballooning, Yastreb used a pulley-and-cable articulation system. Wide metal rings around the gray nylon canvas undersuit's upper arms served as anchors for the upper body articulation system. Yastreb had a regenerative life support system in a rectangular white metal box placed on the chest and abdomen to facilitate movement through Soyuz hatchways.
Volynov checked out Khrunov and Yeliseyev life support and communications systems before returning to the descent module, sealing the hatch, and depressurizing the orbital module. Khrunov went out first, transferring to the Soyuz 4 orbital module while the docked spacecraft were out of radio contact with the Soviet Union over South America. Yeliseyev transferred while the spacecraft were over the Soviet Union. They closed the Soyuz 4 orbital module hatch behind them, then Soyuz 4 Commander Vladimir Shatalov repressurized the orbital module and entered to help Khrunov and Yeliseyev get out of their suits. The spacewalkers delivered newspapers, letters, and telegrams printed after Shatalov lifted off to help prove that the transfer took place. Soyuz 4 and 5 separated after only 4 h 35 min together.
See also
Extra-vehicular activity
List of spacewalks
Soviet moonshot
External links - Encyclopedia Astronautica on Soyuz 5
^ "Baikonur LC1". Encyclopedia Astronautica. Retrieved 2009-03-04. 
v  d  e
Soviet Moon-landing (N1-L3) and Moon-flyby (UR500K-L1) manned space programs
Soyuz docking tests
Soyuz 1, Soyuz 2, Soyuz 3, Soyuz 4, Soyuz 5, Soyuz 6, Soyuz 7, Soyuz 8
Zond (Soyuz 7K-L1) Lunar flyby missions
Kosmos 146, Kosmos 154, Zond 1967A, Zond 1967B, Zond 4, Zond 1968A, Zond 1968B, Zond 5, Zond 6, Zond 1969A, Zond L1S-1, Zond L1S-2, Zond 7, Zond 8, Zond 9, Zond 10
LK Lander (T2K) test missions
Kosmos 379, Kosmos 398, Kosmos 434
N1 rocket, Proton rocket, Zond (Soyuz 7K-L1), L3: LOK (Soyuz 7K-L3) + LK Lander, Block D
v  d  e
Soyuz programme
Soyuz 7K-OK (19661971)
1  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
Soyuz 7K-OKS (1971)
10  11
Soyuz 7K-T (19731981)
12  13  14  15  17  18a  18  21  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40
Soyuz 7K-TM (19741976)
16  19  22
Soyuz-T (19761986)
T-2  T-3  T-4  T-5  T-6  T-7  T-8  T-9  T-10-1  T-10  T-11  T-12  T-13  T-14  T-15
Soyuz-TM (19862003)
TM-2  TM-3  TM-4  TM-5 TM-6  TM-7  TM-8  TM-9  TM-10  TM-11  TM-12  TM-13  TM-14  TM-15  TM-16  TM-17  TM-18  TM-19  TM-20  TM-21  TM-22  TM-23  TM-24  TM-25  TM-26  TM-27  TM-28  TM-29  TM-30  TM-31  TM-32  TM-33  TM-34
Soyuz-TMA (2003)
TMA-1  TMA-2  TMA-3  TMA-4  TMA-5  TMA-6  TMA-7  TMA-8  TMA-9  TMA-10  TMA-11  TMA-12  TMA-13  TMA-14  TMA-15
TMA-16  TMA-17
TMA-18  TMA-19  TMA-01M  TMA-20  TMA-21  TMA-02M  TMA-22  TMA-03M  TMA-04M  TMA-05M
Kosmos 133  Kosmos 140  Kosmos 186  Kosmos 188  Kosmos 212  Kosmos 213  Kosmos 238  Soyuz 2  Kosmos 379  Kosmos 396  Kosmos 398  Kosmos 434  Kosmos 496  Kosmos 573  Kosmos 613  Kosmos 638  Kosmos 656  Kosmos 670  Kosmos 672  Kosmos 772  Soyuz 20  Kosmos 869  Kosmos 1001  Kosmos 1074  Soyuz T-1  Soyuz TM-1
Categories: Manned Soyuz missions

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